302 go to carbon fuel companies

John Broder, "Obama"s Bid to End Oil Subsidies Revives Debate," New York Times, January 31, 2011.

303 the dirtiest liquid fuel, kerosene, is heavily subsidized

Narasimha Rao, "Kerosene Subsidies in India: When Energy Policy Fails as Social Policy," Energy for Sustainable Development, March 2012.

304 only a few years away from reaching that threshold

Alex Morales and Jacqueline Simmons, "Renewables from Vestas to Suntech Plan Profit without Subsidy," Bloomberg, January 26, 2012.

305 utility sector oppose such measures

Joe Romm, "Who Killed the Senate RPS?," ClimateProgress, June 27, 2007, including, most prominently, California

State of California, "California Renewables Portfolio Standard," 2012, install 500 megawatts of solar energy by 2020

Dave Roberts, "Why Do "Experts" Always Lowball Clean-Energy Projections?," Grist, July 19, 2012, China installed double that amount by 2010


309 goal was exceeded 22-fold and is expected


310 "weren"t just off, they were way off"


311 alternative to government regulations mandating reductions

John Fialka, "How a Republican Anti-Pollution Measure, Expanded by Democrats, Got Roots in Europe and China," E&E News, November 17, 2011.

312 originally supported the idea


313 energy during their own past periods

International Energy Agency, "Energy Poverty," 2012, even if it means that they too must shoulder

Arthur Max, "Developing Nations Pledge Actions to Curb Climate Change," a.s.sociated Press, March 22, 2011.

315 costs from climate disruption will be borne by developing countries

World Development Report 2010: Development and Climate Change (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2010)

316 world now exceed those in rich countries

Alex Morales, "Renewable Power Trumps Fossils for First Time as UN Talks Stall," Bloomberg News, November 25, 2011.

317 more than half of the installed global renewable energy capacity

Charles Kenny, "Greening It Alone," Foreign Policy, August 1, 2011.

318 hampered the ability of many communities

Rick Jervis and Gregory Korte, "FEMA Could Run Out of Money over Stalemate," USA Today, September 25, 2011.

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