Safe in the port, "tis easy to advise.

There is the boat, and there the lake! Try you!


The lake may pity, but the Viceroy never.

Come, risk it, man!



O save him! save him! save him!


Though "twere my brother, or my darling child, I would not go. "Tis Simon and Jude"s day; The lake is up, and calling for its victim.


Nought"s to be done with idle talking here.

Each moment"s precious; the man must be help"d; Say, boatman, will you venture?


No; not I.


In G.o.d"s name, then, give me the boat! I will, With my poor strength, see what is to be done!


Ha, gallant Tell!


That"s like a huntsman true.


You are my angel, my preserver, Tell.


I may preserve you from the Viceroy"s power, But from the tempest"s rage another must.

Yet better "tis you fall into G.o.d"s hands, Than into those of men.

[_To the herdsman_.]

Herdsman, do thou Console my wife if I should come to grief.

I could not choose but do as I have done.

[_He leaps into the boat_.]

KUONI (_to the fisherman_).

A pretty man to keep a ferry, truly!

What Tell could risk, you dared not venture on.


Far better men would never cope with Tell.

There"s no two such as he "mong all our hills.

WERNI (_who has ascended a rock_).

Now he is off. G.o.d help thee, gallant sailor!

Look how the little boat reels on the waves!

KUONI. (_on the sh.o.r.e_).

There! they have swept clean over it. And now "Tis out of sight. Yet stay, there "tis again!

Stoutly he stems the breakers, n.o.ble fellow!


Here come the troopers hard as they can ride!


Heavens! so they do! Why, that was help, indeed.

[_Enter a troop of hors.e.m.e.n_.]

1ST H.

Give up the murderer! You have him here!

2D H.

This way he came! "Tis useless to conceal him!


Whom do you mean?

1ST H. (_discovering the boat_).

The devil! What do I see?

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