Publishedat 13th of September 2019 03:03:56 PMChapter 245

She was radiating with beauty and grace .

No wonder The little girl won the search for little miss Estrella at her school . Of course, her mother was more proud of her .

She has to be absent on her second day of work just to attend that very special day and she had been cheering for her little girl all throughout the program . Although it was just a simple event but she wanted to make sure that she"ll be there for her child . All she wanted is shower her the support she needed .

"Way to go baby!" She kept yelling whenever she saw her daughter come out the stage .

Ah she was so happy when they had announced the winner .

Miracle Miran!

She jumps to her feet and guess she has the loudest clap and yell among the audience .

The program ended with big smiles plastered on their faces . They were hopping and singing while they trek their way home . Their apartment was not that far from school so they decided to walk instead of taking a cab . And yeah, they enjoy that part a lot .

"Baby, what do you want to eat right now?" The woman stoop to meet the girls pair of beautiful blue eyes . "Let"s celebrate!"

"Uhmmm . . . " The young girl was thinking . She definitely wanted to eat her favorite sweet spaghetti but she knew that her mom just landed a new job the other day and that she had to borrow money from her friend for a week allowance .

"Ehmmm . . . I don"t want anything today mom . " She smiled her widest . She doesn"t want to be a burden to her mom . "I"m full . "

"Eh . . . okay . . . Let"s go home then . " Her mom beamed but deep inside her, she knew that her daughter was merely declining for her sake .

Anyway, she is blessed to have a beautiful and witty child . Might as well work hard so she could provide her a good future .
She was in trance when her phone suddenly rings . she glances at the caller id and saw the name of that man . She beamed .

"Let me guess, your calling to invite me and Mira for dinner, correct?" She teased .

"Ah! So are you a fortune teller now?" the man on the other line chuckled . " I miss my little Mira so I am hoping to see her tonight . "

"Unfortunately, she can"t come without her gorgeous mother . " She sneered .

"Hhha . . . " The woman heard a crisp laugh on the other line . Seems like the man isn"t done taunting her yet . "Oh, then if you want, you can join us as well . Your more than welcome too . "

"Ah no . I"m not interested anymore . Besides, we have a lot of things to do tonight so better luck next time . " She scoffed and was about to hang up when the man stopped her .


The woman laughed within .

"Come on Alex . . . Just say yes and stop tormenting this lonely handsome man . "

However, the man didn"t hear any response from her .

"Alex . . . . Please?" Now he is begging .

Then a minute later, the woman laughs to her hearts content .

"Happy now?" The man scoffed .

"Don"t blame me, you started it in the first place . " She chuckled .

"Fine, I concede . " He rolled his eyes .

"Where to?" She finally asked . "But the bill is yours, right?" She added .

"I"ll send you the address . " Then the man hangs up .

The woman was smiling when she placed the phone back in her pocket, then they continued to walk the empty street .

"Was that daddy Clement?" The young kid asked .

"Ehm . . . " She smiled . "And he is inviting us for dinner . I guess he heard about your victory . "

"Yehey!" Miracle suddenly jumped in excitement . The woman raised her brow . Eh? Just earlier, she was refusing . But now, look at her excitement . She sighed a relief .


Meanwhile, Ethan couldn"t concentrate to what he was doing . He was in a meeting with the managers, however, his mind seems to be somewhere else . The employees must have notice it so they were all looking at each other in awe . It was rare for them to see their great CEO perplex with a floating mind .

The branch director has to tap Ethan before he came to his senses and saw the shock painted all over his employees faces .

"Let"s continue the meeting tomorrow . " He instantly stood up and went back to his suite .

He saw a woman who looks like Aisha this morning . He couldn"t even believe it so he tried to chase the woman but he lost her .

But is it really possible? Is it Aisha? or wait, a doppelganger? Or Could it be just his imagination too .

Maybe . . . .

Ethan was standing near the window with his gaze on the horizon . The city was covered with beautiful city lights and it"s kinda refres.h.i.+ng .

Aisha . . . .

His heart started to sink deep in agony once again .

After a few minutes, he heard a knock on his door . He walks towards it and as he opens, he saw the branch director trying to hide his trembling .

"Mr . Williams, sorry to bother you but I think I forgot to tell you that you have a schedule for a meet and greet with our new employees tomorrow at 8am . " The branch director reported . " He was trying to be calm .

"I have to do what?" He creased his brow . "a meet and greet?"

"Y-yes sir . It was actually on your schedule . "

Ethan tapped his temple . Ah, that Larry, why did he even include that nonsensical thing on his schedule? Is he trying to mess with him? He will definitely kill him when he goes back home .

After a year of Aisha"s proclaimed death, Larry kept shoving him to meet some other women . Larry might not say it directly but his action speaks it all . Even events like meet and greet with the company employees started to be added on his schedules without him knowing .

He doesn"t usually do that but Larry has the freewill to mess with him . If only he could fire that old man . he sighed .

"Okay . 10 minutes should be fine then . " He nonchalantly replied .

"Y-yes sir!" Then the branch director kowtowed and dash back home .

Ethan laid his back on the soft king size bed and immediately, his memory went back to what he had seen this morning .

He didn"t see her full features but he was able to have a glimpse of her face . It was just a side glance so maybe he had mistaken her for someone else . Ah, he needs to forget it . Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

Yeah, he must stop thinking about Aisha starting now . He needs to move on, also for Eli"s sake . Whatever he does, he will never change the fact that he saw the woman fell off the cliff that very moment . It"ll be a miracle if one survives that cold sea .

Ah! Anyway, he needs to fly to Paris after 2 weeks . He will be staying there for 6 months so he needs to finish all his job within this week . The delegation of work must be done as soon as before the flight, so why not concentrate on it for now .


She was running as fast as she can . she needs to reach the hotel as soon as possible and she can"t be late as per her manager . She heard that their CEO was a cold blooded man so might as well not show some bad behavior during her 3rd day .

She has to send Mira to school first before heading to her work . too bad, she was caught in a traffic jam . What a good way to start her day . she sighed .

Then she glanced at her wrist.w.a.tch . No! she"s already late for almost 10 minutes . What to do? after a few more minutes, she had arrived at the hotel and dash towards the conference room, however, it was already empty . She then went to her manager and apologized but to her surprise, the manager rolled her eyes on her .

"Ma"am, I"m really sorry . I promise this won"t happen again . " She said .

"Miss Alex Miran, I"m sure this will never happen again cause from now on, you don"t have to come to work anymore . " Manager Sheila uttered .

She jerked . "Miss Sheila, what do you mean? are you firing me? but m—""

"It"s not my decision, the CEO fired you himself . If you want to dispute, then you should talk to the CEO . " Then she left .

"Eh?" Alex was taken aback . "talk to the CEO?" she suddenly felt her forehead releasing cold big sweats .

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