It"s been two hours when Lisa decided to go back to the office. She went directly to her desk without seeing Aisha. she decided to focus on her work since she has to do a lot of things since Caleb has been in the hospital for days now. She covered her eye bugs with concealer so Aisha won"t notice her paleness. She is sure that her friend will pester her once she notices her feeble look.

Lisa simply hates that man! Why should she bother to look after him anyway? Caleb has been a pain in the a.s.s. There was never a day where he didn"t annoy or insults her. she hates it but she kinda miss it too. But why bother to think about such dumba.s.s guy! He doesn"t even care about her. She paused when she recalled the scenario in the hospital.

She looks for her cellphone. She remembered that it was dead since she went out the office. she was thinking to plug it when she reaches the hospital but unexpected things happened.

"Lisa! Your back so soon. How"s Caleb?" Aisha came out holding a stack of folder.

"Oh, he"s just doing fine. I came back early since I still have a lot of things to do." Lisa simply perfected her lies earlier. She didn"t dare to look at her friend as she continued to face the monitor.

"Oh I see. I"m sorry that you have to do Caleb"s job for the meantime but don"t overwork yourself, okay?" Aisha told her. Lisa chuckled.

"Of course. I work to live and not to die." Then they both laugh. After a minute, Aisha places the folders in her desk.

"By the way, I already reviewed all these doc.u.ments. They"re good to go." She smiled at Lisa.

"Sure!" she exclaimed. Aisha is about to return to her office when Lisa suddenly remembered something.

"Aisha, I received a message from Mr. Salemander"s secretary. He sent an invitation for the masquerade ball this coming Friday. I"ll send you the details."

"Masquerade ball?" Aisha cringe her forehead. Why does she have to attend such a ball? It was never her thing! Guess it can"t be help.

"Sure. Thanks Lisa." She sighed as she entered her office.

She was fixing her table when her phone rings. Eli? She saw the caller id. Why did he call all of a sudden? Is he at Ethan"s office?

"Hi sweetheart! How are you?" Aisha greeted him cheerfully.

"Mom! Come home early, okay?" she heard Eli on the other line. He sounded ecstatic.

"Ohh, Mom has a lot of things to do today, I might come home late sweetheart." She tried to explained.

"Mom, please! Just for now." Eli begged softly.

"Okay dear, I will try to come home early for you." She smiled.

"Yehey!" she heard Eli"s overjoyed voice over the phone, she smiled. "Mom, please be here for dinner. I will wait for you!" then Eli hung up.

Dinner? But she was planning to go home by eight in the evening. Well she still has some time to finish some of her work before dinner. Guess she needs to do the others the next day.

*** At the Lockwood residence, Angel threw everything that she touches when she heard what happened to the men that she sent to dispatch Stacy. She was told that they were beaten badly and that the police got them.

"How dare you sent some dummies who can"t even catch a mere weak woman!" She shouted at the middle age man before her. "Did you tell me that your men were as skilled as you are?" she was aggravated.

"I"m truly sorry Miss Angel, I"ll make sure to get all the best men that we have next time." The man answered.

"This is your last chance to prove your skills, or I will definitely fire you all!" she yelled.

"Yes Miss." The guy sighed a relief as soon as he got out from Angel"s presence. That woman, she was not like that before. She looks so innocent and kind that everyone thinks that her name suits her very well but what is he seeing right now? she looks like the opposite! The man was puzzled.

And who is this Stacy who beat his men? Did she really handle them all? All five of them? If yes, then she"s not just an ordinary woman then, he thought. He must see her personally.

*** Lisa went to see Aisha in her office to bid goodbye since Eli informed her about their plan to surprise her for her birthday. She must go home ahead of her.

"oh, why don"t you wait for me? I"m about to finish this one then we can go home together." Aisha proposed. Lisa thought of an excuse.

"I"m sorry Aisha but I need to send some money to my sister right now. she really needs to pay her school fees as soon as tomorrow." She partly lied. Well it"s true that she will be sending her sister some money but it"s not actually an urgent one.

"Oh is that so? Okay then. Just call me if you want me to pick you up."

"Sure I will." Then Lisa set off. Aisha was left alone in the office.

Lisa was about to exit the building premises when someone called her. she looked back only to see a man whom she just met earlier.


"Hey! You were walking fast! I had a hard time catching up!" he was exhausted.

"I"m sorry I was rus.h.i.+ng."


"Uhm, somehow? I need to get home as soon as possible. We are actually preparing a surprise birthday celebration for my friend." She chuckled.

"Oh, I see. I could lend a hand." He offered.

"It"s not actually necessary. Everything is set, I just need to be home before her." she kindly declined.

"How about a ride?" Kian insisted.

"Oh it"s okay I can manage. I have to drop somewhere first before going home." she resisted. She can"t possibly reveal where she is staying right now to a stranger whom she just met. Kian is about to speak when someone called from behind.

"Lisa! You"re still here?" the woman asked in surprise.

"Aisha!? are you going home already?" Lisa tense a little when she saw Aisha approaching them.

"Yes. who are you talki ----" Aisha paused in shocked when the man suddenly faced her.

"K-Kian?!" She exclaimed.

"Aisha, this is ----" Lisa was about to introduce Kian but she halted.

"Stacy?!" Kian gave the impression that he was also surprise to see her.

"You know each other?" Lisa was puzzled.

"Yes! we were friends before. We both worked at the White Lotus department store as salesperson!" Kian explained. Aisha fake a smile and Lisa was anxious since she called Aisha in her real name.

"Did you just call her Aisha?" Kian asked unbelievingly. the women held their breaths as they stared at each other as if doing mental telepathy.

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