=SUN= A yellow arrival from Way Down East, who goes west daily, operates a heating and lighting trust, draws water, prints pictures, develops crops, liquidates the ice business and tans skins on the side. Profits by his daily rays and always has a shine.



Feeling for others; very noticeable in Blind Man"s Buff.

=SYNDICATE= A conspiracy to extend the modest business established by Captain Kidd.

Fortune knocks only once at a man"s door--And she"s the worst Knocker in the world.


Brevity is the soul of wit--and the sole charm of of a bicycle skirt.

=TAILOR= One who takes your measure on first sight, gives you a fit, sews you up and follows suit until paid.

=TALK= A continuous performance playing daily and nightly engagements, with Woman as the star and Man confined in the Family Circle.



A form of correspondence sent by a man in a hurry and carried by a boy in sleep.

=TELEPHONE= From Eng. _tell_, to talk, and Grk. _phonos_, murder.

A machine in which talk is murdered.

=TENNIS= A game in which the partic.i.p.ants enjoy a racket on the side and raise the deuce over a net, while the volleys drive them from set to set and love scores as often as it"s mentioned.

=TEMPER= A quality, the loss of which is likely to make a knife blade dull and a woman"s tongue sharp.



A short, gla.s.s tube that regulates the weather--and usually does a poor job.

=THIRST= A sensation immediately following a short session at the free lunch stand.

=TIDE= An old friend who comes and goes daily but is all in whenever he gets over the bay.

=t.i.tIAN= The color a poor red-headed girl"s hair becomes as soon as her father strikes oil.

=TIPS= Wages we pay other people"s hired help.

=TOBACCO= A nauseating plant that is consumed by but two creatures; a large, green worm and--man. The worm doesn"t know any better.

=TONGUE= An unruly member that is frequently put out, yet an artist who"s a hard worker at the palate and a great wag among women.

=TOUCH= A habit common to the impecunious, causing in its victim a feeling of faintness, followed by a chill or a sense of loss.

=TRANSFER= A small bit of paper of remarkable strength, being able to carry a heavy man several miles.

=TROLLEY-CAR= A conveyance filled with advertis.e.m.e.nts, and occasionally pa.s.sengers, and operated by Poles.

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