(1) 2 Sam. 9:4-5, 8.

Dog p.o.o.p: (1) Offense; (2) Taking on an offense (stepping in dog p.o.o.p).

(1) Zeph. 1:17 (KJV); (2) Ps. 119:165 (KJV).

Dog Wash: (1) Rehabilitation ministry; (2) Ministry to the dest.i.tute or despised; (3) Secular rehabilitation.

(1) 2 Sam. 9:6-8; (2) 1 Sam. 17:43; 24:14; Luke 7:39; James 2:1-5; (3) Gen. 12:10.

Doll: (1) Woman"s past childhood issues/memory; (2) Grooming for motherhood; (3) Childhood desire.

Also see Mannequin and Toys.

(1) 1 Cor. 13:11; Phil. 3:13; (2) Ruth 4:16; (3) Luke 2:49.

Dollar: See Money.

Dolphin: (1) Teacher; (2) Minor prophet; Also see Whale.

(1) Job 12:7-8; 35:11; By virtue of the intelligence a.s.signed to dolphins.

Domed Roof: (1) Religious stronghold (highly resistant mindset); (2) Church under law (mosque-type structure).

Also see Archway and Circle.

(1) Matt. 23:25, 27; (2) Matt. 23:23; Rom. 6:14-15; Gal. 3:23; 5:18.

Dominoes: (1) Spiritual momentum; (2) Others falling; (3) Sensitive balance; (4) Inter-connectedness; (5) Repercussions; (6) Shock wave.

Also see Cards and Falling.

(1-6) 1 Sam. 14:15-16, 20.

Donkey: (1) Humility; (2) Faithful burden-bearer; (3) Servant; (4) Judge (white donkey); (5) Hostile or stubborn person; (6) Determined individual or stubborn; (7) Unbeliever; (8) Needing guidance; (9) Without understanding.

(1) Zech. 9:9; Matt. 21:5; (2) Gen. 42:26; 49:14; Num. 22:30; Isa. 1:3; (3) Gen. 42:26; Exod. 23:5; (4) Judg. 5:10; (5) Gen. 16:12; (6) Prov. 26:3; Jer. 2:24; (7) Deut. 22:10 & 2 Cor. 6:14; Job 1:14; (8) Prov. 26:3; (9) Ps. 32:9.

Donut/s: (1) Sweet words without heart (false promises); (2) Spiritual meal. Also see Circle and Wheel.

(1) Prov. 23:1-3, 7-8; Isa. 29:13; Matt. 15:8; (2) Ezek. 1:16.

Door: (1) Christ; (2) Opportunity; (3) Mouth; (4) Entrance; (5) Faith; (6) Heart; (7) The unstoppable work of G.o.d; (8) Imposition (door pushed in); (9) Going through transition; (10) Temptation (door ajar or at the door); (11) Destruction (broad door); (12) Gateway into the spirit realm (arched doorway); (13) Decision (several doors to choose from); (14) Violence (bullet holes in door); (15) Witnessing (going door to door); (16) Needing the anointing (squeaky door); (17) Rape (door kicked in).

Also see Back Door, Front Door, Key, Next Door, and Sliding Door.

(1) Gen. 6:16; John 10:7; (2) Col. 4:3; (3) Ps. 141:3; Col. 4:3; (4) Col. 4:3; (5) Acts 14:27; (6) Rev. 3:20; (7) Rev. 3:7-8; (8) Ps. 109:22; (9) Judg. 11:16; Ps. 23:4; (10) Gen. 4:7; (11) Matt. 7:13; (12) See Circle; (13) Josh. 24:15; (14) Ezek. 8:7-9; (15) Rev. 3:20; (16) Prov. 26:14 & Matt. 25:8-12; (17) Gen 19:9.

Doorbell: (1) Call to prayer and communion with Christ; (2) Loss of first love; (3) Calling; (4) Opportunity (hearing a bell); (5) Arrival (you ringing a bell); (6) Looking for opportunities (you ringing a bell); (7) Antic.i.p.ation or expectation.

Also see Calling and Knocking.

(1) Rev. 3:20; (2) Matt. 7:21-23; Rev. 3:20; (3) Matt. 20:16 (KJV); 22:14; (4) Luke 11:9-13; Acts 14:27; 1 Cor. 16:9; 2 Cor. 2:12; (5) Acts 12:13; (6) 1 Cor. 16:9; Col. 4:3; (7) Matt. 24:33.

Doorpost (Threshold): (1) The cross; (2) Love slave.

(1) Exod. 12:6-7; (2) Exod. 21:6.

Door within a door: (1) A mouth within a mouth (someone speaking for another); (2) An opportunity within an opportunity; (3) Subculture; (4) Voice in a voice.

(1) Prov. 27:2; Isa. 28:11; John 5:43; 14:26; 18:34; Acts 8:34; (2) Neh. 7:3; Esther 2:21; Prov. 8:3, 34; (3) Job 38:17; Acts 12:13, 16 (door in a gate); (4) Matt. 10:20.

Dove: (1) Holy Spirit; (2) Innocent; (3) Poverty or poor; (4) See Jonah in Name and Place Dictionary.

Also see Bird/s.

(1) Matt. 3:10; (2) Matt. 10:16; (3) Lev. 12:8.

Down: (1) Fallen; (2) Rest; (3) h.e.l.l; (4) Spiritual decline; (5) Humbled; (6) Worship or homage (bow down); (7) Sleep (lay down); (8) Without hope or depressed (downcast or looking down); (9) Disapproval or unsuccessful.

Also see Descend, Dropping, Laying Down, Up, and Upright.

(1) Ps. 20:8; (2) Ps. 23:2; (3) Ps. 55:15; Prov. 5:5; (4) Isa. 59:14; Jer. 8:4; Luke 8:13; 2 Thess. 2:3; (5) Job 22:29; Isa. 2:11; 10:33b; Jer. 13:18; Luke 18:14; (6) Gen 24:26, 48; 43:28; Job 1:20; (7) Gen. 28:11; Ps. 3:5; 4:8; (8) Ps. 42:5, 11; 43:5; (9) As in "thumbs down."

Download: (1) Revelation.

(1) Matt. 16:17; James 1:17.

Down Payment: (1) Being Spirit-filled; (2) Guarantee of what was promised. (1-2) 2 Cor. 1:22; 5:5.

Drag/ging: (1) Evangelism (net); (2) Subjection and capture; (3) Failure and defeat; (4) Idolatry; (5) Holding back.

(1) John 21:8; (2) Gen. 37:28; (3) 2 Kings 19:28; Isa. 37:29; Ezek. 29:4; 38:4; Amos 4:2; (4) Hab. 1:15-16; (5) As in, "Dragging your feet."

Dragon: (1) The devil; (2) China (foreign G.o.d); (3) Princ.i.p.alities (evil).

(1) Rev. 12:3-5, 7, 9, 13, 16-17; 13:2-4; 16:13; 20:2; (2) 1 Cor. 10:19-20; (3) Eph. 6:12; Rev. 12:7.

Drag Queen: (1) Facade, human-run church; (2) Church trying to be attractive to people (detestable Bride of Christ).

(1) Rev. 2:14-15; (2) Jer. 7:18; Rev. 3:17.

Drain: (1) Lifeless soakage pit; (2) Detoxing; (3) Loss (down the drain); (4) Feeling low or negative (looking down the drain).

Also see Gutter/s, Overflow, Pipe, and Washbasin.

(1) 2 Tim. 3:7; (2) Ps. 107:23; (3) Luke 15:8; Phil. 3:8; (4) Jon. 2:3-6.

Drawer: See Cupboard.

Dreadlocks: (1) UnG.o.dliness (unclean); (2) Man or woman of the flesh; (3) Subcultural a.s.sociation; (4) Spiritually bound; (5) Unruly spirit (spiritually unkept).

(1) Dan. 4:33; (2) Gen. 25:25; (3) 1 Pet. 3:3; (4) Mark 5:2-5, 15; (5) Prov. 25:28.

Dream: (1) Message; (2) Word; (3) Direction; (4) Instruction; (5) Warning, (6) Prophecy.

(1) Gen. 37:8; Dan. 2:9; Matt. 2:13; (2) Ps. 105:17-19; (cf. Gen 37:5-10); Matt. 2:13, 19-20.

Interpreting a Dream (interpreting a dream in a dream): (1) Decoding the message.

(1) Gen. 41:25; Dan. 2:28.

Dreamer: (1) Prophet; (2) Your "old self" (fleshly person).

(1) Num. 12:6; Deut. 13:3; Jer. 23:28; (2) Acts 2:17.

Dregs: (1) The bottom of the cup of G.o.d"s fury.

(1) Isa. 51:17, 22.

Dress: See Clothes.

Dressing: (1) Putting on Christ; (2) Preparation; (3) New anointing.

(1) Rom. 13:14; Gal. 3:27; (2) Matt. 22:11-12; Eph. 6:11; (3) Lev. 16:32, 21:10; 2 Kings 2:13.

Dressing Gown: (1) Relaxed; (2) Just cleansed (showered); (3) Old.

Also see Pajamas.

(1) Jer. 43:12b; (2) Lev. 16:4, 24; (3) Cultural perception.

Dressing Room: (1) Heart; (2) Preparation for the King; (3) Preparation for self-glory.

(1) Rom. 13:14; Gal. 3:27; 1 Pet. 3:3-4; (2) Matt. 3:3; (3) 1 Pet. 3:3-4; 1 Tim. 2:9.

Dribbling/Drooling: (1) Desire for something; (2) Uncontrolled emotion; (3) Antic.i.p.ation; (4) Madness.

(1) 2 Sam. 23:15; (2) 1 Sam. 1:10-13; (3) Consider Pavlov"s dog; (4) 1 Sam. 21:13.

Drinking: (1) Refreshing; (2) Drunkenness; (3) Partaking of the Spirit; (4) Uncovering the fleshly self (laying down the spiritual self); (5) Merriment; (6) Bitterness; (7) Revelry (excess); (8) Victory; (9) Revival; (10) Procrastination; (11) Satisfaction (often enjoying the fruit of one"s labor); (12) Deception; (13) Adultery (drinking from another"s cup); (14) Laying down one"s life (living sacrifice); (15) A poured-out soul; (16) Prosperity; (17) Fellowship/alignment with another; (18) Disobedience; (19) Faith; (20) Arrogance; (21) Peace; (22) Desperation; (23) Pleasure; (24) The wrath of G.o.d; (25) Tears; (26) Brook; (27) Violence; (28) Partaking; (29) Wisdom; (30) Undeserved grace; (31) Receiving; (32) Heavy heart; (33) Perverted judgment; (34) Anesthetic; (35) Selfglory; (36) Non-satisfying; (37) Stupor/blindness/delusion; (38) Spiritual thirst; (39) Offerings; (40) Judgment; (41) Fouled water; (42) Defilement; (43) Hardened heart (lacking compa.s.sion); (44) Ease; (45) Redemption; (46) Celebration; (47) Provision; (48) Blood of New Testament; (49) Poison; (50) Old wine; (51) New wine; (52) Ease; (53) G.o.d"s will; (54) Holy Spirit; (55) Spiritual Union; (56) Stumbling block; (57) Jesus Christ; (58) Fornication.

Also see Brook, Cup, and Drinking Fountain.

(1) Gen. 21:19; 25:34; Ruth 2:9; 2 Sam. 16:2; 1 Kings 19:6, 8; Matt. 10:42; (2) Gen. 9:21; 1 Kings 16:9; (3) John 4:14; (4) Gen. 9:21; 2 Sam. 12:3 & Ps. 51:10; (5) Gen. 43:34; Judg. 19:21-22; 1 Kings 18:41-42; Eccl. 8:15; 9:7; (6) Exod. 15:23-24; Num. 5:24; Isa. 24:9; Jer. 8:14; 9:15; 23:15; Hos. 4:18; Matt. 27:34, 48; (7) Exod. 32:6; 1 Sam. 30:16; Isa. 5:11; Eph. 5:18; (8) Num. 23:24; Ezek. 25:4; (9) Judg. 15:19; 1 Sam. 11:13; Isa. 43:20; (10) Judg. 19:4, 6; (11) Ruth 3:3; 1 Sam. 1:9; Eccl. 2:24; 3:13; 5:18; (12) 2 Sam. 11:13; Prov.

20:1; 23:7; Isa. 22:13 (self-deception); Hab. 2:15; (13) 2 Sam. 12:3; Prov. 5:15; Hos. 2:5; (14) 2 Sam. 23:15-17; Matt. 20:22-23; 26:42; Mark 10:3839; (15) 1 Sam. 1:15; (16) 1 Kings 4:20-21; (17) 1 Kings 13:8; Job 1:4, 13; Mark 2:16; Luke 5:30; 13:26; 1 Cor. 10:21; 11:25-29; (18) 1 Kings 13:19-22; (19) 1 Kings 17:10; (20) 1 Kings 20:12; Dan. 5:1-3; (21) 2 Kings 6:22-23; Isa. 36:16; (22) 2 Kings 18:27; (23) Esther 1:8; Joel 3:3; (24) Job 21:20; Ps. 75:8; Isa. 51:17, 22; 63:6; Jer. 25:15; Rev. 14:8, 10; 18:3; (25) Ps. 80:5; 102:9; (26) 1 Kings 17:4, 6; Ps. 110:7; (27) Prov. 4:17; (28) Prov. 5:15; Song. 5:1; Jer. 2:18; 16:8; Ezek. 23:32-34; (29) Prov. 9:1-5; Matt. 11:18-19; (30) Prov. 25:21-22; Rom. 12:20; (31) Prov. 26:6; (32) Prov. 31:6; (33) Prov. 31:4-5; (34) Prov. 31:7; Mark 15:23; (35) Isa. 5:22; 37:25; Zech. 7:6; (36) Isa. 29:8; Amos 4:8; Hag. 1:6; (37) Isa. 29:9-10; 56:12; Jer. 51:57; Joel 1:5; (38) Isa. 32:6; John 7:37; (39) Jer. 7:18; 32:29; 44:17-19; (40) Jer. 25:17, 26-29; 46:10, 49:12; Ezek. 4:10-11; 23:32-34; 31:14; (41) Ezek. 34:18-19; (42) Dan. 1:8; (43) Amos 4:1; 6:6; (44) Matt. 24:49; (45) Matt. 26:27; (46) Matt. 26:29; Mark 14:25; Luke 22:18; (47) Matt. 6:25; Mark 9:41; (48) Mark 14:23-24; (49) Mark 16:18; (50) Luke 5:39; (51) John 2:10; (52) Luke 12:19, 45; 17:8, 27-28; (53) Luke 22:42; John 18:11; (54) John 4:14; 1 Cor. 12:13; (55) John 6:53-56; (56) Rom. 14:21; (57) 1 Cor. 10:4; (58) Rev. 18:3.

Drinking Fountain: (1) Flow of the Holy Spirit; (2) Church or ministry; (3) Everlasting life; (4) A move of G.o.d; (5) Fulfillment in G.o.d.

Also see Drinking.

(1-2) John 7:37-39; (3) John 4:14; Rev. 21:6; 22:1, 17; (4) John 4:39-42 (cf. context); (5) John 4:32-34 (cf. context).

Dripping Tap: (1) Contentious wife; (2) Contentious church that is quenching the Spirit.

(1) Prov. 19:13; 27:15; (2) 1 Thess. 5:19.

Driver: (1) If you are driving, you are steering your own destiny; (2) If you are in the pa.s.senger seat and someone unknown is driving, it means G.o.d is driving; (3) If the driver is corrupt, it means you are probably being manipulated/ controlled; (4) If someone you know is driving a bus, it means they will head up a ministry; (5) Going in the wrong direction means wrong spirit.

(1-2) John 21:18; (3) 2 Tim. 3:5-6; (4) 2 Sam. 5:2; (5) Ps. 51:10 (KJV).

Drive Through: (1) Quick fix mentality.

(1) Matt. 14:15.

Driveway: (1) Entry; (2) Exit; (3) Awaiting ministry; (4) Parked ministry.

(1-2) Deut. 28:6; Ps. 121:8; (3-4) 1 Kings 3:7; Isa. 49:2b.

Drop/ping: (1) Heaven"s provision; (2) Word of G.o.d (dew); (3) Teaching (rain); (4) Overflow; (5) Rain; (6) Enticement (lips); (7) Contentious wife/church; (8) Collapse; (9) A small and insignificant thing; (10) To fall away; (11) To let G.o.d"s charge or promises go; (12) To let go of something.

Also see Descend.

(1) Judg. 5:4; Ps. 65:11; 68:8-9; Luke 22:44; (2) Ezek. 20:46; 21:2; Song. 5:2; (3) Deut. 32:2; (4) 1 Sam. 14:26; Song. 5:5; Joel 3:18; (5) 2 Sam. 21:10; Job 36:27-28; Ps. 65:11-12; 68:8-9; Prov. 3:20; (6) Prov. 5:3; (7) Prov. 19:13; 27:15; (8) Eccl. 10:18; (9) Isa. 40:15; (10) 1 Pet. 1:24-25; 2 Pet. 3:17; (11) Heb. 4:11; (12) Matt. 26:39; Acts 27:32.

Drought: (1) Tribulation and testing; (2) The grave; (3) Judgment; (4) Financial struggles; (5) Lacking the love of G.o.d; (6) Spiritual or natural famine; (7) Lack of the Spirit of G.o.d; (8) Lack of the Word of G.o.d.

Also see Raina"No Rain.

(1) Gen. 31:40; Deut. 8:15; Isa. 58:11; Jer. 2:6; 17:8; Hos. 13:5; (2) Job 24:19; (3) 1 Kings 17:1; Ps. 32:4; Jer. 50:38; Hag. 1:11; (4) 2 Cor. 8:9, 14; (5) Eph. 3:17-19 & Rev. 2:4; (6) Amos 8:11; (7) Ezek. 37:5-6, 9-10; (8) Amos 8:11.

Drowning: (1) Judgment; (2) Overcome by the words of one"s enemies; (3) Beyond one"s depth; (4) Catastrophe; (5) In need of salvation.

Also see Underwater.

(1) Gen. 6:17; Jon. 2:3, 5; (2) Ps. 42:7, 10; (3) Matt. 14:30-31; (4) Isa. 43:2; (5) Isa. 59:19b.

Drug Dealer: (1) Tempter; (2) The devil; (3) The world (drug dealer"s wife); (4) Profiteer; (5) Manipulation and control; (6) Witchcraft; (7) Dependence; (8) Familiar spirits.

Also see Drug Use.

(1-2) Matt. 4:1; John 10:10; (3) Luke 4:5-6; Rev. 12:9; (5) Acts 13:8-10; (8) 2 Kings 21:6.

Drug Store: See Chemist Shop.

Drug Use: (1) Rebellion; (2) Defiance of authority; (3) Unmanageable; (4) Offense; (5) Speaks of the flesh; (6) Looking for a quick fix; (7) Looking for instant pleasure/ gratification; (8) Deceived; (9) Addiction; (10) Counterfeit fulfillment; (11) Searching for an anesthetic; (12) Actual drug use; (13) Manipulation; (14) Witchcraft; (15) Stronghold; (16) Sickness; (17) Dependence; (18) Medication.

Also see Amphetamines, Needle, Pills, and Speed (Drug).

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