McArthur: (1) Son of a fearless father.

McBride: (1) Son of one who has strength.

McCallum: (1) Son of the dove.

McCauley: (1) Son of ancestors.

McCloud: (1) Unattractive man"s son.

McCoy: (1) Bright; (2) Intelligent.

McCrea: (1) Son of mercy.

McDonald: (1) Son who rules over everything.

McDougall: (1) Lives near the dark waters.

McDuff: (1) Blackman"s son.

McGuire: (1) Fair son.

McKenzie: (1) Good-looking.

McKinley: (1) Son of the wise chief.

McLaine: (1) Son of a lion.

McLean: (1) Son of a lion McMahon: (1) Son of a bear.

McMurray: (1) Son of the sea lord.

McSorley: (1) Son of summer seafarer.

Megan: (1) Pearl; (2) Sea jewel.

Mel: (1) Chief.

Melanie: (1) Dark; (2) Dark-skinned.

Melbourne: (1) From the mill by the stream.

Melissa: (1) As sweet as honey; (2) Honey.

Merlin: (1) Hill by the sea.

Mervyn: (1) Seafarer; (2) One who enjoys the sea.

Mexico: (1) In the navel of the moon; (2) The rabbit"s navel.

Miami: (1) People of the peninsula.

Michael: (1) Who is like G.o.d! (2) Who is like G.o.d? (3) Chief angel.

Mich.e.l.le: See Michael.

Michigan: (1) Great or large lake.

Midian: (1) Judgment.

Miles: (1) (English) Tender (benevolent); (3) (Latin) Member of the army (soldier).

Millar: (1) Mill manager.

Miller: (1) Grinds grain at the mill.

Millicent: (1) Diligent; (2) Hard-working.

Milwaukee: (1) A rich beautiful land; (2) Fine land.

Minnesota: (1) Water that reflects the sky; (2) Sky-tinted water.

Miranda: (1) Fantastic; (2) Wonderful.

Miriam: (1) One who opposes authority.

Mississippi: (1) Large river; (2) Father of waters.

Missouri: (1) People with the dugout canoes; (2) Town of large canoes. Mitsubishi: (1) Three water chestnuts.

Mitch.e.l.l: (1) Who is like G.o.d! (2) Who is like G.o.d?

Mahogany: (1) Wealthy; (2) Powerful.

Molly: (1) Beloved one.

Mona: (1) (Greek) Alone; (2) (Irish) Honorable, n.o.ble.

Monaro: (1) High plateau or high plain.

Monica: (1) Advisor.

Montana: (1) Mountain.

Montecito: (1) Little woods.

Montreal: (1) Imperial mountain.

Monty: (1) A mountain.

Monro: (1) At the mouth of the river.

Monroe: (1) Red-colored marshland.

Moor/e: (1) One who has dark skin.

Mordecai: (1) Worshipper of Marduk/Merodach.

Moriah: (1) G.o.d educates.

Morocco: (1) Land of the setting sun; (2) Fortified.

Morris: (1) Son of dark skin.

Moses: (1) Delivered from water; (2) Drawn out of the water; (3) The Law.

Muncie: (1) People of the stony country.

Munro/e: (1) Red-colored marshlands.

Murial: (1) Perfume; (2) Aromatic ointment.

Muriel: (1) Ocean sparkle.

Murray: (1) Of the ocean.

Mustafa: (1) Chosen as king.

Mustang: (1) Wild and untamed.

Myer/s: (1) Illuminates.

Myra/n: (1) Aromatic ointment; (2) Perfume.

Nabal: (1) Fool.

(1) 1 Sam. 25:25; Ps. 14:1.

Nadia: (1) Hope.

Nadine: (1) Hope.

Nahbi: (1) Hidden. (1) Num. 13:14.

Nahum: (1) Comforter.

Nancy: (1) Favored graciously.

Naomi: (1) Pleasant; (2) Delightful.

Naphtali: (1) My wrestling. (1) Gen. 30:8.

Narelle: (1) Small one.

Natalie: (1) Born on Christmas day.

Natanya: (1) Gift of G.o.d; (2) What G.o.d gave.

Natasha: (1) Born on Christmas day.

Nathan: (1) Gift.

(1) 2 Sam. 7:2.

Nathaniel: (1) Gift of G.o.d; (2) G.o.d has given.

Nazareth: (1) Branch.

Neah: (1) Of a slope.

Nebai: (1) Fruitful.

Nebo: (1) A lofty pace; (2) Could relate to pride; (3) Place where Moses died.

(1) Deut. 32:49.

Nebraska: (1) Flat or spreading water.

Nehemiah: (1) G.o.d comforts.

Nelly: (1) Of the light.

Nelson: (1) Son of Neil; (2) Champion; (3) Winner.

Neo: (1) Chosen one; (2) New.

(1) As in, The Matrix; Matt. 22:14.

Neil: (1) Winner; (2) Champion; (3) Cloud.

Nestle: (1) Bird"s nest.

Nevada: (1) Snow-covered.

Neville: (1) From the new settlement.

New Zealand: (1) New zeal-land; (2) Land of the long white cloud. Nick: (1) Victory; (2) Triumph.

Nicolas: (1) Victory of the people; (2) Conqueror of the people.

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