Caleb was kissing Lisa pa.s.sionately when the door of the shower room opened. Lisa pushed him immediately.

The two were stunned to see the awkwardness between the two when they came out. Lisa was fixing her dress while sitting on the couch.

"Ehm! You look human enough on your dress." Caleb taunted Aisha. When Lisa looked at her, she drops her jaw. She"s even more beautiful at her dress.

"Aisha! you look amazing!" Lisa suddenly uttered in amazement.

"Oh see? I told you it looks good on you." Sophie chuckled when she remembered how Aisha doubted the dress a while ago.

They were actually arguing about it. Guess she didn"t have a choice. She was wearing a tube black dress which is 2 inches above the knee. She felt so exposed. Her hair was tide into a messy bun with some hair falling on her shoulder. Her 4 inches heels also added height on her long lean legs.

*** Ethan was fighting the urge to call Stacy since he was informed that she exited the White lotus department store an hour ago. But after a while, Larry called him to let him know that Stacy is already in the hotel. But where is she? The party is about to start in a minute.

Mr. Salemander gave an opening speech to welcome everybody. The party looks like a gathering of business men all over the country. Of course, almost everyone has their partners. Some are with their wives; some was just a date. After the opening speech, Mr. Salemander acknowledge some VIP"s with him then he gave the microphone to the host. The party already started but Ethan haven"t seen Stacy yet. he was looking for her everywhere but everyone has their masks on. he was about to call Stacy when someone approaches him.

"Mr. Williams right?" the old man asks.

"Yes I am; May I know who am I speaking?" Ethan politely asks.

"Mikasa, Demetrius Mikasa. Please to meet you in person." Demetrius extended his hand.

"The pleasure is mine Mr. Mikasa." He politely shook his hand with a smile. "and thank you for your interest in our company. Hope we will have you as our partners for a long time." Demetrius was stunned at his pleasant att.i.tude. It"s rare to see humble CEO"s nowadays.

"of course, were looking forward to working with you as well. Are you here alone?" Demetrius suddenly asks.

"No. I"m with my wife actually."

"Oh! So you"re already married. Too bad I really want you to meet my daughter. I really think you"ll like her" Demetrius chuckled. Ethan beams.

"Oh well, see you later. I"ll just go and greet my old friend Salemander." Then Demetrius left.

After Demetrius left, some business partners approached Ethan. They talked merely about business.

In a table located in the east side of the hall, a middle age man wearing a fox mask was looking at Ethan intently. He was observing him since earlier. If his eyes could shoot daggers, then Ethan would probably be dead by now. he made himself busy after a while as he talks to some big fishes inside, especially those whom he knew as an investor at the Saphiro Gentz Company. As to what topic they were talking to? Only he and the people whom he approaches knew it.

Ethan went to the counter to get a specific wine he loves to drink when a lady masks in a b.u.t.terfly-like design approaches him. she smiles at him gently. Is this woman hitting on him? she"s definitely a beauty but he only wants to keep a specific woman in his life. He smiled back but he snaps quickly at his wine. However, the lady is still looking at him, standing beside her.

"Can I help you miss?" Ethan raises his brow. The lady suddenly let out a crisp chuckle. Ethan somehow catches her laugh. Wait! She sounds like ---- he stares at the infinity necklace that she is wearing. Eh? Then he looks at her messy bun hair. He caresses his temple when he saw the phoenix hairclip. He smirks.

"Can I join you?" she"s teasing him.

"I"m afraid my wife would skin you alive if she sees you with me." He says with sarcasm as he leans on the counter sipping his wine.

"Oh, I didn"t know you have a wife."

"Ehm, I have. And she"s a bit scary. I just want you to know that." He whispered to her.

"Oh, is that so? Is she prettier than the woman in front of you?" Ethan looks at her from head to toe as if a.s.sessing her.

"hmmm... actually, my wife is a very simple woman. she"s definitely a beauty but I think the woman in front of me is much prettier." He smiled genuinely but the woman in front of him sneered in contempt. He let out a laugh seeing her facial reaction.

Aisha was about to leave him but Ethan held her arm.

"Hey, leaving so soon?"

"Oh, I"m sorry. I actually don"t have a time for cheaters." She faces him with condescension. Ethan laughs even more but he pulled her closer to him and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Why decide to wage a war then retreat afterwards when your at disadvantage?" he teases.

"I hate you!" she scoffed.

"It"s okay as long as I love you." Then he kisses her on the lips. She was caught off guard but she blus.h.i.+ngly smiled afterwards.

"Liar! You just cheated on your wife just now!" Ethan chuckled.

"Are you jealous with yourself?" Ethan teased the woman sulking in front of him.

"But you look beautiful tonight love, I might have a hard time blocking men who approaches you tonight." He whispered. She chuckles.

Demetrius spotted Ethan standing at the counter with a gorgeous lady beside him. Whoa! she stood like someone he knew. It couldn"t be his daughter, he was confident. He approaches them.

"Hi, I hope I am not disturbing you." Aisha suddenly felt some chills in her spine. He sounded just like her father Demetrius.

"Of course not. By the way this is my wife, Stacy." Aisha faces the man while Ethan held her arm. Aisha paused. "Dad?" she screamed in her mind.

"Stacy, this is Mr. Demetrius Mikasa. He is one of our business partner."

"Please to meet you Mr. Mikasa," Stacy extended her hand, Demetrius shook it.

"My pleasure, Miss Stacy. Now I see why you turned down my proposition, Mr. Williams." The two men chuckles in understanding. Aisha raises her brow line.

"Now that I see you, I remembered my ungrateful daughter. You really look like her. I wish I could see the beauty behind that masks." Demetrius smirks meaningfully. Aisha chuckled.

"Hha, such a coincidence, right?" her voice cracks as she answered. Ethan grin.

The host of the party called out a dance then they played some soft music.

"Mr. Williams, Can I have this chance to dance with your gorgeous wife?" Demetrius asks. Ethan nods in approval.

Demetrius courteously held her arm as they walk towards the front aisle. As soon as they reach the dance stage, Demetrius held her in a dancing position.

"I never thought I would be seeing you here. Care to tell me what"s happening?" Demetrius asks. Aisha held her breath.

"E-eh? What do you mean Sir?" Aisha tried her best to conceal her ident.i.ty to her father.

"Do you think you can deceive a father who raised a stubborn child since she was young!" he calmly yelled. "You can"t possibly fool your own father Aisha, right?" she can see his glares.

"D-dad…."" she tried to smile persuasively.

"Care to tell me how could you possibly get married without my consent? And without me too? Tell me, is it a shot-gun marriage?" Demetrius was upset.

"Dad, it"s not what you think. I promise to tell you everything but not now. It"s a long story." She grinned. "I will call you later, I promise." Demetrius snorted so he looked away. His eyes suddenly widened in disbelief.

"Cherry Ann?" he grasped. Did he just see a ghost who came back to life? "No it can"t be! It"s impossible! She was dead 15 years ago!" he mutters in disbelief.

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