Publishedat 13th of September 2019 03:03:55 PMChapter 246

She woke up at 7am . Seems like her alarm clock wasn"t that effective or was she very tired last night? ah! That Clement! It was definitely his fault . If he had only send them home early then they should not have slept late . now, she"ll gonna pay the price .

She jerked when she remembered Miracle . She needs to be in school at 8 . Dang! she immediately woke up and dash to the shower room but when she was about to remove her s.h.i.+rt, she went to see Mira first . She also needs to take a bath so why not go together instead .

As soon as she opened the door to the child"s room, she was surprised to see a little kid drying her hair using a white towel . She was also wearing her school uniform .

"Eh? Mira? since when did you wake up?"

The young girl looks at her lazily . "six . " Then she went back to drying her hair . "Mom, I can"t be late today . "

Then Alex suddenly remember what time is it and went back to the shower room . unbelievingly, she took a bath only for 10 minutes .

She was able to send Mira to school before 8 and so she sighed . ah, if that kid gets late, she will definitely slash out . yeah, that little girl, she has a cold-b.i.t.c.h side . To whom did she inherit that kind of att.i.tude? She"s not sure either .

As soon as she saw her child got inside her cla.s.sroom, she immediately run to the bus stop and waited for another twenty minutes . Dang! she will be late, that"s for sure . what would she do? she can"t afford to be late since they will have a meet and greet with the CEO this morning .
Also, the employees said that the great CEO, although handsome, was a cold blooded and heartless man, without no mercy . Oh no!

Meanwhile, Ethan woke up at seven in the morning . And as usual, he took his shower and as he comes out, he found a munchful breakfast on his dining table . What is this? a feast? This is a food for five people! did they believe that he can finish them all? he sighed .

As soon as he finished his breakfast, he prepared himself for the meet and greet with the new hotel employees . He was about to get out of the room when the door ringed . He opened and saw the branch director standing neatly-well dressed . The man greeted him with a smile . Nice .

"Sir, I am here to pick you up . "

"I"m ready . Show the way . " He motioned the branch director .

Ethan was on the conference room 10 minutes early . But he was also surprised to see the employees along with their managers . Oh, good . they do know how strict he is with time . however, he could see a restless woman who kept glancing on her phone then to her wrist.w.a.tch . She must be a manager since she is wearing a managerial suit .

Ethan waited for the time to reach exactly 8am before he asked the branch director if all the employees are present as of the moment .

"S-sir, we are missing one employee . " He answered . "But we will begin with or without her . "

"Good . " he coldly uttered . "And also, tell her manager that I don"t need employees who cannot manage their time . " then he sat on his designated seat .

The branch director slightly jolted . He is so inconsiderate . Did he mean that he wanted to terminate the employee? He"s so mean! He scoffed . however, he cannot defy the CEO"s order so he called the manager and ordered her to end the employee"s contract today .

"Yes sir, I understand . "

Ethan only spoke for five minutes and made sure to welcome all the new employees . But unknown to him, almost all the women inside were ogling at him, the she managers were not excluded of course .

He was dazzling as he speaks in front of them . although he was obviously cold and a bit distant, but that only added more charisma for the women . And when they learnt that he was single, they got more excited . and unknown to Ethan, plans of seducing him was running on their minds right now .


Alex dashed to the conference room as soon as she got off the bus . She was sweating profusely, however, the hall was already empty . Instantly, she felt the need to talk to her manager . Ah, that unfriendly manager . She sighed .

"Miss Sheila, I"m sorry that I was late . I promise not to, moving forward . " She uttered humbly .

The woman scoffed at her . she really hates her and Alex doesn"t even know why . "Miss Alex Miran, I"m sure that it won"t ever happen again cause from now on, you don"t have to come to work anymore . " the manager was about to leave but Alex held her arm .

"Miss Sheila, what do you mean?" she was confused . "Please don"t tell me that your terminating me because I was a few minutes late?"

"I just did . " The manager sarcastically voiced and pulled her arms away from her . Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

"Miss Sheila, please, don"t do this . I can"t lose this job right now . I promise you … I---""

"Miss Miran, even if you kneel in front of me, I can"t do anything about it since it was the CEO"s order in the first place . "

"Eh? The CEO?" she clenched her teeth .

"So if you want to save yourself and keep working at this hotel, then talk to the CEO and not me because I am a mere employee like you . " she smirked knowing that the woman can"t possibly have an audience with the CEO .

Alex was dumbfounded . Talk to the CEO? How could she even do that? the CEO can"t simply meet with anyone!

The manager left her in daze . after much consideration, she made up her mind . then she will just look for another job . is this the only hotel that pays high? She snorted and slowly went out . she even went such a ha.s.sle to retailor her work uniform since she hated that pencil cut pink skirt .

She was about to exit when she heard a man and a woman arguing in the lobby . They were shouting at each other that it has caught other people"s attention . The hotel employees couldn"t even stop them . the man was a little rude and Alex instinctively knew that he will hit the woman . however, before the man even raised his hand, she took her black heel shoes and rigidly throw it on the man"s head . it exactly hit his forehead and a little blood trickled down his cheek .

Bullseye! She smirked . Ah, looks like she exerted a little strength just now . maybe she was so upset that she needed to release it . the arguing couples were shocked at the speed of the events . but the employees and the front-desk manager was even more surprised when they glanced to where the shoes came from . she was wearing an employee uniform! Dang! they"re doomed!

She knew that what she did will worsen her situation . If the higher ups discover what she just did with their customer, they will surely ban her from working at the hotel forever . The woman must have notice her so she walked towards the lady standing lazily but confidently .

"I think you"re in big trouble, miss . " She voiced kindly . "Won"t you be terminated for doing that?" it was the woman who was arguing with the man .

She smiled . "It"s okay, it"s my last day anyway . " she chuckled .

"Eh?" the woman knitted her brow . "It can"t be true . I won"t allow that to happen . Don"t worry, I"ll talk to the owner and speak good things on your behalf . " she smirked .

So this woman knew that inconsiderate CEO? Hmm… Alex was thinking for a while . well, guess a little help isn"t that bad . Might as well think as a blessing in disguise . After much thought, she smiled at the woman . "Please do . "

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