***On the other side, at North Oregon, Caleb was playing chess with his uncle Demetrius when his phone rang.

"h.e.l.lo hunter wazzup?!" He cheerfully greets his old friend. Demetrius was stun when Caleb suddenly stood up. He was perplex.

"Okay, I got it. Thanks for letting me know." Then the call got disconnected.

"What"s the matter? You look terrible." Demetrius ask while a.n.a.lyzing his next move. He moved the horse piece. "Haha! Checkmate!" He bursted out. But Caleb didn"t move an eyelid. He is in deep thought.

"Uncle!" He decided to tell him the truth.

"Hmm?" What"s the matter?"

"It"s Aisha!" He looked at Demetrius eyes.

"What about her?" He creased a brow. "If you will tell me where she is right now,then don"t bother,I know she"s in Central City of Oregon!"

"H-how did you know, uncle?"

"Huh! Did you forget who you are talking to? It"s the great Demetrius! I have a lot of connections!" He boasted, then he laughs.

"Then you already know that the bounty hunters are after her ? And one of the bounty group attacked her just this evening?" Caleb ask.

Demetrius eyes widened. He stood up frantically.

"What!? What did you just say? Someone attacked my Aisha just this evening?!" He cursed. He was anxious.

"Do you know who they are? Or the client who wants her dead?" He probed.

"Hunter didn"t know it yet,neither Aisha. But the guy who attacked her said that she has the highest bounty on her head in the underworld. Their are at least 3 people who wants her dead.." caleb stated.

"Who are these people trying to mess with me and my daughter! I will definitely make them pay!" Demetrius punch the table beside him.

"I guess you have to go and see what"s happening in the underworld yourself, uncle.." Caleb leans on the sofa then he smirk.

"I will, definitely! And I will make them pay!" He yelled. "And How about Aisha? How is she?" he was worried.

"She was injured----------"

"What? She was shot?! Where is she?!" Demetrius interrupted.

"Uncle, relax..! She was not shot! She only injured her arm and her foot. But hunter already treated her." He laughed at her uncle"s reaction.

"That foolish girl! When will she even call me for help!" He scoffed.

**At the mansion, Aisha entered the house silently. Everyone is fully asleep. She entered their room silently in hope that Ethan is already sleeping.

"E-Ethan...! " She froze in shock.

Ethan look at her frustratingly. Aisha doesn"t know why. Is it because they didn"t go home together? But she called him and He agreed.

"I-I"m sorry for coming home late.. it"s just that I, We -------"

"What happened to your arm?" He cuts her off.

He noticed? But the room is dim. Was he watching me since I entered the mansion gate? Oh no, hunter!

"What happen to your arm?" This time he was serious. He"s approaching her.

"I,I fell down! I slipped my foot and fell down the stairs at my father"s house. My arm was injured during my fall." She lied. "But I"m okay. This is just a mild fall so its not a big deal actually." She laughs hesitantly. She can"t even look at him in the eyes.

His fist curled into a ball. He knew she is lying. He suddenly touch her injured her hand.

"Aaahhhh!" She yelled in pain. Ethan turn on the light then he pull her and sit her in the bed. He inspects her arms.

"Remove your s.h.i.+rt" he commanded. Aisha gulped. But she was just wearing her sport bra on top of her s.h.i.+rt.


"T-K-E O-F-F Y-O-U-R S-H-I-R-T, N-O-W!" He said in a cold tone.


Aisha tried to remove her s.h.i.+rt but she was having a hard time since she can"t raise her left hand . Ethan saw her struggling so he help her remove the s.h.i.+rt completely. He look at her arms then he cursed. He tried to touch it gently but Aisha cried in pain. He saw the other bruises in her body. He frowned. He stood up to get the first aid kit in the bathroom. He cleaned the bruises carefully and put oitment to soothe the pain.

"Did you fall from the sky to get a lot of bruises like this?" He sarcastically ask. Aisha didn"t respond. She was in a daze. She recall what the bounty hunter told her. Ethan presses her injured arm. she came back to reality.

"Ahh! That hurts!" She burst in pain.

"You s.p.a.ced. I have to do it to bring your mind back."

"I-Im sorry." She look at him intently. For the first time, she"s afraid . What will she do if they got him-- if they gets Ethan and Eli..! She shrugs the thought. No! She has to protect them.

"It"s almost midnight. You should rest. I will call Doctor Sonny to check your arm first thing in the morning." Ethan took a clean s.h.i.+rt from the drawer and helped her wear it.

"T-thank you..." She murmured then she doze off to sleep. She was too tired for all the things that happened in just a day.

Aisha was sleeping soundly but Ethan can"t sleep. He was lost in thoughts while looking at the moon. Suddenly his phone rang.

"The guys are tough. They won"t say anything." Said the man on the other line.

"Make them confess no matter what! I DON"T CARE HOW YOU DO IT, BUT I WANT VALID INFORMATION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE." Ethan Seriously answered.

"Yes sir!" Then he hung up. Ethan once again stared at his lovely wife then he heave a heavy sigh. He went beside her. He caressed her face. Guilt and worry is visible in his eyes.

"You foolish woman. When will you ever tell me the truth,huh?" he whispered.

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