"Hey come on faster! Make sure to get some good photos. This will definitely go big!" the man smirked as he talk to his partner while hiding behind the wall looking at Aisha and some men who surrounded her.

Aisha have been fighting with those men simultaneously. The camera man continued to take photos of her punches and flying kicks. The other guy had his phone record everything that"s happening. Astonishment was written all over his face as he watches the lady hitting those thugs as she avoided the men"s advances. She was so good. She fights well, as if she"s been doing it her whole life.

She was having a hard time since she was wearing an evening gown. she can"t move freely but thank goodness that she moves fast. The men were lying on the ground, each one curling in pain. Good thing they don"t have weapons with them. Bounty hunters are loaded with weapons so she was sure that these men are not hunters at all. They were too weak for a bounty hunter.

"Who sent you?" Aisha grab someone in the collar. The man doesn"t want to talk. No one from the men wanted to talk despites her dangerous glare.

"Or should I ask your family instead?" she grinned evilly, "Aisha took her phone on the secret pocket under her dress. "You should know what I can do." she threatened.

"Please! Don"t!" Aisha was about to the dial the police hotline when the man interrupted her.

"It"s Lockwood. Angel Lockwood." He muttered roughly. Aisha suddenly let out a crisp laugh that the men look at her in awe.

"Angel? Angel Lockwood?" she continued to laugh. "Then I guess I have to give her a visit one day." she smirks as she releases the pitiful man.

Aisha called Lisa and instructed her to come out and meet her where she drops her earlier. Lisa didn"t understand but she followed. She was holding a cup of coffee as Aisha fetch her.

"I thought you wanna come up." Lisa said when she sat at the pa.s.senger seat. She handed Aisha a cup of coffee.

"Thanks." Said she, "I change my mind." She smiled as she sips her coffee.

"Aisha what happen to your dress?" Lisa move closer to see a ripped part of her dress at her back.

"Oh, I didn"t know. Must be when I tried to get out from the car earlier but my dress was caught on something." she was smiling as if nothing happens.

"Then we should go back and change your dress then." Lisa suggested.

"No, it"s okay. I already called someone to bring me an extra dress." Lisa can see her confidence so she didn"t push her.

After Aisha finished her coffee, they drove back to where the crossroads where then went directly to the Hotel. She still has less than thirty minutes to change.

"Would you like to go to the reception first? I"ll just need to change at room 123." Aisha ask.

"I"ll go with you instead." She smiles then they both ride the elevator.

"Let me see what you got?" the man took the camera from his companion then she started to browse them one by one.

"Well you did a great job! we don"t need to go to the masquerade party. Let"s just go back to the office and write an article for this." He laughs while his companion drove the van back to the central city. He is smiling from ear to ear then he started to watch the fighting scene that he recorded earlier.

"You will absolutely make me rich, princess. In return, I will make you famous." He whispered loudly.

*** As soon as the elevator stopped at the third floor of the hotel, Aisha and Lisa strides towards the room.

"I didn"t know that you have some friends here. You never told me that before." Lisa pouted jokingly.

"She was my friend back then when I was in the North state. You"ll love her I swear." Aisha promised.

"Well, since you said so."

Aisha knocked on the door. After a while, the door opens.


"Sophie!" they briskly hug each other as if they haven"t seen each other for such a long time. Well, partly true. They haven"t seen each other for months since Aisha run away from home.

Lisa, at the same time was shocked to see the woman. it was her! It was the woman in the hospital! Why is she here? Does that mean that Caleb is here as well? Her thoughts rampaged.

"Oh by the way, I want you to meet my friend Lisa," Aisha pulled Lisa in.

"H-Hi! It"s nice meet-----""

"Oh hi there! We already met! I"m Sophie." Sophie extended her hand. Lisa faked a smile as she shakes her hand.

"You know each other?" Aisha was puzzled. Lisa never told her that she already met Sophie.

"Basically no. I didn"t have a chance to talk to her because of Caleb"s rudeness." Sophie sarcastically explained as if she was disgusted to speak of Caleb"s name. Aisha laughed.

"Anyway, I just want to apologize of what happened that time ---""

"Did something happened that I didn"t know of?" Aisha interrupted.

"N-nothing happened!" Lisa interjected. "Don"t you need to change your dress? We only have less than 20 minutes to get you prepared." Then she pushed Aisha inside.

"Ah right!" Sophie suddenly remembered why they were there so she took the paper bag then handed it to Aisha.

"You should change in the shower room." Sophie pushed her inside.

"Why can"t I just change here?"

"Cause Caleb"s gonna be here anytime soon." Lisa jerked while sitting at the couch.

"Did she just say that Caleb is here?" Lisa thought to herself.

"Did I just hear my name?" Caleb suddenly came in enthusiastically.

"Speaking of the devil, here he comes!" Sophie sighed.

"Hey Caleb!" Aisha was overjoyed to see a healthy man in front of her. now he"s walking. "How are you handsome?"

"You don"t have to say what"s obvious." He laughs. "And how"s my darling sweetheart?" Caleb went near Lisa who was busy doing something on her phone. He noticed that she didn"t even look at him since he came in.

"Shut up!" Lisa indifferently cut him.

"There they go again." Aisha teased then she pulled Sophie inside the shower room. "I need help with the dress." She uttered.

Lisa kept herself busy with her phone even when Caleb came near her. he was behind her. she knew that he was also looking at her phone but Lisa doesn"t want to care about him. she just kept reading some doc.u.ments on her mail.

"You should have not come if you plan to extend your work, you know." Caleb was taunting her.

"You should mind your business." Lisa spoke in annoyance.

"I am minding my business. But seems like she"s not in the mood." His cold breath sent s.h.i.+vers in her spine. She could smell his refres.h.i.+ng perfume along with his minty breath. She grasped. A single action from Lisa may cause her head to touch his. Caleb suddenly look at her intently. His lips near her cheek. This pervert can definitely steal a kiss from her anytime. She gulped. Seems like Caleb"s enjoying taunting her.

"Are you mad at me?"

"Shut up!" Lisa"s attention is still on her phone.

"Are you really going to ignore me?" Caleb grinned at his sudden plan. When he didn"t hear any response from her, he instantly kisses her cheek. Lisa"s eyes widened. She glared at him but Caleb smirked evilly.

"Then let me cure your anger then!" he sensually uttered as he captured her lips.

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