Surviving was a part of her. It was integrated in her whole being----- mind and soul since she was young. She learned it the hard way… thank G.o.d she was taught to fight not just barely survive. Who would have thought that she could use all her stock knowledge to protect herself and the baby inside her womb? Ah! How blessed is she.

Roaming around the island, Aisha was able to recognize and memorize some important and useful locations, what area was safe and what zone was not. Also, she was able to find a place where she could get some fruits to fill her tummy. And just yesterday, she was able to sneak inside the barracks kitchen and extort some solid food with Les" help. Les was able to notify the woman the time where the quarters were usually empty. It was usually the time for the boys" trainings. Some other instances, Les would leave some delicious food in a secret spot where Aisha would just fetch it.

"Les, I don"t know why your helping me. But thank you so much. I will never forget what you have done for me and for my child." Aisha voiced when she saw the man came with a tray of food at their meeting place.

"Miss Aisha, this is nothing compare to saving my life. I should be the one to say thank you."

Aisha smiled at the young man"s humility.

"And also, I don"t believe that you"re a bad person. I just wonder why they took you captive. How did you offend the masters here?" Les continued.

"I don"t know either. Maybe I was caught in between adults fight?" she chuckled. "But to tell you the truth, Liam was my uncle and the authorities had been searching for him for a long time. We exposed his evil acts before, maybe that"s the reason why he hated me that much. As for Silver, he held me captive because he wanted to have my mom in exchange." She lowered her head when she remembered her mom and hoped that she"s doing fine. anyway, she trusts her dad, she believes that Rio will protect Sherry no matter what.

"You mean he was your uncle but he wanted to hurt you? And Silver, he wanted your mom?! Ah, I don"t understand wealthy people at all!" Les couldn"t imagine what he just heard. Then he sighed. this woman"s life is very complicated. is this how rich people live their life? then if it is, then Les doesn"t want to be wealthy anymore.

"Hhha! Your funny, do you know that?" She was laughing softly. "Anyway, enough of my story. How about you? How did you end up here?"

Les suddenly breath out an amount of air. Yeah, how did he end up here? Well, if he could bring back the past then he"ll chose to be an underpaid laborer than be in a high-paying job but conscience is at stake.

"They said that the masters here pay a good amount of money and they were looking for factory workers. But when I got here, I felt something was off with the training that we had undergone. But it was too late for me to back out. Isen, the man who tried to kill me was actually stealing some powders from the factory and he was hiding them in a secret place. Unfortunately, I caught him. That"s why he wanted to kill me in the first place."

"He was afraid that you might expose him, huh..." Aisha muttered.

"Yeah… I promised myself that after the six months" contract with the team, I will resign to find a better job but I was told that there"s no turning back once you get a glimpse of the Island. I saw some men being killed with who knows why so I feared for my life since my family depends on me."

"But if you care about your family, why are you helping me? You know that just by being around me will cost your life, right?"

"Yes. But I couldn"t help it. This is what my heart told me to do." Then the man suddenly looked at the woman who just finished her meal. "Miss Aisha, if I won"t be able to make it outside this island, please tell my family that I died with integrity."

Aisha stared at him back. The young man"s eyes reflect sadness and fear. That moment Aisha promised herself that she will help the young man no matter what. They will escape the island together. She won"t let him die, that"s for sure. a man like him deserves to live a precious life.

"Les, I"m sorry for dragging you into my messy and complicated world, but I"ll make sure to return this favor to you no matter what happen." She a.s.sured him.

"Thank you." Les smiled peacefully. "ah, by the way, I"m not sure if this is an important information to you, but the factory that I started to oversee produces this kind of powder. I heard from the upper management that two loads are ready to be s.h.i.+pped tomorrow night, but the others will follow next week" Then he handed her a small plastic that has some powder on it.

Aisha yelped. Drugs! So does that mean that Silver and Liam bought this island so they could hide their illegal works together? Now it makes sense!

Now, anyone could sue Silver and Liam even without explanation when the authorities raid the island. this will definitely be the start of their destruction not just paralyzing the two.

"If you want to know more about their business here, a storage house is located in the west side, on the hilltop. But you should be careful cause the men guarding that place are very well trained." Les continued.

"I understand. This place alone will cripple your two masters. So I have to tell my dad about this." Aisha uttered. "Les, do you have a phone that I could borrow?"

Les suddenly shrieked. "Miss Aisha, they banned the use of cellphone in the island. but the captains and the other people in higher position can have one. However, even if I sneak one, each calls and texts are being monitored by some experts."

"Then get me a pen and a paper." Aisha requested. "During the s.h.i.+pment tomorrow, can you make a way so you could sail with them?"

Les hesitantly looked at the woman. "I could try, but I can"t promise. Why?"

"I need you to send a message to either Ethan or Rio. I can tell you their addresses and their phone numbers. Can you do it for me?" her eyes were pleading.

"I-I can try…" his voice was breaking. After a few seconds, he made a resolve. "Miss Aisha, I won"t try. I will do it." he instantly smiled with a.s.surance.

"Thank you Les. I swear, I will never forget your kindheartedness."


In the central city, in the hospital, Sherry started to pace back and forth. It"s already ten in the evening and the remaining hours will determine her next plan.


Sherry glanced at her phone. No text from Rio yet.


"Mom, don"t you think it"s time for you to sleep? It"s already two in the morning." Stacy whimpered when she woke up and saw her mom standing in the open window and was staring at the starry sky.

"Ehm." She just muttered. "Go back to sleep Stacy. Mom will be on the bed in a few minutes." She uttered without looking at her daughter.

Stacy creased her brow. Staring at her mom"s back somewhat gave her a bad feeling.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

When Sherry sensed that Stacy was sleeping, she took her phone and typed in a message.

"Shullamite building at 10:00am. And make sure to bring my daughter along with you—Sherry."

She held the phone for a few seconds, breath in, then finally, pressed the send b.u.t.ton.

"Erika…I"m sorry. this is how far mom can go." she whispered under the moonlight.

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