(1-2) Job 4:15-16.

Skiing: (1) In the Spirit (water skiing); (2) Moving by faith (water skiing); (3) Carried by the Glory of G.o.d (snow skiing).

Also see Snowshoes.

(1) John 6:19; 21:18b; (2) Matt. 14:29; (3) See entry 3 under Snow.

Ski Lodge: (1) Church in the Glory; (2) Heaven.

Also see Snow.

(1-2) Dan. 7:9; (Mark 9:3 & 2 Pet. 1:17); Rev. 1:14.

Skin: (1) Covering; (2) The flesh; (3) A life; (4) Clothing; (5) Narrowest margin (skin of the teeth); (6) Troubled heart (emaciated); (7) Indicative of the heart; (7) Wrath of G.o.d (old skin); (8) Famine (black skin).

Also see Emaciated.

(1) Gen. 3:21; Exod. 26:14; Ezek. 37:6, 8; (2) Lev. 13:2ff; (3) Job 2:4; 18:13; 19:26; (4) Job 10:11; (5) Job 19:20; (6) Job 19:20; Ps. 102:4-5; Lam. 4:8; (7) Jer. 13:23; (7) Lam. 3:4; (8) Lam. 5:10 (KJV).

Skinhead: (1) Rebellion; (2) Aggression; (3) Anarchy; (4) Anti-authority.

Also see Baldness, Gang, Teenager, and Youth.

(1-4) Num. 12:1-2; Prov. 30:11; Amos 3:10; Gal. 5:19-21.

Skinny: (1) Lacking the Word of G.o.d; (2) Spiritual poverty; (3) Poverty; (4) Famine; (5) Cursed (gaunt).

Also see Emaciated, Fat, and Thin.

(1-2) Amos 8:11; (3-4) Gen. 41:19; (5) Deut. 28:17-18.

Skip Bin: (1) Waste; (2) Clean up; (3) Demolition; (4) Refurbishment.

Also see Garbage Truck, Rubbish, and Rubbish Bag.

(1-4) Neh. 4:2.

Skip/ping: (1) Youthfulness; (2) Overcoming (impossibility); (3) Joy.

(1) Ps. 29:6; 114:4; (2) Song. 2:8; (3) Jer. 48:27 (KJV).

Skipping Rope: (1) Repet.i.tive childhood issue/s; (2) Childlike joy.

(1) Gen. 42:24; (2) Ps. 29:6; 114:4, 6.

Skirt: (1) Area of influence (kingdom/domain); (2) Protection; (3) Impurity (dirty skirt); (4) Anointed servant (anointed skirt); (5) Shame or disgrace (lifted skirt); (6) Sin (dirty skirt); (7) Covered.

(1) 1 Sam. 15:27-28; 24:5-6; (2) Ruth 3:9 (KJV); (3) Lam. 1:9; (4) Ps. 133:2 (KJV); Matt. 9:20; 14:36; (5) Jer. 13:22, 26; Nah. 3:5; (6) Lam. 1:8-9; (7) Ezek. 16:8.

Skull: (1) Thoughts and plans; (2) The Cross; (3) Death or warning of death; (4) Warning of poison; (5) Curse/d; (6) Piracy.

Also see Skeleton.

(1) Judg. 9:52-53 (his thoughts and plans were dashed); (2-3) John 19:17-18; (5) 2 Kings 9:34-35; (6) a.s.sociated with skull and crossbones.

Sky: (1) Heaven; (2) Mirror; (3) Blessing; (4) Drought (clear sky); (5) Christ"s return (blood-red moonlit sky); (6) Blessing (red sky at night); (7) Tribulation (red sky in morning).

Also see Cloudy, Open Heaven, and Storm.

(1) Deut. 33:26; 2 Sam. 22:12-14; Ps. 77:17; Isa. 45:8; Jer. 51:9; Matt. 16:1-3; Heb. 11:12; (2) Job 37:18; (3) Mal. 3:10; (4) 1 Kings 18:43-44; (5) Acts 2:20; (6-7) Matt. 16:1-3. It is possible that the red night sky symbolizes Christ"s death and birth of the day of salvation and alternatively that the red morning sky symbolizes His return and pending tribulation.

Skysc.r.a.per: See Building and Tower.

Slate: (1) Heart; (2) Writing; (3) Record of a debt; (4) Give credit; (5) A list of candidates; (6) To criticize.

(1-2) 2 Cor. 3:3; (3-5) From dictionary meanings; (6) As in, "to slate someone."

Clean slate: (1) Good record; (2) No debt; (3) Forgiveness of sins.

(1-3) Col. 2:13-14.

Sleep/ing: (1) Prayerlessness (spiritual death); (2) Death; (3) Rest and refreshment; (4) In the flesh (spiritually dead); (5) Spiritually naked; (6) Spirit willing, weak flesh; (7) Exhaustion; (8) Danger; (9) Warning of temptation; (10) Captive; (11) G.o.d-induced sleep; (12) Dormant or inactive; (13) Place of revelation; (14) Unaware; (15) Insensitive to the things of the Spirit.

Also see Coma, Pajamas, and Television (asleep in front of the television).

(1) Matt. 26:40-41; (2) John 11:11, 14; Acts 7:60; 1 Cor.15:6; Eph. 5:14; (3) Matt. 8:24; 26:45; Mark 4:36-40; John 11:13; Ps. 127:2; Song. 5:2; (4) Rom. 13:11-13; Eph. 5:14; (5) Rev. 16:15; (6) Matt. 26:40-41; (7) Mark 4:38; (8) Acts 20:9; (9) Matt. 26:40-41; (10) Isa. 52:1-2; (11) 1 Sam. 26:7, 23; (12) 1 Kings 18:26-27; (13) Dan. 7:1; 10:9; (14) 1 Sam. 26:12; (15) Judg. 16:20.

Sleeping Bag: (1) A heart that is spiritually unaware/insensitive; (2) Non-Christian; (3) Individual itinerant ministry.

(1) Judg. 16:20; Luke 21:34 (KJV); (2) John 3:3-5; (3) Luke 9:4; 2 Cor. 11:26-27.

Slide: (1) No integrity; (2) Not trusting G.o.d; (3) Word not in heart; (4) Deceit; (5) No repentance; (6) Spiritual adultery; (7) Backslide; (8) Judgment.

(1-2) Ps. 26:1; (3) Ps. 37:31; (4-5) Jer. 8:5; (6) Hos. 4:16 (KJV); (7) Jer. 8:5; Hos. 4:16 (KJV); (8) Deut. 32:35 (KJV).

Slide Rule: (1) Trying to work it out by yourself; (2) Precision; (3) Calculating. Also see Calculator.

(1) Matt. 19:26; Eph. 2:9; (2) Matt. 10:30; (3) Luke 14:28.

Sliding Door: (1) Convenient way out; (2) Unannounced entrance; (3) Opportunity to backslide.

Also see Door.

(1) 1 Sam. 19:10; (2) John 10:1-2; 20:26; (3) Acts 7:39; Isa. 31:1.

Sling/Slingshot: (1) Faith (carries the stone to its target); (2) The heart (the pouch of the sling); (3) The Word of G.o.d (the stone that is slung).

(1) 1 Sam. 17:34-37 & Heb. 11:32; (2) 1 Sam. 25:29 (Pocket in Hebrew is kaph, which describes a concave vessel); (3) 1 Pet. 2:8 (KJV).

Slip: (1) Sin (Unrepentant); (2) At ease despising guidance; (3) Envious; (4) In danger of losing your salvation.

Also see Slippery.

(1) Ps. 38:16-18; (2) Job 12:5; (3) Ps. 73:2; (4) Heb. 2:1 (KJV).

Slippers: (1) Domestic walk (what you do at home).

(1) Matt. 11:8.

Slippery: (1) Without G.o.d; (2) Without the Word; (3) Plotting against the G.o.dly; (4) UnG.o.dliness and wickedness; (5) Hard to handle; (6) Hard to grasp.

Also see Slip.

(1) 2 Sam. 22:37; (2) Ps. 17:4-5; 35:6 (in the dark); (3) Ps. 35:6; (4) Ps. 73:3, 18; Jer. 23:11-12; (5) Luke 20:26 (KJV); (6) 2 Pet. 3:16.

Slow Motion: (1) G.o.d appears to be taking His time; (2) Slow down; (3) Long-lasting.

(1) Gen. 15:2; Ps. 42:9; Prov. 20:21; Isa. 28:16b; Luke 18:6-7; 1 Pet. 3:8-9; (2) John 11:6; (3) 1 Tim. 1:16; 6:19.

Slug (Snail): (1) Lawlessness; (2) Unclean issue; (3) Abomination; (4) Eating away righteous truth.

(1) Hab. 1:14; (2-3) Lev. 11:41-45; 20:25; 22:5-6; (4) 2 Tim. 2:17.

Slug Gun: See Spud Gun.

Small: See Little and Smaller.

Smaller: If something is smaller than it was originally, it may mean that: (1) Its influence is diminishing; (2) You are getting stronger in relation to it; (3) People are leaving.

(1) Num. 33:54 (KJV); Ezek. 29:15b; (2) Exod. 1:9; (3) 1 Sam. 13:11.

Smell: (1) The Presence of Jesus (fragrant); (2) Love and adoration (fragrant perfume); (3) An acceptable sacrifice (sweet); (4) Fragrance of renewal (floral); (5) Deception/corruption; (6) Pride; (7) Battle; (8) Demons (bad or sulphur smell); (9) Offence/disfavor (bad smell); (10) Good or bad memory (reminder of an issue); (11) Discerning of spirits (smelling); (12) Spirit of death (bad smell); (13) Wrong spirit (bad smell); (14) Resurrection (scent of water); (15) Good counsel (sweet smell); (16) Royalty (smell of cedar); (17) Idolatry (inability to smell); (18) Love (smell of apples).

Also see Nose, Odor, and Smelling Smoke.

(1) Ps. 45:7-8; Song. 1:13; 3:6-7; (2) Song. 1:12; 4:10-11; 5:5, 13; (3) Gen. 8:20-21; Phil. 4:18; (4) Hos. 14:6; (5) Gen. 27:27; Isa. 34:3; As in, "I smell a rat"; (6) Isa. 3:16-24; (7) Job 39:25; (8) Eccl. 10:1; Rev. 9:2-4; (9) Gen. 34:30 (KJV); Exod. 7:21; 8:14; 16:20; 2 Sam. 10:6 (KJV); Eccl. 10:1; Isa. 3:24; (10) Num. 11:5; (11) 1 Cor. 12:17; (12) John 11:39; (13) Exod. 7:18; 8:14; (14) Job 14:9; (15) Prov. 27:9; (16) Song. 4:11; Hos. 14:6; (17) Deut. 4:28; Ps. 115:4-6; (18) Song. 7:8.

Smelling Smoke: (1) Serious warning of danger or emergency; (2) Judgment. Also see Smell and Smoke.

(1) Judg. 20:40-41; Acts 2:19-21; (2) Dan. 3:27.

Smile: (1) Anointing and joy of the Holy Spirit upon someone; (2) Grace or favor upon someone; (3) A blessing imparted; (4) Pleased; (5) Glory of G.o.d upon someone; (6) Wisdom of G.o.d imparted (revelation); (7) Love.

(1) Ps. 104:15; (2-3) Ps. 67:1; 119:135; (4) Ps. 80:3-4, 7, 19; Luke 3:22; (5) Isa. 60:1; Matt. 17:2; (6) Eccl. 8:1; (7) Ps. 31:16.

Smoke: (1) Judgment and torment (wrath of G.o.d); (2) Presence of G.o.d or Glory of G.o.d; (3) Anger; (4) Signal (sign of trouble); (5) Vanish (like smoke); (6) Painful annoyance; (7) Consumed; (8) Prayers of the saints; (9) Evil spirits; (10) Wickedness.

Also see Smoking and Toxic Vapors.

(1) Gen. 19:28; 2 Sam. 22:9; Ps. 18:8; 74:1; Joel 2:30-31; Rev. 9:17; 14:11; 18:8-10; (2) Gen. 15:17; Exod. 19:18; Isa. 4:5; 6:1, 4; (3) Ps. 74:1; (4) Josh. 8:20; (5) Ps. 68:2; Isa. 51:6; Hos. 13:3; (6) Prov. 10:26; Isa. 65:5; (7) Ps. 102:3; (8) Rev. 8:4; (9) Rev. 9:2-3; (10) Isa. 9:18.

Smoking: (1) Offence (offended and/or offending); (2) Jealousy; (3) Consumed (in anger); (4) Worthless pursuit; (5) Bound by the world; (6) Evidence; (7) Shared or joint offense (pa.s.sing pipe or bong).

Also see Cigarettes and Smoke.

(1) Job. 19:17a. (NKJV); Isa. 65:5; (2) Deut. 29:20 (KJV); (3) Ps. 37:20 (KJV); Isa. 34:10; (4) Prov. 10:26; Matt. 16:23b (Smoking may well be filling our lungs with the devil"s subst.i.tute for the Holy Spirit!); Ps. 102:3; Isa. 34:10; (5) Deut. 4:20; 1 Kings 8:51; Jer. 11:4; (6) As in, "We found no smoking gun"; (7) Matt. 13:57; 15:12.

Smooth: (1) Spiritual; (2) Spiritually effective (of G.o.d); (3) Deceitful words; (4) Preparation.

(1) Gen. 27:11 (Esau (hairy) speaks of the flesh, therefore, by comparison, here Jacob"s skin speaks of the Spirit); (2) 1 Sam. 17:40 (These have had the edges knocked off in G.o.d"s Word (the brook)); (3) Ps. 55:21 (sounded fantastic, but his heart was saying other things); Prov. 5:3; Isa. 30:10b; (4) Luke 3:5.

Smuggling: See Thief.

Snail: See Slug.

Snake: (1) Sin; (2) A person who speaks poisonous words; (3) Satan; (4) An evil spirit; (5) Curse; (6) A tempter; (7) A lying spirit; (8) Deception; (9) False teacher; (10) Jesus; (11) Hypocrisy; (12) Curse of poverty (skinny snake); (13) Deceptive person pretending to be righteous/false prophet (white snake); (14) False prophet (snake in a sock); (15) Seduction; (16) Fear; (17) A low-life full of deception (snake in the gra.s.s); (18) Strife in marriage (snake in bed); (19) White lies (white snake); (20) G.o.d/Jesus (white python); (21) Curse (yellow snake); (22) Revisiting an issue or spirit (double-headed snake); (23) Double-mindedness (double-headed snake); (24) Witchcraft; (25) Healing (snake on stick/pole).

Also see Python, Spider, Snakea"Bitten by a Snake, and Snakeskin.

(1) John 3:14 & 2 Cor. 5:21; (cf. Num. 21:7-9); (2) Ps. 58:3-4a; James 3:8; Rom. 3:13b-14; (3) Rev. 20:2; (4) Luke 10:19; (5) Gen. 3:14; Gal. 3:13 & John 3:14; (6) Gen 3:1-15; (Ps. 91:9-13; cf. Matt 4:6-7); Rev. 12:9; (7) Gen. 3:4; John 8:44b; (8-9) 2 Cor. 11:3-4; Jude 1:4; (10) Exod. 7:12; Num. 21:8-9; John 3:14; (11) Matt. 3:7; 12:34; (12) See Fat; (13) Matt. 26:48-49; (14) Matt. 7:15; Acts 16:16; (15) Gen. 3:1-5, 13; 2 Cor. 11:3; (16) Gen. 3:15; 2 Cor. 11:3; (17) Gen. 3:1; Esther 3:6; Luke 22:47-48; (18) Gen. 3:1, 12 (unclean spirit causing division); (19) Gen. 12:13, 18; (20) Exod. 7:12 & John 3:14 (cf. Num. 21:8-9); (21) See Yellow; (22) Gen. 12:13 & 20:2; (23) James 1:8; (24) Exod. 7:11-12; (25) Num. 21:8-9.

Snake (Bitten by a Snake): (1) Disobedience; (2) Sin; (3) Breaking of protection; (4) Attack of the enemy; (5) Venomous words spoken against you; (6) Conflict; (7) Judgment.

(1-3) Num. 21:5-9; Eccl. 10:8; (4) Acts 28:3; (5) Num. 21:5-6; (6) Acts 28:3; Rev. 9:19; (7) Num. 21:7-9.

Snakeskin: (1) Satan now present in a different guise; (2) Deliverance and transformation; (3) Signs/evidence of demonic activity.

(1) Gen. 3:1 & 2 Cor. 11:14; (2) Acts 9:17-18; (3) Ezek. 28:17; Matt. 17:15; Luke 4:13.

Snare: (1) Trap; (2) Offense; (3) Unforgiveness; (4) l.u.s.t; (5) Suddenly/unawares; (6) Legalistic restriction; (7) Manipulative control; (8) Thought strongholds; (9) Idolatry; (10) Work of the proud, wicked, and devil; (11) G.o.d is the deliverer from snares; (12) Secretly conspired against; (13) Surety for others (particularly unbelievers); (14) Unwise and unbelieving words; (15) Death; (16) Anger; (17) Fear of people; (18) Harlot or bitter woman.

Also see Trap.

(1) Job 18:9-10; (Ps. 38:12 & Matt. 22:15-18); Ps. 69:22; (2) Isa. 8:14; 29:21; (3) 2 Cor. 2:10-11; (4) Prov. 7:10, 23; 1 Tim. 6:9; (5) Eccl. 9:12; Luke 21:34b-35; (6) 1 Cor. 7:35 (KJV); (7) 1 Tim. 3:7; (8) 2 Tim. 2:24-26; (9) Ps. 106:36; (10) Ps. 91:3; 119:110; 140:5; 141:9; (11) Ps. 124:7-8; (12) Ps. 142:3; (13) Prov. 6:1-2; (14) Prov. 12:13; 18:7; (15) Prov. 13:14; 14:27; (16) Prov. 22:24-25; (17) Prov. 29:25; (18) Prov. 7:10, 23; Eccl. 7:26.

Sneakers: (1) In the Spirit; (2) By faith.

(1) 1 Kings 18:46; (2) Heb. 12:1.

Sniper: (1) Words against you in secret; (2) Unexpected words against; (3) Intercessor; (4) The devil lining up to tempt you; (5) You are unaware that the enemy is focused on you to destroy you.

Also see a.s.sa.s.sin, Contract Killer, and Rifle.

(1-2) Ps. 11:2; 64:3-4; (3) Neh. 4:9; (4) Luke 22:31; (5) Prov. 7:23.

Snorkeling: (1) Exploring things of the Spirit.

(1) 2 Kings 6:17; Matt. 7:7; Rom. 8:14.

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