(1) John 13:4; (2-3) Matt. 6:28-30; (4) Matt. 9:16.

Shoe: (1) Gospel; (2) Word; (3) Walk; (4) Preparation; (5) Authority; (6) Ministry.

(1, 4) Eph. 6:15; (2) Ruth 4:7; (3) Deut. 25:4-10; (5) Luke 15:22 (Sons wore shoes; slaves did not); (6) Rom. 10:15.

Also see Ballet Shoe, Sandal, Slippers, and Walking.

Shoes Off: (1) Holy ground/G.o.d"s Presence; (2) Not prepared; (3) Communion; (4) Affecting your work for G.o.d; (5) Walking in the flesh; (6) Disgraced; (7) Testimony; (8) Enslaved.

(1, 3) Exod. 3:5; Josh. 5:15; (2) Eph. 6:15; (4) Deut. 25:4-10; (5) Rom. 8:1, 4; 2 Cor. 10:2; 2 Pet. 2:10; (6) Deut. 25:9; (7) Ruth 4:7-8; (8) Isa. 20:2-4.

Shoes (Pair): (1) Witness (as in two words); (2) Balance; (3) Covenant.

(1) See Two and Shoe; (2) 2 Sam. 23:12; Prov. 3:3-4; (3) Amos 3:3; Ps. 86:11; Ruth 4:7-10.

Shoes (Two Pairs): (1) Two different aspects of the same walk (i.e. different person at home compared to outside).

(1) Ruth 1:15-16.

Shofar: (1) Prophet; (2) Prophetic voice.

Also see Horn and Trumpet.

(1) As one who has had the flesh cut out that the breath of G.o.d may flow through them; (2) Josh. 6:8.

Shooting: (1) Damaging words; (2) Rifle shooting means words spoken against you from afar; (3) Rifle can also mean words spoken against you distant in time (i.e. from your childhood); (4) Confronting or penetrating words to your face.

Also see Arrows, Bullets, Gun, and Sniper.

(1-3) Ps. 22:7-8; 64:3-4, 7-8; Isa. 54:17; (4) Ps. 22:7-8.

Shop: (1) Ministry; (2) Church; (3) Spiritual (food) supplier; (4) Materialistic church; (5) Commercial church; (6) Business.

Also see Butcher"s Shop, Hardware Store, and Shopping Center.

(1-2) Jer. 3:15; Matt. 13:45; (3) Mal. 3:10; 1 Pet. 5:2; (4) John 2:16; (5) 1 Pet. 5:2; Rev. 18:3, 11; (6) Gen. 43:4.

Shoplifter: See Thief.

Shopping Cart: (1) Agenda (something you are trying to fulfill); (2) Provision; (3) Poverty/famine (empty cart); (4) Searching (shopping around); (1) John 1:13 (will of people); (2) Deut. 26:2; 1 Kings 4:22ff; (3) Jer. 42:14; (4) Matt. 7:7.

Shopping Center: (1) Multi-faceted commercial church.

(1) Matt. 21:12-13.

Shopping Trolley: See Shopping Cart.

Short: (1) Little time; (2) Brief or briefly; (3) Soon (Lord"s return); (4) Humble; (5) Sin; (6) Missing G.o.d"s best; (7) Restless; (8) Insufficient; (9) Powerless (short arm or hand); (10) Soon angry (short-tempered).

(1) Rev. 12:12b; (2) Ps. 89:47; (3) 1 Cor. 7:29; (4) 1 Sam. 15:17 (cf. Acts 13:9); (5-6) Rom. 3:23; (7) Heb. 4:1; (8) Isa. 28:20; (9) Num. 11:23; Isa. 50:2; 59:1; (10) t.i.t. 1:7; James 1:19.

Shoulder: (1) Burden; (2) Authority; (3) Responsibility; (4) Bearing or carrying (5) Rank (height); (6) Reminder (memorial); (7) Departure (worldly goods on shoulder); (8) Rebellion (turning or shrugging the shoulder); (9) Putting your back into it (commitment); (10) Hurt the fatherless (arm falls off); (11) Redeemed (laid on shoulder); (12) Ignoring someone (cold shoulder).

(1) Gen. 12:6 (Shechem means "burden"); 2 Chron. 35:3; Isa. 10:27; Matt. 23:4; (2) Isa. 9:6; (3) Gen. 9:23; 21:14; Num. 7:9; Isa. 9:6; (4) Gen. 24:15; Judg. 16:3; 1 Chron. 15:15; Isa. 46:7; (5) 1 Sam. 9:2; 10:23; (6) Exod. 28:12; Josh. 4:5-7; (7) Exod. 12:34; (8) Neh. 9:29 (KJV); Zech. 7:11; (9) Job 31:36; Luke 9:62; (10) Job 31:21-22; (11) Luke 15:5.

Shout: (1) Joy or rejoicing; (2) Triumph; (3) Battle (can be the shout of victory or defeat in battle); (4) Praise; (5) a.s.sociated with the presence of G.o.d or at the entrance of a king (praise or triumph).

(1) Ezra 3:11-13; Ps. 5:11; 35:27; (2) Josh. 6:5, 16, 20; Ps. 47:1; (3) Exod. 32:17-18; Job 39:25; Amos 1:14; (4) Ezra 3:11; Isa. 44:23; (5) Num. 23:21; 2 Sam. 6:15; Ps. 47:5; Isa. 12:6; 1 Thess. 4:16.

Shovel: (1) Need to empty; (2) Labor or works; (3) Speaks of winnowing or separation; (4) Digging deeper in G.o.d (shoveling); (5) Faith.

Also see Digging and Spade.

(1) Exod. 38:3; (2-3) Isa. 30:24; (4) Gen. 26:15, 18; (5) Matt. 17:20; 21:21; 1 Cor. 13:2.

Shower (Bathroom): (1) Cleansing; (2) Seeking cleansing in words (i.e. confession); (3) The Holy Spirit; (4) Human-constructed and controlled spiritual flow.

(1) John 13:10; (2) John 15:3; 17:17; 1 John 1:9; (3) Isa. 44:3; Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17; (4) Matt. 23:4, 15.

Shower (Rain): (1) Blessing; (2) G.o.d"s favor; (3) G.o.d"s strength; (4) Teaching; (5) Poor and needy (a wet person); (6) Softened hearts (soil); (7) G.o.d coming down; (8) Judgment for wickedness (withheld showers); (9) The remnant of Jacob; (10) Latter rain; (11) G.o.d"s Word.

Also see Cloud and Rain.

(1) Ezek. 34:26; (2) Prov. 16:15; (3) Job 37:5-6; (4) Deut. 32:2; (5) Job 24:4, 8; (6) Ps. 65:10; (7) Ps. 72:6; (8) Jer. 3:1-3; (9) Mic. 5:7; (10) Zech. 10:1; (11) Isa. 55:10-11.

Showing Off: See entry 3 under Tricks.

Shrek: (1) Anger problem (ogre/tyrant); (2) Demon.

(1) 1 Sam. 20:30; (2) Mark 5:2ff.

Shrimp: See Crab and Lobster.

Shrine: (1) Place of idolatrous pilgrimage; (2) Place of false worship.

(1) 2 Kings 10:29; Ps. 97:7; (2) Deut. 8:19; Rom. 1:25.

Shrinking: See Smaller.

Shrub: See Bush.

Shutters: (1) Shutting out the glory; (2) Not prepared/able to receive the glory; (3) Spiritual blindness.

(1-2) Exod. 34:30, 33-35; 2 Cor. 3:15; (3) Rom. 1:21; 2 Cor. 3:14; Eph. 4:18.

Sick: (1) Sin; (2) Parts of the anatomy may refer to structures within a family, church, business, group, or nation (i.e. a head wound may indicate a sick leader, hands may relate to workers, etc); (3) Lacking spiritual well-being; (4) Actual physical ailment; (5) In need of healing; (6) Hope deferred; (7) Lovesick; (8) Lacking self-examination.

(1) Mark 2:17; Luke 5:20, 23-24, 31-32; John 5:14; James 5:14-15; (2-3) Isa. 1:5-6; (3) Matt. 10:7-8; (5) Matt. 4:24; 8:16; (6) Prov. 13:12; (7) Song. 2:5; 5:8; (8) 1 Cor. 11:28-30.

Side: (1) Heart (the birth place of faith); (2) G.o.d"s side or the enemy"s; (3) Wife/ husband; (4) Next to; (5) Equal; (6) Support; (7) Strengthen; (8) Surrounded (every side); (9) Internal or external; (10) Choice; (11) This side or that of eternity (river sides); (12) Vexed (thorn in side); (13) Uncommitted (as in "beside" or "apart from"); (14) Out-of-body experience (beside yourself).

Also see Other Side, Right and Left, North, South, East, and West.

(1) Gen. 6:16; Exod. 32:27 (the sword comes from the heart); John 19:34; 20:20, 25, 27 (cf. Gen. 2:21-22); Acts 12:7; (2) Exod. 32:26; Josh. 24:15; Ps.

118:6; 124:2; Eccl. 4:1; (3) Ps. 128:3 (KJV); Gen. 2:21-22; (4) Matt. 13:1 (KJV); (5) (Ps. 110:1 & Phil. 2:6); (6) Exod. 17:12; (7) Acts 12:7; (8) Luke 19:43; (9) 2 Cor. 7:5; (10) Josh. 24:15; (11) Num. 32:32; Deut. 1:1; (12) Num. 33:55; (13) Rev. 3:15; (14) 2 Cor. 12:2.

Sideburns: (1) Heading toward maturity (not yet a beard).

(1) 1 Sam. 17:33; 1 John 2:13.

Sidewalk: See Footpath and Pavement.

Sieve: (1) Judgment; (2) Shake; (3) Test of the heart.

(1) Isa. 30:27-28; Amos 9:9-10; (2-3) Luke 22:31-32.

Signature: See Signed.

Signs: (1) Miracles; (2) Word/message/voice; (3) Confirmation/witness/evidence; (4) Divider; (5) Indicator; (6) Signal; (7) Directional pointer; (8) Warning; (9) Declaration; (10) Memorial/reminder; (11) End times/indication of His return.

(1) Deut. 7:19; 13:1-2; Matt. 12:38-39; Mark 8:11-12; Acts 2:43; 4:30; (2) Exod. 4:8-9, 17; Ezek. 12:6, 11; 24:24; Luke 11:30; John 20:30; (3) Exod. 4:28, 30; 13:9; 31:13-14; Num. 14:11; 1 Sam. 10:2-9; 1 Kings 13:3; 2 Kings 20:8-9; Isa. 7:11, 14; 19:20; Mark 16:17, 20; John 2:18; 6:30; Acts 2:22; (4) Gen. 1:14; Exod. 8:23; 31:17; (5) Exod. 10:1-2; Judg. 6:17; 1 Sam. 14:10; Matt. 16:1-4; 24:3; Mark 13:4; Luke 2:12; 21:7; (6) Judg. 20:38; Matt. 26:48; (7) Exod. 13:9; Deut. 6:8; 11:18; (8) Num. 26:10; Matt. 24:3; (9) Ezek. 24:24; John 19:19-22; (10) Josh. 4:6-7; Isa. 55:13; Ezek. 20:12, 20; (11) Matt. 16:3; 24:30; Mark 13:4.

Signed: (1) Sealed agreement; (2) Confirmed authority; (3) Ownership; (4) Miracle (signature of the Spirit); (5) Token (seal of authenticity); (6) Confirmation of G.o.d"s Word.

(1-2) Dan. 6:8-12, 17; (3) 1 Cor. 16:21; Gal. 6:11; (4) Rom. 15:19; Heb. 2:4; (5) 2 Thess. 3:17; (6) Mark 16:20.

Also see Shaking Hands.

Silhouette: (1) Profile; (2) Exposure; (3) Eclipse; (4) Outline; (5) Icon.

(1) 1 Sam. 9:2; Matt. 23:5; (2) Job 20:27; (3) Ezek. 32:7; (4) Matt. 23:5b; (5) Matt. 22:20-21.

Silk: (1) Honor; (2) Glory; (3) Opulence; (4) Seduction; (5) China.

Also see Fabric.

(1-2) Gen. 41:42; (3) Luke 16:19; (4) Prov. 7:16-18; (5) By a.s.sociation (silk road/routes).

Silver: (1) Redemption; (2) Redemption money; (3) Second; (4) Secondary cla.s.s.

(1-2) Exod. 30:11-16; 36:24 (Silver (redemption) is the foundation of the Christian); There is no record of silver in Heaven, we do not need redeeming in Heaven; Matt. 27:3-9; (3-4) 1 Kings 10:21.

Silver Cord: (1) Life and death; (2) Spinal column.

(1-2) Eccl. 12:6-7.

Sim Card: (1) Heart.

(1) Matt. 12:34.

Singing: See Music.

Sink (Bathroom/Kitchen): See Washbasin.

Sinking: (1) Death of a ministry/relationship/chapter in one"s life; (2) Death; (3) Judgment; (4) Struggling in faith (fearful); (5) Overwhelmed (positive or negative); (6) Sometimes this can be a positive sign as it may mark the end of a facet of the old self.

(1-3) Gen. 7:20-22; Exod. 15:5, 10; 1 Sam. 17:49; 2 Kings 9:24; Ps. 9:15; (4) Matt. 8:24-26; 14:30-31; (5) Luke 5:7; (6) Rom. 6:3.

Sister: (1) The Church; (2) Kindred spirit (person, city, province, nation); (3) Fellow believer; (4) One"s natural sister; (5) Wisdom; (6) Judah and Israel (sisters).

(1) Song. 4:9-10, 12; 5:1-2; (2) Jer. 3:8; Ezek. 16:45ff; 23:1-4; (3) Matt. 12:50; Rom. 16:1; 1 Cor. 7:15; 1 Tim. 5:2; James 2:15; (4) Mark 6:3; (5) Prov. 7:4; (6) Jer. 3:7-8, 10.

Sister-in-Law: (1) Legalistic or religious church; (2) Religious female; (3) One"s natural sister-in-law.

See Sister.

Sit/ting: (1) Authority; (2) Finished work; (3) Rest; (4) Judgment; (5) Position; (6) Honor; (7) Doing business.

Also see Bench.

(1) Eph. 2:6; Rev. 2:13 (KJV); Rev. 13:2 (KJV); (2) Ps. 110:1; Heb. 10:11-14; (3) Ruth 3:18; 2 Sam. 7:1 (KJV); Zech. 1:11 (KJV); (4) Matt. 19:28; Rev. 4:2-3; (5) Eph. 2:6; (6) Matt. 23:6; (7) John 2:14 (cf. NKJV & KJV).

Six: (1) Human; (2) Humanity in independence and opposition to G.o.d (flesh or sin); (3) Human labor contrasted with G.o.d"s rest; (4) Not of G.o.d; (5) Rest (six full days bring us to seven: rest); (6) Works.

(1) Gen. 1:26, 27, 31 (humanity created on sixth day); John 2:6; (2) John 19:14-15; (3) Exod. 20:9; 21:2; 23:10-12; 31:15; 34:21; 1 Kings 10:19; (4) Luke 23:44-45; (5) Ruth 3:15-18; (6) Luke 13:14.

Sixteen: This number is derived three ways: (1) 4 x 4 = 16, as such it means a double emphasis of the rule of humanity (abomination); (2) 2 x 8 = 16, as such it means renewal of relationship with G.o.d because of the Word of redemption, or a.s.sociation of resurrection; (3) 10 + 6 = 16, as such it means the complete order of humanity.

(1) 2 Kings 13:10-11; 16:2-3; (2) Exod. 26:25; 36:30; 2 Kings 14:21; 15:2-4, 33-34; 2 Chron. 26:1, 4; (3) Josh. 15:41; 19:22.

Sixty: (1) Completion of the flesh.

Also see Six and Ten.

(1) As the product of 6 and 10.

Skateboard: (1) Youth ministry; (2) Use of gifts (tricks); (3) Spirit (wheels); (4) Immature path.

(1) Isa. 40:30-31; (2) Ps. 71:17; (3) Ezek. 1:20; (4) 1 Cor. 13:11.

Skeleton: (1) Without the Spirit of G.o.d; (2) Dead/death; (3) Fear; (4) Framework; (5) Famine (black skeleton).

Also see Skin and Skull.

(1-2) Ezek. 37:7-9; (3) Ps. 64:1 & 1 Cor. 15:26; (cf. Deut. 20:3; Josh 10:25); (4) Ps. 139:15; (5) Lam. 4:8-10; 5:10 (KJV).

Transparent Skeleton: (1) Spirit being; (2) Evil spirit.

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