She woke up in the middle of the night feeling famished. Her stomach was grumbling all of a sudden.

She went directly to the fridge and search for food. Luckily, she found a piece of cake. She brought it out and boiled some water. After a few minutes, she took the cake and hot milk and went to sit beside Hunter who was looking intently at his monitor.

"Want a coffee?" she offered Hunter with a smile.

"No, I"m good." He smiled but his eyes are obviously drooping.

"You should rest. You"ve been monitoring her for two days without any sleep." She worriedly suggested.

"But I have to make sure she"s alright."

"She"s fine. Now go up and take a sleep. I will monitor her status tonight." Aisha smiled at him. "Don"t punish yourself. you didn"t do anything that harmed her."

Hunter chuckled sarcastically. "Isn"t it ironic?" He leaned back on the chair. "I think I now understand why she gets mad whenever I chose to go on a mission before." he smiled painfully. "I didn"t know it was this hard to think about the safety."

"I know how much you love her until now. But you can sort everything once she comes back. You should tell her how you truly feel."

"I think it"s too late to talk about that. besides, she"s happy now." Hunter frowned when he remembered how Sophie was enjoying Shawn"s company.

"I don"t think so." Aisha gave him an a.s.suring smile. "As long as your both breathing, nothing is too late. now go to your bed and rest." Aisha pushed him away. "You won"t want Sophie to see you haggard tomorrow."

Hunter lazily stood up. "Fine! But wake me up if something goes wrong." then he left the woman. as soon as Aisha made sure that Hunter entered his room, she faces the monitor and shove the earpiece in her right ear.

"Hey, I know you"re in there. you heard everything right?" she chuckled lightly. It was Aisha who switch on the earpiece speaker earlier when Hunter averted his gaze.

"It was you who turn on the speaker, that I know." She heard Sophie sighed on the other line.

"But isn"t he sweet? Hha! You should know how much he cares for you. his been watching your every move since the day you were trapped inside the container. He never had any decent sleep either." Aisha notified her.

"Are you eating again?" Sophie scoffed when she heard her munching.

"Just a midnight snack." She chuckled.

"And Hunter told me about your midnight snack EVERY SINGLE NIGHT!" she emphasized. "Did you do it with Ethan?"

"Eh? Did what?" Aisha blushed. Good thing Sophie"s not around to see her face.

"Don"t give me that innocent tone Aisha. you know what I mean." Aisha can hear some clatters on the background. Is Sophie at the Chief"s room again? Guess she is.

"Y-yes. but it was just one night!" she defended. "And a day…" her voice was fleeting as she bit her lower lip. However, Sophie was able to hear the last statement.

There was silence for a few minutes between them before Sophie broke it. "So how are you and Ethan?"

Aisha was surprise with her question. Why should she ask about them suddenly.

"Fine I guess?" she wasn"t sure. "I don"t know but I hate hearing his voice these past few days but I got mad when he doesn"t call within the day!" she exclaimed. "I"m so weird, right?!"

"Hmm. I think I know why." Sophie mumbled while she smirked. Unknown to e
anyone, Sophie had been observing her the past few days before she was trapped but she doesn"t want to alarm Aisha for now. her thoughts might just be a false alarm.

"Care to tell me why?" Aisha was intrigue herself but she didn"t hear any response from Sophie.

"Aisha, I think I have all the information now." Sophie relayed. "I think I know who is behind all these c.r.a.p."

"Really?" Aisha cried. "Enlighten me, please." Aisha started to record their conversation.

"I saw him here yesterday but I didn"t tell you because I"m not sure yet." she paused so she could take photos of the names of those who gave their alliance to the main perpetrator.

"It"s your Uncle Liam. I heard the chief referred to him as their boss yesterday. But these doc.u.ments that was signed by him is a proof. It was your uncle Liam all along!"

"What did you say?" Aisha was surprise herself. She can"t believe her ears.

"I"m going to send you some photos that I have. I will also include the names of the traitors." Sophie stated.

After a few minutes, her phone beeps. She stared at the photos that Sophie sent but still, she cannot believe everything. Her uncle? But why? a tear escaped her eyes.

"Thanks Sophie. I"ll notify uncle Archie and Dad about this. As for you, you must get out from that place as soon as possible."

"I will." Sophie replied


At the Gray residence, a woman was standing near the window looking at the man who enter his car and drove off.

Sherry was looking at the car intently. Then she slowly walked down the stairs and went to Silver"s study room. she must find some evidence against him. she doesn"t want to leave him just yet even though she wanted to be with Stacy right now.

The explosion incident helped her regain her lost memories. Yes, she remembers everything now; Her husband"s death and the death of her husband"s friends –Johnny and Lira was Silver"s order. She must find something against him so he would be imprisoned for good. Her testimony alone isn"t enough since many years had pa.s.sed already. She needs to make sure that her daughters will be out of danger once she escapes from Silver"s claw.

She opens the last drawer to see the envelope that contains the photos of her and her daughters. Then she remembered the photo that she slips into Stacy"s bag. If Stacy will open it, she will surely recognize her own self when she was young and she"ll know that she is her mom.

Then she started to shed some tears. Her heart is in pain as she browses all the photos. It was her and her twins. Did Silver planned all these since the beginning? Oh how her heart bleeds for leaving her innocent children. How her heart hurts for not watching her children grow? How did they grow up? Did they have a happy childhood? Did they think that their mother abandoned them? but will they be able to accept the fact that she"s alive? Stacy might. Sherry hope that Stacy, her Emily would accept her wholeheartedly but how about Erika? Will she forgive her? Sherry"s heart is torn in pieces with all these questions in her mind.

Emily... Erika...! she sobbs while thinking about them.

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