He was about to sit on the chair Flynn had reserved for him but his phone suddenly rings.

"Clint, what"s up?" he answered the call but he went outside the gallery since it was too noisy inside.

"Go on, talk. I can hear you now." Ethan implored.

"I don"t know if this is a good news or a bad news, but I lost Stacy and the man who was with her." his voice was a little hoa.r.s.e.

"What do you mean you lost her?" Ethan was a bit confuse.

"I think they were trying to escape from their bodyguards. I tried to follow them but I"m sorry…" he was repentant.

Ethan was about to say something when he heard the explosion. He jerked, even Clint heard it on the other line.

"Ethan what"s that? is that an explosion?!" he frets. "Ethan where are you!" his voice was demanding.

"I"m fine Clint. I"m safe. I will call you later, okay" Ethan immediately hung up. He was worried when he remembered Demetrius. Hope he is okay. he tried to go inside the gallery but the fire fighters stopped him. he can"t do anything but to wait outside since the whole place was already consumed by fire.

Meanwhile, Silver"s eyes widened when he realized that he left Sherry inside the gallery. He tried to look around but he cannot spot her everywhere. Oh how he wants to go inside but they stopped him. no one is allowed to enter the gallery because the fire has already spread.

"No, sherry!" he was crying unknowingly. If only he didn"t answer the call from his men, then he should have stayed with Sherry.

If only his men didn"t inform her that Stacy and Johnny escaped, if only he didn"t argue with them, if only he didn"t threaten them then he should have stayed inside the gallery with Sherry. Then he cursed in his mind. d.a.m.n that Stacy! Silver clenched his teeth as he balled his fist.

Cries can be heard everywhere. Some men were looking for their wives and vice versa. Medics and ambulances came at once tending the wounded ones. The explosion is everywhere the news.

That moment, Ethan was busy calling Rio"s phone number when he saw Flynn rooted on the ground. His face was so pale. He looks like someone who just saw a ghost.

"Mr. Sympson, are you okay?" Ethan approached him.

"Y-you"re alive!" his eyes widened in horror.

"Luckily, I am. Thank G.o.d." He smiled deviously. "And I"m glad that your fine too."

"M-me too. It"s nice to see you alive and kicking…" he tried to mask the resentment that he is feeling right now.

"Excuse me. I have to take this call." Ethan suddenly left him when he saw Rio was calling him back.

"Rio, where are you?" concern can be heard in his tone.

"I"m sorry I wasn"t able to take your calls earlier. I"m in the hospital right now." Rio weakly answered.

"What? why? are you hurt?" He worriedly asked.

"Nothing serious. I just took Sherry to the hospital. she was gravely injured." He explained.

"I"m coming." Ethan hung up immediately and took his car and drove to the Hospital.

After a few minutes, he reached the hospital and found Rio leaning outside the emergency room.

"Rio, your bleeding!" Ethan exclaimed when he saw his arm.

"I"m fine. It is just a scratch." He shrugged off the pain that he is feeling.

After a few second, Ethan"s phone rings. They looked at each other when they saw the caller id.


She must have seen the news on the television. "I bet you don"t want her to see your bleeding arm." Ethan sneered.

"Fine!" Rio rolled his eyes and called a doctor to tend his wound.

"Sweetheart! How are you?" he chuckled. he knew that she"s worried sick by now.

"Hey, how are you okay? where are you right now? are you injured somewhere?" Aisha fused at once as soon as Ethan answered.

"Sweetie, calm down. I"m fine. I don"t have any scratch on me so don"t worry." he tried to pacified her.

"Switch to video now!" she demanded. Ethan switch to video as requested, that"s when Aisha recognized where Ethan was. She calmed down as soon as she made sure that Ethan was fine.

"But why are you in the hospital if you"re not injured?" Aisha creased a brow. Then suddenly, she got a glimpse of a man"s silhouette walking towards Ethan with a cast on his arm.

"Dad!?" she was bothered.

"Don"t say any word. I"m okay. this is just a scratch that I got from saving She---"" Rio suddenly halted.

"Saved who, dad?" Aisha pestered him even more. "And I didn"t know that you were invited on that event!"

"I am one of the special guest so I have to attend the art symposium." He smiled.

"But who did you save?" she"s now interrogating them.

"Sherry." Rio mumbled. Even Ethan was speechless.

"Did you mean Sherry Gray?" she raised a brow. Rio nodded in response. That moment Aisha heat up. "Dad!" her face was starting to fume in anger. But the last thing Rio and Ethan saw was a black screen. Looks like they had upset her that much. Did she break her phone? They"re not sure but they heaved a heavy sigh.

Caleb, Sophie, Hunter and Shawn dare not to say any word considering her emotion right now. she looks like a lion ready to devour anyone that comes her way. But it was their very first time to witness an indignant Aisha. She always feels upset in the past but not as enrage like now.

"Is it her period today?" Caleb whispered at Sophie"s ears. However, Sophie shrug her shoulders. She doesn"t have any idea.

They were watching earlier when Aisha got a glimpse on the breaking news from Central State. Her worry skyrocketed when she remembered that Ethan attended the said Art symposium so she called him immediately. She"s been pacing back and forth while waiting for Ethan to answer the call.

After throwing her phone on the floor, Aisha can"t contain her emotion anymore so she screamed in disappointment then a tear escaped from her eyes. the guys looked at each other in wonderment.

"Hey, are you okay?" Sophie immediately went near her and caress her back.

"I don"t even understand why but I am so upset right now. I"m angry but I am worried! And why am I even crying!?" she was crying nonstop as she embraces the stupefied Sophie.

Silver had rushed to the hospital when he got a call from them saying that his wife Sherry was admitted an hour ago. He was about to lose his sanity at the thought that Sherry is dead. But he sighed in relief when he heard that she"s alive.

She was lying on the hospital bed when Silver arrived. Then the doctor a.s.sured him that she will live. She only needs to stay in the hospital for a couple of days for total recovery.

"Are you really going to leave just like that?" Ethan asked Rio who was staring at Sherry"s room while sitting at the pa.s.senger seat at Ethan"s car. Rio suddenly recalled how Sherry called him pumpkin. Is she really Cherry-Ann Lee? cause only Cherry-Ann calls him "my pumpkin"!

"It"s okay. we will meet again if destiny permits." Then a small curve showed up on his face.

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