"How did you know that she was in Paris?" Ethan is sitting in his study room with the phone in his ear.

After he accompanied Eli in the jewelry store, he decided to do his works at home instead since they were planning to set up a surprise birthday party for Stacy – the present Stacy.

"Yes! and I have the evidence in my hands right now. So why don"t you just blow off her cover?" the man on the other line raised his voice.

"Grandpa, No! We can"t, not now. we must know first her intention of doing such things like these. We need to know if she is a spy or what." he spoke with finality.

"Ethan! What if she is an enemy? What if she"s one of their puppets? It will cause more harm than good for you and also with Eli!" Master Omni objected.

"Not now grandpa. Just trust me. I will uncover the truths first. And I just know that she won"t do anything that could harm Eli…" his voice soften a little bit. The old man heaved a sigh, Then he hung up.

Master Omni called hEthan to warn him about Stacy. Master Omni instigated an investigation about Stacy when she suddenly disappeared before. But he never expected that his simple intention before would uncover some big secrets that no one can ever imagine.

Master Omni doesn"t hate the current Stacy right now. in fact, he likes her especially when he saw how she takes good care of Eli, his grandson, even if Eli was not Stacy"s flesh and blood. Also, according to Eli"s stories about the current woman, she is a great person. Indeed, he has seen that side of her. but when he discovered the truth about her ident.i.ty, he became pa.s.sive. Why would she pretend to be Stacy? Are they planning something? is she working for someone? He didn"t know. All he knew is that, the woman is a con and can be a dangerous person.

Ethan, on the other hand can"t allow his grandad to expose the current Stacy. He knew that she isn"t the real Stacy but he also doesn"t understand the reason why she chose to live her sister"s life. Did they plan this together? Why? why? why? he is full of questions. He just wanted to hear the truth from her own words. He will patiently wait until she decided to tell him the truth.

Just who is she exactly? It was said that her real name is Aisha. No wonder he felt that there was something odd when he found her in the hospital. He noticed her eyes at first but he didn"t give a d.a.m.n about it back then. Then suddenly, she changed her outfit, he noticed her height. Did she drink a miracle bone growth that she at least increased in height even if it is just some inches? Also the sudden change in her personality towards Eli and Master Omni. But it"s not just them, it"s definitely her personality. She was like a totally reborn person.

He wanted to conclude that she banged her head somewhere and that the Erika he knew when he was young resurfaced but he never thought that it was definitely a new person.

But Ethan"s doubt also resurfaced. He became suspicious of her secretive action. What is it that she is hiding? Is she a part of an organization who wants to destroy the Williams? They have a lot of enemies; the Williams knew that. There are lots of people who wants to destroy them before, so he was thinking if the twin sister were a member of some organization who wants to destroy them. Ethan doesn"t know. Part of him believe that she is not but part of him says otherwise.

Once again, Ethan bought the envelope that his private investigator provided. All of Aisha"s information is there. Not all, but I guess enough to expose her anytime. But Ethan wants to hear it from her.

"Are there things more about you that I have to know?" Ethan whispered to the picture in his hands. "Aisha," he spoke of her name.

*** Aisha smiled half-heartedly when she heard Kian asked a question. Kian was one of his nice workmates before when she was a saleslady at the WL department store. They knew her as Stacy and not as Aisha.

"Sorry for the misunderstanding. Aisha was just a pet name I gave her when we first met. It"s in memory of my beloved dog." Lisa made up a story, but Aisha nodded as an agreement to what just she said.

"Oh I see. sorry for asking though," Kian apologizes.

"it"s okay." Lisa smiled as well as Aisha. "Please excuse us for a while, we really need to get home now." Aisha said then they exited the building.

As soon as they exited the building premises, Aisha and Lisa heaved a heavy sigh.

"phew! That was close!" Lisa said.

"yeah your right. I think you should call me Stacy from now on whether in private or public." She forced a laugh.

When the girls exited the building, Kian bought his cellphone out then dialed a number.

"Positive. It"s Aisha." he hung up then he let out an evil grin. "Checkmate!" he whispered.

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