And you did well; no man can blame the deed.


The tyrant! Now he has his just reward!

We men of Unterwald have owed it long.



The deed got wind, and now they"re in pursuit.

Heavens! whilst we speak, the time is flying fast.

[_It begins to thunder_.]


Quick, ferryman, and set the good man over.


Impossible! a storm is close at hand, Wait till it pa.s.s! You must.


Almighty heavens!

I cannot wait; the least delay is death.

KUONI (_to the fisherman_).

Push out--G.o.d with you! We should help our neighbors; The like misfortune may betide us all.

[_Thunder and the roaring of the wind_.]


The south wind"s up![40] See how the lake is rising!

I cannot steer against both wind and wave.

BAUM. (_clasping him by the knees_).

G.o.d so help you as now you pity me!


His life"s at stake. Have pity on him, man!


He is a father: has a wife and children.

[_Repeated peals of thunder_.]


What! and have I not, then, a life to lose, A wife and child at home as well as he?

See how the breakers foam, and toss, and whirl, And the lake eddies up from all its depths!

Right gladly would I save the worthy man, But "tis impossible, as you must see.

BAUM. (_still kneeling_).

Then must I fall into the tyrant"s hands, And with the sh.o.r.e of safety close in sight!

Yonder it lies! My eyes can see it clear, My very voice can echo to its sh.o.r.es.

There is the boat to carry me across, Yet must I lie here helpless and forlorn.


Look! who comes here?


"Tis Tell, ay, Tell, of Burglen.[41]

[_Enter_ TELL _with a crossbow_.]


What man is he that here implores for aid?


He is from Alzellen, and to guard his honor From touch of foulest shame, has slain the Wolf-shot, The Imperial Seneschal, who dwelt at Rossberg.

The Viceroy"s troopers are upon his heels; He begs the ferryman to take him over, But frightened at the storm he says he won"t.


Well, there is Tell can steer as well as I, He"ll be my judge, if it be possible.

[_Violent peals of thunder--the lake becomes more tempestuous_.]

Am I to plunge into the jaws of h.e.l.l?

I should be mad to dare the desperate act.


The brave man thinks upon himself the last.

Put trust in G.o.d, and help him in his need!


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