She was venting her anger by pulling the arrows on the bow in her hand.

Hunter pulled a prank on her earlier by bringing a snake inside the house though it was harmless but whatever kind it is, Sophie was sure afraid of them.

Earlier, Sophie decided to have a cat-nap since she only had little sleep the past few days. They"ve been watching the five manufacturing sites every night but they didn"t witness any switch ups. they can"t even go near the perpetrators hideout since they had imposed heavy security due to the last incident. Skilled men had been watching the place day and night and since it was located on the mountainside, there were groups of men doing their daily rounds all over the place. That"s why they"ve been having a hard time going near it.

They"ve been trying to figure out their way in and that results to some sleepless nights.

When Sophie got a little time in the afternoon, she decided to have a cat-nap. After a few minutes, she woke up due to some strange noise. When she opened her eyes, she screamed in dread and that caught the attention of the men outside. they immediately run inside the house only to find a crying woman in front a huge yellow snake.

"Ahhh!! take this away from me, please!" she was screaming, pleading. Everybody sighed in relief. They all thought that something bad happen to her.

"Relax Sophie. this is a harmless Snake!" Hunter went to scoop the snake. The head slowly climbs up to his shoulder.

"d.a.m.n you Hunter! Who told you to put that snake on the table?! Are you trying to kill me?"

"I didn"t intentionally place it there! Aisha is a witness that I left it inside the cage." Hunter defended but Aisha was not present to back up his statement. "Besides, even if you sleep with this, it will never hurt you!"

Shawn and Caleb just stared at each other. there they go again! They knitted their brows and decided to leave the two alone. in fact, there"s not a day they hadn"t argued.

"Hunter, you, of all people knows that I hate snakes! I know that you hate me so much. But please don"t get rid of me using these dirty tactics. If you want to kill me then do it secretly!" she glared at him then left the house.

She was so upset that she took the bow and arrows at Caleb"s stock room and went to the practice field. Oh how she wants to kill someone right now. She was so upset that she didn"t notice she had injured her finger.

"That"s not the right way to kill yourself." she heard Shawn"s voice.

"Shut up! I"m not in the mood to talk to you right now." she released another arrow but it didn"t hit the target.

"Hha, I know." He smiled when he saw Hunter in a distance. "Do you really want to get even with Hunter?" he smirked.

"No, I want to kill him right now!" she uttered in disgust.

"Well, much better. Do you need help from this love expert?"

Sophie scoffed. "Love expert? Tsk! how could a loveless person becomes a love expert?"

"Trust me, I know exactly what his weakness is." Shawn smirked devilishly. His weakness? Sophie doesn"t even know one so how could Shawn knew about it?

"What?" she crossed her arms while facing him.

Shawn reached her left hand, "Don"t stop me from doing things right now. just trust me okay?" he smiled seductively as he lowered his head and sip her b.l.o.o.d.y finger. Only that moment did Sophie noticed the wound. Then Shawn spit the blood on the ground. After that, he took out his handkerchief and covered her injured finger.

Hunter, who was watching from afar clench his fist.

"Should I say thank you or was this a part of your plan?" Sophie asked when she realized what Shawn was doing. Is he trying to make Hunter jealous? Well, Sophie doesn"t believe it will work.

"hha! You should." Shawn chuckled. "Want me to teach you how to shoot accurately?" Shawn stood behind her as he guides her hands on the bow and arrow. Their bodies are so close that it looks like Shawn was embracing her. Sophie smiled.

"I didn"t know that this technique is still being used up to now." she mocks him.

"It"ll work, I guarantee that." he whispered.

"Just don"t overdo it cause I will surely kill you." Sophie threatened but she heard a mocking laugh from the man.

"Don"t worry. I won"t dare. your not even close to my type, dude..." he chuckled.

Hunter was flarming in jealousy as he observes Sophie and Shawn flirting at each other but he still tried to control his emotion. He doesn"t have the right to meddle with Sophie"s actions anymore since they don"t have any relations.h.i.+p at all. whatever they had before was already in the past. then he smiled bitterly.

After a few minutes, hunter"s phone beeps continuously. It was a warning beep to notify him that there are some irregularities on the surveillance cameras that they placed around the manufacturing sites. So he immediately dashes inside the house.

Sophie and Shawn saw how he quickly run inside the house with an anxious face so they followed him.

"What"s happening?" Sophie called out when she saw Hunter doing something on his computer. Caleb and Aisha heard the commotion so they sprint towards the others.

Hunter was seriously searching his computer checking all the sites. Then after a few minutes, he gasped. No! it can"t be! If that happens, they might be doomed!

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