Stacy settled contentedly on the couch at Robert"s study room. Johnny sat beside her while Robert perched opposite them.

"Dad why didn"t you tell me about my sister?" Stacy started. "It was not a part of the plan. She was never a part of it!"

"I know but it was not my idea. It was him."

"But why didn"t you stop him? why does my sister needs to suffer the same agony that I once had?"

"Stacy, I"m sorry. I wanted to tell you but I was afraid of that man. I didn"t have a choice back then because Ethan will sue me for breaching the contract. I"m sorry that I didn"t tell you earlier. But then again, you should know that your sister also asked me to keep it from you until she iron out everything."

"My sister? but why?"

"Because your life is at risk, like her."

"father, why is that?"

"There are a lot of people trying to kill her." Stacy held her breath when she heard Robert"s statement.

"Is it because of me?" Stacy was mortified.

"Maybe. But I think there"s a greater reason behind those death threats. However, only Aisha can clarify that." Robert responded. "But don"t ever blame yourself about that, okay?"

Stacy lowered her head. "where is she? I want to see her."

"I don"t know where she is at the moment. I think she"s in hiding right now. But you should understand that you are not free to rove around the city because enemies are lurking everywhere." He warned her.

"But I need to see her. I need to save her from Ethan!"

"I don"t think that"s necessary." Robert gazed at her raptly.

Her brow twitched, "Dad, what do you mean?"

Robert exhaled. He can"t help but tell Stacy the truth. All that had transpired during her absence. His only wish is for Stacy to understand.

"I want to see him." Stacy stood up after listening to Robert"s story. Everything is too much to bear.

"Who? Silver?" Robert scowled.

"Yes! I want to speak to him."

"But Stacy!" Robert tried to stop her but looks like she already made up her mind.

"He won"t hurt me. I know that for sure." Stacy a.s.serted. "Don"t worry dad, Johnny will go with me. I won"t do anything stupid, I promise."

***Meanwhile, Silver was at the laboratory monitoring the creation of a new drug when his a.s.sistant called him.

"What did you say? Stacy is in Oregon? Since when?" After hearing the report, Silver disconnected the line. He was in deep thought.

"Why did she suddenly came back?" he mulls over. But wait! It seems like it is to his advantage that Stacy came back. He grinned evilly. He is definitely planning for something.

***Stacy had been wanting to visit Silver within the day but Johnny interjected. He is too tired from the flight so he wanted to take a rest.

"Johnny I don"t have much time, you know that. You can"t expect me to sit comfortably after knowing about what"s happening!" Stacy insisted.

"Aren"t you tired? You should also know that your body needs to rest. Don"t misuse it, will you?"

"Then let"s rest for a while but we must go before dinner." Stacy contended.

Johnny groaned. What a stubborn woman!

Meanwhile, Aisha entered the Hayato mansion. She was greeted by the men guarding the house and Rogue was standing with them.

He glared at Aisha. "Oh, how brave of you to come here alone. Should I search for your companions who is hiding somewhere?" His gaze is accusing.

"I don"t care about what you"re thinking. I came to settle whatever dispute we had in the past." Aisha countered.

"Do you have what it takes to settle everything? Cause I don"t think so. You"ll just aggravate my old man with your mere presence." Rogue wanted to provoke her.

"Rogue, I know we had a lot of misunderstanding before, but we were once friends when we were young. can"t you at least consider that?"

"That was way before you took everything from me." Rogue"s voice was condemning.

"I never took anything from you. but if you meant the Mafia organization in the North then you should know that it was never my intention to be the successor."

"You expect me to believe that? Aisha, an orphan kid who grew up on the street will never wish to return to that same street again especially when she already experienced the life of a princess." Rogue blatantly indicted.

"Say whatever you want to say for I know that simple explanations will never get to you." Aisha simpered. "But you know what I really pity you." she locked eyes with him.
Rogue glimmered in anger. if looks can kill then probably, Aisha must have died already.

"Have you ever imagined your life without Master Leon?" Aisha continued. "Just who exactly are you without your grandpa"s favor? Can you even protect yourself against your enemies when your alone? Are you still you without your grandpa"s shadows? Cause if you ask me, I can stand alone even without my father"s help."

"You!" Rogue clench his teeth.

"I"m not implying anything here. I just want you to think about that. you might someday want to build your own empire. Come on Rogue, you"re much way better than this." Aisha professed then she pa.s.sed through him.

"Please lead me to where Master Leon is." Aisha requested the old man"s a.s.sistant.

Before Aisha could even entered the house, they conducted body inspection first. She"s all clear and it"s kinda impossible that this woman didn"t bring anything to protect herself. Is she that confident that the old man would spare her life? Rogue was in deep thought. it"s a bit off.

Aisha was confident that they won"t be able to notice the tiny earpiece and the stuffs that she was hiding to protect herself in case Master Leon gets crazy. Her weapons were kept intact in her body. Her wrist.w.a.tch and her ankle boots housed her secret weapons. But she was hoping that she won"t be using them against the old man.

Master Leon"s a.s.sistant knock on the door twice. "Master Leon, Miss Mikasa is here to see you."

"Come in." Aisha heard the old man. As soon as the door swung open, a scrutinizing stern face came into view. She jerked.

***Stacy was determined when she said that she wanted to see Silver. Johnny can"t do anything about it. she"s austere about her decision. Even Robert tried to stop her but to no avail. Dang!

The guards didn"t even ask them but opened the gate broadly. looks like Silver knew that she"ll be going.

"Miss Sherry, you have a visitor." One of the maids came to Sherry who was busily preparing some foods in the kitchen.

"Oh, who is it?" Sherry probed. She"s not expecting anyone today unless Silver had one. She went to the visitor"s lounge and was surprised to see the woman who hated her so much. What is she doing here?

"Stacy?" her eyes expanded. Stacy spun around to see who spoke. that voice, it feels familiar.

"Who are you? I never saw you before. And how did you know me?" Stacy muddled.

Sherry was baffled to hear her. She can"t remember her? how could that be? Did she bang her head somewhere?

"Can"t you remember me? It"s me, Sherry, Silver"s wife."

"I know who Silver is, but I never heard of you before." Stacy skeptically eyed her. "But is Silver here?" she asked.

"None yet but he"ll be here in just a few minutes." Sherry dazzled. "Please take a seat for a while." Sherry went to the kitchen and ordered the maids to serve them something. then she continued cooking Silver"s favorite dish.

Once in a while, she kept glancing at the woman sitting at the visitor"s lounge. She can"t be wrong; these woman is Stacy but something is not right. however, she can"t point it out yet.

She touches her chest. Something was stirred up within her. It happened before when she saw Stacy for the first time. To some degree, it is kind of a familiar bond. Why does Sherry feel like she knew this woman for a long time?

Stacy was carried away by her own thoughts. The woman who claimed to be Silver"s wife seems familiar. She was sure that she saw her before but she can"t remember when. That kind of familiarity, its messing within her. Just who is this woman?

"Hey are you okay?" Johnny shook the dazed woman.

"Eh? Yes of course! Why"d you asked?"

"You s.p.a.ced out."

"I"m sorry. I was just thinking about something. That woman, I think I saw her before but I don"t know where." She grimaced. She was trying so hard.

"Don"t pressure yourself Stacy. You"ll remember her in due time." Johnny a.s.sured her.

Stacy unconsciously drunk the confetti that was served in the table. After a while, she felt a pain gradually increasing in her chest.

"Ahhh!" she cried painfully after dropping the gla.s.s in her hand. It caught Johnny and Sherry"s attention.

"Are you okay? what happened?" Johnny jested worriedly. Sherry also run towards them.

"What happened?" Sherry frets.

"W-what"s with that drink?" Stacy was breaking while holding on her chest.

"It"s a cuc.u.mber lemonade! Why?!" Sherry replied. Then the last thing she saw was an unconscious Stacy.

One of the maids called the doctor while Johnny took a pill in Stacy"s bag and shove it in her mouth.

"Don"t worry, she"ll be okay. It"s just an allergic reaction with the Cuc.u.mber." Johnny confessed.

Sherry suddenly went into trance upon hearing Johnny.

"Don"t worry Emily, you"ll be fine. We"re almost at the hospital." her hand was quivering. Her heart was beating fast as she beheld the unconscious girl in her lap.

"Miss Gray, are you okay?" Johnny shook the woman in front of him who suddenly went in daze.

"I-I"m… I"m fine. I"m sorry." She slowly stood up and peeked at the woman raptly.

"This woman, is she possibly…?" her imagination stopped when she heard Silver"s voice who just came in.

"What"s happening here?" he pried as he looked at his bewildered wife staring at the unconscious woman on the couch. "Stacy?!" he guzzled.

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