Robbery: (1) Devil; (2) The result of disobedience/sin; (3) Inviting demonic interference; (4) Failure to t.i.the; (5) Cursed; (6) Not having the right to something; (7) Denial of G.o.d; (8) Pending destruction; (9) Fornication; (10) Election rather than recognized G.o.dly appointment of leadership; (11) Robber"s chance for redemption.

Also see Steal and Thief (1) John 10:10; (2) Lev. 26:21-22; Isa. 42:24; (3) Amos 3:10-11; Matt. 12:29; Mark 3:27; (4) Mal. 3:8-9; (5) Mal. 3:9; (6) Phil. 2:6; (7) Ps. 62:10, 12b; Prov. 28:24; (8) Prov. 21:7 (KJV); Isa. 17:14; (9) Hos. 6:9; (10) John 10:1-2; Rom. 13:1; (11) Ezek. 33:15-16; (cf. Luke 19:8-9).

Robot: (1) Programmed person; (2) Religious (mechanical) person; (3) Without heart (heartless); (4) Person with technological skills.

(1) Matt. 16:22-23; Rom. 12:2; (2) Mark 7:3-9; (3) Matt. 15:8; Mark 12:2833; (4) 1 Chron. 22:15b; Song. 7:1b.

Robotics: (1) Technology; (2) Computing/internet; (3) Electronic gadgetry; (4) Human-made.

(1-4) 1 Chron. 22:15b; Song. 7:1b.

Rock/s: (1) Christ; (2) G.o.d; (3) G.o.d"s Word or revelation (rhema); (4) Human hearts as the natural place of worship (the true altar); (5) Hardened hearts; (6) Word-doer; (7) Christ as an offense or stumbling stone; (8) Hiding place, refuge, or fortress; (9) Foundation of the Church; (10) Salvation; (11) Hope; (12) Strong/strength; (13) A solid and secure foundation; (14) False G.o.ds; (15) Barren (as in the top of a rock); (16) Place of destruction for the children of Babylon.

(1) Exod.17:6; Num. 20:8, 10-11; (also see Seven); 1 Cor. 10:4; (2) Deut. 32:4, 18, 30; 1 Sam. 2:2b; 2 Sam. 22:2-3, 32; Job 29:6; 39:27-30; Ps. 18:2, 31; 28:1; 42:9; 61:2; 78:35; 92:15; Song. 2:14; Isa. 51:1; (3) Matt. 7:24; 16:18; (4) Job 28:5-11; John 4:24; (1 Sam. 14:4; Bozez and Seneh possibly represent David and Saul; Bozez means "shining" and Seneh means "thorn"); (cf. Judg. 6:20-21, 26, 13:19); (5) Luke 8:6, 13; Jer. 5:3 (see Face); Jer. 23:29; (6) Matt. 7:24; (7) Isa. 8:14; Rom. 9:33; 1 Pet. 2:8; (8) Exod. 33:21-22; Num. 24:21; 1 Sam. 13:6; 1 Sam. 23:25; 24:2; Ps. 27:5; 31:3; 71:3; 94:22; Jer. 49:16; (9) Matt. 16:18; (10) Deut. 32:15; Ps. 18:46; 62:2a, 6; 89:26; 95:1; (11) Job 14:18-19; (12) Ps. 19:14b (see marginal note), 31:2 (KJV); 62:7; Isa. 17:10 (KJV); (13) Ps. 40:2; Matt. 7:24; (14) Deut. 32:31, 37; (15) Ezek. 26:14; (16) Ps. 137:8-9; (cf. Ps. 91:12).

Rocket: (1) Powerful ministry; (2) Quickly established; (3) Growing quickly. Also see Bomb and Missile.

(1-2) Gen. 41:14; (3) As in, "taking off like a rocket."

Rocking Chair: (1) Spiritual retirement.

(1) Gen. 27:1-4, 21 (cf. Gen. 35:28-29 & 48:10-21).

Rock *n" Roll: (1) Rebellion; (2) Witchcraft; (3) s.e.xual fornication; (4) Anger; (5) Spiritual warfare (worship).

(1-2) 1 Sam. 15:23; (The foundation of rock *n" roll is rebellion. See the DVD Bells 2 by Eric Holmberg if you want to explore rock"s roots); (3) Prov. 30:19b; (5) Ps. 144:1; 2 Cor. 10:4.

Rocky Road: (1) Double-mindedness (unstable path); (2) On shaky ground (or going through shaking); (3) Going through a rough patch; (4) Journey with a hardened heart.

Also see Road.

(1) James 1:8; (2) Ps. 18:7; (3) Prov. 13:15; Isa. 63:17; (4) Hos. 10:12.

Rod: (1) Discipline; (2) Judgment; (3) Dominion or rule; (4) Word of G.o.d (as a divider); (5) Jesus Christ; (6) Protection.

Also see Staff and Stick.

(1) Ps. 23:4; Prov. 13:24 (NKJV); Rev. 2:27; (2) Exod. 7:19; 8:5, 16; 9:23; 10:13; Ps. 2:9; (3) Exod. 17:9-11; Rev. 12:5; 19:15; (4) Exod. 4:17; 7:10; 14:16; 17:6; (5) Exod. 7:10, 12 & John 3:14; (6) Ps. 23:4.

Roll (verb): (1) To have the heart moved; (2) To move or be moved; (3) Removing the heart"s hardness; (4) Mourning (rolling on the ground); (5) Moving on in G.o.d (changing).

Also see Circle, Round, Square, and Wheel.

(1) Matt. 28:2 (an earthquake); Mark 16:3-8; Luke 24:2; (2) Rev. 6:14 (KJV); (3) Gen. 29:3; (cf. Deut. 10:16 & Josh. 5:8-9; Jer. 4:4); (4) Mic. 1:10-11; (5) Josh. 5:8-9.

Roller Coaster: (1) Life out of controla"up and downa"carried by circ.u.mstance; (2) Unstable; (3) Emotionally-driven; (4) Trials; (5) A call for preparation of heart (repentance); (6) Lifting despair and humbling pride.

(1-3) Ps. 109:23 (KJV); (4) James 1:2, 6; (5) Isa. 40:3-4 & Mark 1:4; (cf. Acts 13:24); (6) Luke 3:4-6.

Roller Blades/Skates: (1) Free-spirited or in the Spirit; (2) Young Christian; (3) On a roll (when preaching); (4) Out of control.

Also see Scooter and Wheels.

(1-2) Ezek. 1:20; John 21:18; (3) Rom. 10:15; (4) James 1:8.

Roof: (1) Spiritual leadership; (2) Covering and protection (authority structure); (3) Preaching platform; (4) Reference to a household (those under one roof); (5) High profile; (6) Determined faith; (7) Peak of your ministry; (8) Refuge.

Also see Ceiling.

(1) Acts 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:2; (2) Gen. 19:8; (3) Matt. 8:8-9; Matt. 10:27; (4) Matt. 8:8; (5) Exod. 17:9; 1 Sam. 26:13; Prov. 8:2a (KJV); Ezek. 31:3; (6) Mark 2:4-5; (7) 2 Sam. 11:2a; (8) Prov. 21:9; 25:24; Isa. 22:1.

Roof (Leaking roof): (1) Indicates wrong authority structures; (2) Wrong covering.

(1-2) Luke 5:17-19.

Rooms: (1) Chambers of the heart; (2) Mental strongholds; (3) Position or place; (4) Storage areas (memory); (5) History or generations (compartments of time); (6) Periods of time (i.e. years); (7) Departments.

Also see House, Mansion, and Upper Room.

(1) 1 Kings 6:5; Neh. 10:37-39; 13:4-5, 7-9; (cf. 1 Cor. 6:19); (2) 2 Cor. 10:4-5; (3) 1 Kings 2:35 (KJV); Prov. 18:16; Matt. 23:6 (KJV); Luke 14:7-10 (KJV); (4) Luke 12:17; (5) 1 Kings 8:20; 19:16 (KJV); Walking backward through rooms is going back through generations or time; (6) Acts 24:27 (KJV); (7) 1 Kings 20:24 (KJV).

Rooms (Large Room): (1) Blessing or fruitfulness.

(1) Gen. 26:22; Ps. 31:8 (KJV); Mal. 3:10.

Rooms (No Room): (1) Difficulty or discomfort; (2) Poor; (3) Prosperity or abundance.

(1) Mark 2:2; (2) Luke 2:7; (3) Mal. 3:10.

Rooms (Spinning Room): (1) Turmoil; (2) Sickness; (3) Drunkenness.

(I) 2 Cor. 6:5 (tumult); (2) Luke 13:11; (3) Ps. 107:27.

Root: (1) Heart; (2) Foundation; (3) Jesus Christ; (4) Past ancestry/heritage; (5) Stronghold; (6) Evil heart; (7) Bitter heart; (8) The remnant; (9) Love; (10) That which is the foundation of fruit; (11) That which taps into G.o.d"s Word; (12) The righteous; (13) Soul-tie.

Also see Uprooted.

(1-2) Job 29:19; Matt. 13:6; 15:8, 13; Eph. 3:17; (3) Isa. 53:2; Rev. 5:5; 22:16; (4) Isa. 11:1; (5) Heb. 12:15; (6) 1 Tim. 6:10 (love of money); (7) Deut. 29:18; Heb. 12:15; (8) 2 Kings 19:30; Isa. 27:6; (9) Eph. 3:17; (10) Prov. 12:12; Matt. 3:10; (11) Job 29:19; Jer. 17:8; Ezek. 31:7; (12) Prov. 12:3; (13) Exod. 20:5.

Rope: (1) Bound; (2) Influenced by (being pulled); (3) Influencing (pulling); (4) Noose; (5) Strength in unity (three-fold cord); (6) Being held back; (7) Being tied down; (8) Having a few "loose ends" (trailing rope); (9) Sin; (10) If you are tied to something or someone, it can refer to a soul-tie (positive or negative); (II) Renewing the mind (cutting a rope [soul-tie]); (12) Dependency.

Also see Bound, Cord, Leash, Loosing, and Thread.

(1) Judg. 16:11-12; (2-3) Isa. 5:18; Acts 27:30-32; (4) (5) Matt. 27:5; (6) Eccl. 4:12b; (7) Acts 24:27; Gen. 49:11; (9) Isa. 5:18b; (10) Gen. 44:30 (parent-child); 1 Sam. 18:1 (friends); 1 Cor. 6:16 (s.e.xual partners); (11) Rom. 12:2; (12) Acts 27:32.

Rose/s: (1) Jesus; (2) The Church; (3) Love; (4) Beauty; (5) Death (black roses). (1-3) Song. 2:1; (5) Isa. 9:2.

Rot: (1) Curse/d; (2) Wickedness; (3) Consume; (4) Diseased; (5) Cancer; (6) h.e.l.l.

(1) Num. 5:21-22, 27; Joel 1:17 (KJV); (2) Prov. 10:7; (3) Job 13:28 (KJV); (4-5) 1 Sam. 5:6 (NKJV); Job 13:28 (KJV); (6) As in, "Go rot in h.e.l.l!"

Rough: (1) Unprepared or untilled heart; (2) Harsh; (3) Attire of a prophet.

(1) Luke 3:5 (cf. 3:9); Deut. 21:4; Isa. 40:4; (2) Gen. 42:7; 1 Sam. 20:10; 1 Kings 12:13; (3) Zech. 13:4 (KJV); Matt. 3:4; Mark 1:6; Rev. 11:3.

Round: (1) G.o.d; (2) Of G.o.d; (3) Speaks of cutting away the flesh; (4) Changed or changing.

Also see Circle, Roll, Square, and Wheel.

(1) Rev. 4:2-3; (2) Gen. 9:13; (3) Josh. 5:8-9; (4) Josh. 5:9.

Roundabout: (1) Experience a turnaround of the situation; (2) Turn from fleshly into spiritual or vice versa; (3) Repentance; (4) Change of direction; (5) Going around the mountain.

(1-2) Matt. 9:22; 16:23; (3) Luke 17:4; Acts 26:20; (4) Deut. 2:3; (5) Deut. 1:6.

Rowboat: (1) Ministry or life of self-effort; (2) Need for the Holy Spirit; (3) Going backward; (4) Old or limited thinking; (5) Not changing or adapting.

See Rowing.

Rowing: (1) Self-effort or doing things in your own strength; (2) Opposing the Holy Spirit (going against the wind).

Also see Boat and Canoe.

(1) Mark 6:48; (2) John 3:8.

Rubber Band: (1) Stretching the truth (exaggeration); (2) Not really letting go; (3) Bouncing back; (4) Falsely bound.

(1) Gen. 20:10-12; (2) Gen. 19:26; 30:25-27; (3) Luke 22:32; (4) Rom. 8:1-2.

Rubber Boots: (1) Protection from Sin.

(1) Ps. 18:36.

Rubbish: (1) Religious achievement (dead works); (2) Product of the world; (3) Fleshly build-up; (4) That which needs discarding; (5) That which putrefies if not emptied out; (6) That which gets in the way; (7) That which accompanies someone who has been burned.

Also see Dung, Garbage, and Urination.

(1-5) Phil. 3:4-8; (6) Neh. 4:10; (7) Neh. 4:2.

Rubbish Bag/Bin: (1) Heart filled with worldly/religious philosophies; (2) Sinful heart; (3) Removing sin (taking out the rubbish bag).

(1) Phil. 3:8; (2) (Matt. 12:34 & 15:18); (3) Phil. 3:8; 2 Pet. 1:9.

Rubbish Truck: See Garbage Truck.

Ruby: (1) Jesus Christ; (2) Heart; (3) Wisdom; (4) Virtuous wife; (5) Priceless; (6) Precious; (7) Incomparable; (8) Red.

Also see Precious Stones, Red, and Treasure.

(1) Prov. 31:10 (the price paid for the Church); (2) Prov. 31:10-11; (3) Job 28:18; Prov. 3:13, 15; 8:11; (4) Prov. 31:10; (5) Job 28:18; (6) Prov. 3:15; (7) Prov. 8:11; (8) Lam. 4:7.

Ruddy (facial skin): (1) Spiritually strong; (2) Healthy; (3) Young.

(1-2) Lam 4:7; Song. 5:10; (3) 1 Sam. 16:12; 17:42.

Rug: (1) Looking for guidance (a fleece); (2) Foundation; (3) Undermined; (4) Purging (rug cleaning).

(1) Judg. 6:37; (2) Eph. 6:11-14 (we are to stand on foundational truth); (3) As in, "having the rug pulled out from under you"; (4) Matt. 3:12a; Luke 3:17a.

Ruin: (1) Pride; (2) A flattering mouth; (3) Need to be born again; (4) Disobedient heart (not doing the Word); (5) Iniquity; (6) Judgment.

Also see Run-Down House.

(1) Prov. 16:18; Ezek. 31:9-13; Jer. 50:32a; Hos. 5:5 (KJV); 1 Tim. 3:6; (2) Prov. 26:28; (3) Acts 15:16; Amos 9:11; Gen. 12:8 & 13:3 (consider that Ai means "heap of ruins" and Bethel means "house of G.o.d"); (4) Luke 6:44-49; (5) Ezek. 18:30; (6) Isa. 23:13, 25:2.

Ruler (Measuring): (1) Someone or something used to bring order; (2) Judgment. Also see Measuring Tape.

(1) 1 Cor. 11:34; 14:40; (2) Isa. 11:4.

Run-Down House (Collapsing): (1) Laziness; (2) Lazy Christian; (3) Sin; (4) Not looking after yourself; (5) No self-control.

(1-2) Eccl. 10:18; (3) Amos 9:10-11; (4) 1 Cor. 6:19-20; (5) Prov. 25:28.

Running: (1) The race of faith; (2) Hurry; (3) Fearful (running away); (4) Meet (run toward); (5) Engage (run toward); (6) Being self-willed/self-driven; (7) Courage; (8) Showing eagerness/commitment; (9) Greed (running after); (10) Searching (running to and fro); (11) Attack; (12) Natural or spiritual strength; (13) Abundance/overflow (running over); (14) Sure-footedness; (15) To seek after; (16) Contend (a "run in with"); (17) Be unstoppable; (18) To gather (running together); (19) Disciplined; (20) Your mission; (21) Have an alliance with (to run with); (22) Outrun your enemies.

Also see Chasing, Hiding, Hurry, and Runner.

(1) Gal. 5:6-7; Heb. 12:1-2; (2) Gen. 18:7; Judg. 13:10a; (3) Judg. 7:21 (defeat); 9:21; (4) Gen. 18:2; 24:17; 2 Kings 4:26; (5) 1 Sam. 17:48; (6) 2 Sam. 18:2324; Rom. 9:16; (7) 2 Sam. 22:30; Ps. 18:29; (8) 1 Kings 19:20; Luke 19:4; John 20:4; (9) 2 Kings 5:20-21; Jude 1:11; (10) 2 Chron. 16:9; (11) Job 16:14; Acts 7:57; (12) Ps. 19:5; Isa. 40:31; (13) Ps. 23:5; 78:15; 119:136; 133:2; Luke 6:38; (14) Prov. 4:12; (15) Song. 1:4; Isa. 55:5; (16) Job 15:26; Jer. 12:5; (17) Joel 2:7; (18) Acts 3:11; (19) 1 Cor. 9:24-27; (20) Gal 2:2; Isa. 40:31; Phil. 2:16; (21) 1 Pet. 4:4; (22) 1 Kings 18:46.

Running water: (1) Living water (The Holy Spirit).

Lev.14:5-6, 50-52 (two birds = two heavenly beings = Jesus and the Holy Spirit); Song. 4:12, 15; Isa. 44:3; Jer. 2:13; 17:13; John 4:10-11; 7:38-39; Rev. 7:17.

Runner: (1) Entrant in the race of faith; (2) Discipliner of the flesh; (3) Waiter on G.o.d (stamina); (4) Greed; (5) Sinner; (6) Messenger; (7) Herald.

Also see Running.

(1) Gal. 2:2; Heb. 12:1-2; (2) 1 Cor. 9:24-27; (3) Isa. 40:31; (4) Jude 1:11; (5) Prov. 1:16; 6:18; (6) 1 Sam. 4:12; 17:17; 2 Sam. 18:19-23; Jer. 51:31; (7) 1 Sam. 8:11.

Rust: (1) Decay; (2) Corruption; (3) Earthly treasures; (4) Need for heavenly treasure; (5) Without discipline (needing maintenance); (6) Lacking character; (7) Cancer; (8) Greed; (9) Old issue (rusty).

(1-4) Matt. 6:19-20; James 5:3 (KJV); (5) Eccl. 10:18; (7) James 5:3; (8) Matt. 6:19; James 5:3; (9) Matt. 6:19-20 & Heb. 8:13 (KJV).

RV: (1) Family unit (vehicle); (2) Recreation; (3) Holiday; (4) Relaxed.

Also see Automobile and Trailer.

(1-4) Mark 3:31-32; 6:31; Luke 9:10.

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