Papers were scattered all over the floor. If someone cross the threshold, they will probably think that an intruder came in and flipped the office upside down in search for a precious gem that was not around. Good thing he ordered his secretary not to disturb nor let anyone inside for a while. Yeah, every now and then he kept tossing the doc.u.ments that he was trying to scan on the floor. It"s not that the files don"t make any sense, but his mind was fully occupied--- occupied with the thought of Aisha and he couldn"t even focus on what he was doing. What if she is in danger?

It has been a few days now but they cannot find Aisha"s whereabouts. He even instructed all airport terminals to scrutinize all of the pa.s.sengers in hope of finding his woman but to this day, he hadn"t received any updates yet and its already getting into his nerves. His mind is mix-up as well; he couldn"t concentrate on his work at all.

Ah! Aisha and the baby! He doesn"t know what he will do if something bad happened to them.

"Why don"t you take a day-off for the meantime? Just a day or two will help clear out your mind." Larry suggested when he entered the cluttered room.

"I want to, but I have loads of work to do." He nonchalantly replied.

Larry bath him with scrutinizing eyes from head to toe. Currently, the man in front of him appears to be a caveman. He grown some beard, and visible dark circles shadowed his eyes. seems like the man had not have slept for the past few days. What is he possibly thinking? Larry heaved a heavy sigh. He looks so devastated. Does he even eat?

"Yeah, as I can see, you are definitely doing a good job. your productivity amazes me." Larry sarcastically replied as he walked past the scattered papers.

Ethan shrugged what he just heard. He doesn"t have the energy to argue with Larry right now.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Sir Ethan, I understand the situation that you are currently facing right now, and we are all doing our best to find Miss Aisha. but what you are showing right now is not proper for your employees to see." he took a mirror and shoved it to Ethan"s rear.

"Have you ever looked yourself at the mirror? Have you ever seen your face?" Larry asked.

Ethan suddenly stared at the small mirror and gawked at himself. Dang! was he that ugly? He asked himself.

"I have asked Dorothy to cancel all your appointments for the next three days." Larry continued.

"Larry! I didn"t give you any permission to that----""

"I"m sorry but Master Omni ordered me to do so."

"What? grandfather?" Ethan creased his brow.

"Yes, so please go home for the meantime. I already asked Dorothy to fix your office in a few minutes. I"ll be waiting at the bas.e.m.e.nt." Then Larry turned around and exited the office.

Ethan was left in daze. But after a few minutes of deep thought, he came down to the bas.e.m.e.nt and saw Larry standing on the side of his car. As soon as Larry saw the young master, he opened the backseat door and waited for Ethan to get in.

"Do you have any updates about Silver?" Ethan immediately probed since he ordered Larry to send out someone to tail Silver wherever he goes.

"No suspicious activity was reported yet. looks like he knew that someone was following him so he does all his affairs in a secret place where our man couldn"t watch in a distance."

"Did you receive any updates from Rio?"

"None for now. but I think Silver will do something this coming Friday."

"Friday?" Ethan raised his brow.

"Yes Sir. Yesterday, Sherry said that someone sneaked at Stacy"s room and left a note from Silver."

"Have you read the content?"

Larry nodded. "Ehm. But I think it"s better for you to see it yourself."

"Let"s go to the hospital then."

Larry suddenly gave a strange look from the side mirror which was not hidden from Ethan who instantly creased his brow.

"Why are you looking at me like that? is there"s a problem?"

With that, Larry laughed mockingly. "Mr. Williams, don"t tell me you will show yourself to your future in-laws with that kind of appearance?"

Then and there, Ethan realized how he looks earlier when Larry shoved the mirror in front of him and so he glowered.

"d.a.m.n you Larry. Just be thankful that I have consider you a friend or else your dead." He scoffed annoyingly. However, Larry couldn"t stop laughing at the sight of the young man.

Meanwhile, Les shamble back to their base s.h.i.+rtless but one could see the wound on his shoulder. Some of the men who knew him run to him and escorted him to the physician. The after he was treated, the physician started to question him.

"Where and how did you get your wound?" the male physician asked suspiciously. It was not a gunshot wound but it looks like someone stabbed him with the intent of killing the young man. "Did you possibly had an encounter with that woman?"

Les lowered his head and his hands begun trembling. The physician could see his hesitation… or probably fear? He was not sure.

"I-I…" his voice was shaking. Then he nodded in confirmation. "Sir Isen… he saved me… and…and he died in my place." He started to shed a tear.

"Where have you seen her?" he showed no sympathy but he directly wanted to know the woman"s whereabouts.

"At the eastern side of the island. it was near the coastline. I think she was planning to escape that"s why she was spying out some of the motor boats."

"Huh! As if she could." The physician scoffed. "Don"t worry, I will report everything to Liam. as for you, I"m going to send a notice to your head commander not to allow you on the field for now. I will a.s.sign you at the factory for the time being."

"Factory? But doctor, I don"t have proper training on how to do work inside the factory yet."

"You"re not going to be a part of the production team; you will just be a part of the watchmen who oversees the production while you recuperate." The male physician smiled.

"Oh, okay. thank you doctor." He was about to leave but then he remembered Isen"s body. "Ah, doctor, how about the body? are you going to send someone to retrieve it?"

"We"ll have to get permission from Liam first. just go back to your barracks and I"ll take care of the rest."

Les exited the clinic and went straight to their quarters. He needed to change since the woman he encountered ripped off his s.h.i.+rt totally. After a few minutes, their commander came in holding a letter.

"Les, I heard what happened to you and I"m sorry about Isen. Don"t worry, we will retrieve Isen"s body no matter what happen."

"Thank you commander. But can I go with you? I can definitely show you the exact location."

"But you"re hurt. What if we encounter that woman as well? you saw her potential, right?"

"I can manage Sir. This time, I won"t lose. I will fight--- for Isen"s sake." He uttered.

His commander saw his determination and so he agreed to his request. Unknown to him, Les did it on purpose.

Lately, Aisha and Les talked about their plan. But for the meantime, Les must get inside the factory or at Liam"s private house to obtain some information that Aisha needed. Now that Les will be a.s.signed at the factory, he must inform the woman so he decided to go with his commander and see the woman discreetly. Going alone will definitely raise a suspicion so going with a group would be safer.

"Miss Aisha, please wait." he whispered while he prepares some of his weapons that he could leave for the woman to use while she"s in hiding.

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