She stopped the taxi at the third building before her apartment. She waited for the taxi to leave before she puts on her mask. The mask that she was wearing only reveals her eyes, she used her bangs to cover her forehead leaving a small s.p.a.ce for her eyes. she already planned her outfit when Lisa left her. She walks slowly and carefully towards her apartment building. Her apartment was located at the second floor. opposite her apartment building are benches and trees that senior citizens use to sit on as they wait for the time to pa.s.s. She hides herself behind the trees. She inspects the surrounding; she saw a car parked in front of her apartment building. Two guys are sitting inside. One in the driver side and one in the pa.s.senger seat. They kept looking at her apartment window from time to time. once in a while they check the environment to see if the person they are looking for miraculously arrive. She knew that they are waiting for her. She doesn"t know if there are guys inside her apartment. She has to be cautious.

"They have guns as well," she whispered to herself.

"I don"t think she will ever come back in this apartment." The guy in the pa.s.senger seat spoke.

"We never know." The other guy answered. The driver got off the car, he needs to pee.

As soon as he was done, Aisha smashed his head with her gun. She checks his nose; he is still breathing. The other guy got off the car to light up a cigar. Suddenly, Aisha appeared behind him and knocks him off. She searches for anything she could find in his body. There was none except for his phone so she took it.

She immediately run towards her apartment building without making any sound. It was already 10pm so everyone"s fast asleep. She slowly opens the door with her keys. It was dark inside. she needs to rely on the brightness of the moon which slightly penetrates the room through her window. Slowly, she treks the kitchen. She found none. She slightly opens the door to her room, no one is in the bed. She went near the window. She can easily spot the car that was park in front then she suddenly notices a cigarrete b.u.t.t on the table. However, it"s too late to hide, something is being pointed behind her head. A gun! She slowly faces the person. It"s a man! But she can"t see his face. Her hands were swift to s.n.a.t.c.h the gun on his hands then she pointed it back to his forehead.

"Who are you? What do you need from me?" she asks in an intimidating tone. The guy laughs hysterically.

"I finally found you Miss Mikasa!" he attacked her hands. He was strong! And fast! Aisha dropped the gun. The man kicked her knees, she kneeled. She tried to fight back but the man suddenly steps on her hands.

"There"s no point in fighting Miss Mikasa. You are surrounded." Someone switch on the light. Aisha saw 3 guns pointing at her. There are a total of 4 armed men in the room.

"Who are you?" what do you need from me?" she asks. The guy sat in the bed while she stood up. She was a.n.a.lyzing her survival rate. She can definitely beat each of them, but all guns are pointing at her, survival rate is 50/50 coz there"s a possibility that they will shoot her at once. Her other option is to jump outside the window, but its somehow risky. It will damage her feet, and probably they will shoot her coz they can catch her easily since she won"t be able to run at the same time. But in any case that they needed her alive then they can still get her since she can"t run that far. All options will lead her either death or cage. But still, she didn"t want to lose her faith. She has to survive no matter what.

"Miss Mikasa, do you know that you have the highest bounty on your head right now?" the guy explained.

"Who is trying to kill me?" she answered.

"hmm… let me think. As far as I remember, one person placed 500,000 for your head, another 750,000 and the last one placed 1 million as a bounty. Seems like Miss Mikasa is a very dangerous person in the underworld huh..."

"I don"t believe that you are working for a unanimous client. They at least gave their Aliases. If you will give me names, I promise to spare your life." The guy laughs hilariously. Even his men joined him.

"Miss Mikasa, are you saying that you can take us all?" he mocks her. His laugh echoed even outside. In the outside, one can definitely see 3 men pointing out their guns towards the woman and a man who constantly laugh through the moonlight shadow.

"I can see how brave you are. Your eyes doesn"t even show any hint of fear. I just wonder why they will hunt a beautiful woman as you. I guess not all innocent looking girl are really harmless, huh." The man grabs her chin with an amount of strength. She evaded his hands.

"Even if you scape us, I a.s.sure there are more bounty hunters coming after you ----- and your family as well. So if I were you, I rather offer myself as a sacrifice than sacrifice your husband, or perhaps, YOUR SON, hmmm.. what was his name again? It"s Eli right? Haha.. you chose Miss Mikasa, your life or their safety? Coz you can never hide from us!" The guy laughs frantically. Aisha"s body tense up when she thought of her family.

"Ethan, Eli…"" she whispers. He got her angry. "Don"t ever go near my family!" she threatened him. She grabbed the man"s hand and locked it behind him. he is winding in pain.

"Stay where you are or I will shoot him!" she said while pointing the gun that she took under her jacket. The 3 guys stood back. Aisha walk near the window then she opens it wide.

"I"m warning you, don"t ever try to go near my family, ever!coz I will definitely wipe all of you!" she yelled. She broke his arms then she jumps out the window.

Crackkkkk -------- it was the sound of her broken left arm. She slipped a foot when she jumped out the window. the force damage her left arm.

"Ahhhhhhh!" she pursed her lips despite the pain. She tried to stand up to pick her gun but too late, one of the men is at the window ready to shoot her.

"Bangggg!" a gunshot was heard. She is bathing with blood. She looked above her. It was the man who"s about to shot her! He was shot. He"s definitely dead. But who shoot him? She looked at her gun lying on the ground. She didn"t fire it for sure.

Another gunshot was heard from a far. Someone is helping her! She took the chance to grab her gun and run away. She was limping while holding her left arm. Pain was written all over her face.

She was able to get out from the apartment complex. She removed her mask and her cap and placed it in her bag pack. She tried to act normally, as if nothing happened. She tried to walk straight since there are few people on the road. She grabbed a taxi and called hunter to check if he is still awake, luckily he is. The taxi dropped her in the pet shop. As soon as she got off the car, hunter rushed to help her.

Hunter kept her belongings and gave her a new dress. She can"t definitely go home with blood all over her s.h.i.+rt. He tried to restore her sprained ankle, luckily it was not that severe, but her arm is. Unfortunately, it needs to be checked in the hospital.

"are you still going to keep this from your father?!" hunter was so angry at her aggressiveness. She always acts alone. "They are bounty hunters, Aisha! You heard them!"

"I can"t. I can"t involve him! it"s too much of a danger for him." Hunter sighed. He knew what she meant.

"How about Caleb? Are you going to tell him?"

"Soon. But not know. Don"t tell them yet. I have to sort this things first." She insisted.

After hunter scolded her, he sent her home. He made sure to see Aisha until she gets inside the mansion gate.

"Hunter, thank you." She waves him goodbye.

Unknown to her, Ethan is watching as she enters the mansion gate. When Aisha entered their bedroom, she was surprise to see Ethan standing near the window. Her eyes widened.

"E-Ethan!" she met Ethan"s cold gazes. Ethan was looking intently at her injured arm. Anger, disappointment and worry are all over his face. She froze.

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