He was least surprise when they told him who the culprit was.

Demetrius received the report of Aisha"s team. they also sent him the pictures that Sophie took as proofs. It was indeed Liam, his half-brother. Though Rio has his suspicions against him before but he chooses to give him the benefit of the doubt. Rio had been hoping that it was just a false accusation. However, proofs were pointing at him on all sides.

"So what"s your plan now?" Archie inquired.

"Call General Mio. Tell him what must be done. Also notify the elders about him and send the names of the traitors. They"ll know what to do with them." he desolately gave his mandate. He doesn"t want to hurt his half-brother but they must abide with the organization"s law. He must be firm so others wouldn"t see him as a joke.

"I understand." Archie was about to get out when Rio called out.

"Also, tell the children to finish everything and come back immediately. They"ve done a great job."

"As you ordered Rio." Then Archie exited the room. Rio was left alone in deep thought. how did Liam become a smuggler? Isn"t he contented with his wealth? But he has everything and Rio made sure he has his fair share in the organization to avoid matters like this.

Meanwhile, as soon as Aisha got the cue from her father, they prepared to do one last mission. Aisha and Caleb will follow Liam along with Rio"s men. the elders will handle the other traitors in the organization while Hunter and Shawn will help Sophie escape. They can"t raid the place yet since they have to secure Liam first. Also, they have to wait for the INL to k.n.o.b the illegal drugs.

"Try not to initiate shootings until the authorities secure the area." Aisha advised them.

"We will try." Shawn smirked.

As soon as they prepared their stuffs, they set off to their own destinations.

Aisha and Caleb has to follow Liam who was about to meet another client today. they have to catch him on the act so he won"t be able to rationalize himself. After a few minutes, they arrived at Liam"s Oceana beach resort. According to the staffs, he went to his personal quarters along with some gentlemen on a suit.

His quarter was a bit away from the resort so Aisha and the others were able to secure the place secretly.

"Welcome to North State Mr. Henry Schuck. Please rest for a bit before we start the discussion." Liam gladly offered his most expensive sofa to his client as he sits opposite him. after a minute, one of Liam"s personal attendant brought out a special wine along with some delicious seafood.

"Thank you Mr. Mikasa. So the rumors were true." Henry Schuck smiled as he sips the wine on his gla.s.s.

"I hope the rumors that you"ve heard were all positive ones." Liam t.i.ttered.

"Don"t worry, it is. And since your name and credibility is widely known on this area of business, I bet new clients will be seeing you so soon." The client responded.

"I hope your right Mr. Henry." He sneered. "By the way, I have sample products available right now. would you like to see it now?" he offered.

"Yes please." Henry replied.

Aisha and Caleb were looking at them in a distance using binoculars. They saw Liam stood up and entered a room. after a few minutes, he came out holding a medium panda doll then handed it to the middle age man. then they saw him pressed the stomach part—Liam and the man beamed. after a few seconds, he slit the panda"s stomach and there! he was now holding a kilo of a powder in a plastic.

"I have two containers available for s.h.i.+pping today. just say the word and I"ll call my men." Liam uttered.

They saw the man signaled one of his men. then the man laid two brief case in front of Liam. He opened it for everyone to witness. phew! He gulped while his eyes sparked at the sight of the bunch of dollars. He smiled contentedly.

"That"s one billion in total. I want three containers full." Henry spoke authoritatively.

"Not a problem." Liam stood up and shakes his hand. "See you at the port at three pm."

Henry"s men opened the exit door but to their surprise, the house was surrounded by armed men. guns where pointing at them.

"Mr. Mikasa! What"s the meaning of this?! Henry was a bit aggravated.

"What do you mean?" Liam frivolously stride to the door where henry was standing but his eyes widened in dread when he saw men carrying weapons outside. but Liam was able to recognize them. it was Rio"s men!

Then general Mio come up to him. "Mr. Liam, you are under arrest." His tone was firm. Liam clenched his teeth in embarra.s.sment. He is being arrested in front of a client!?

"Mio what do you think are you doing? This is a business meeting! Do you want to face my wrath or Rio"s anger for interrupting this important transaction?" Liam threatened him. "Why don"t you just take your men and leave this place?" he scowled.

"I"m sorry Mr. Liam but I am just following orders." Mio declared.

"Who gave you such order?!" Liam vexed as he signaled his men to a.s.sist Henry using the underground pa.s.sage. But then his eyes widened when he saw a familiar woman marching towards him.

"Aisha?!" he cannot believe his eyes. "Caleb? what are you doing here? Was it you who planned all these?" he accused.

"Uncle, please stop this. We already know about your illegal drug transactions and the authorities are on their way to bust your secret hideout." Aisha tried to speak calmly.

Now they have provoked Liam. "Eh? What are you saying? I don"t have anything to do with your accusations!"

"Uncle Liam! Stop your deceptions already! We have enough proofs to imprisoned you but dad wants to talk to you first. I hope you"ll come with us peacefully." She pleaded.

"Nonsense!" Liam yelled and took the gun from one of his men who was standing beside him and started shooting. Good thing Caleb read his moves and that he was able to pull Aisha in a corner. The next thing they heard was an exchange shooting from Liam"s men and theirs.

"Aisha, are you okay?" Caleb tried to search her body.

"I"m fine, thank you." but Aisha"s stomach is in pain.

"Are you shot?" Caleb"s eyes widened when he saw her hands clamping her stomach with pain written all over her face.

"My belly suddenly aches but I"m not shot. Go! get uncle Liam but make sure to take him alive. I"ll be fine." She implored.

"Okay. but stay here. Don"t ever come out." then Caleb joined Mio"s men in pursuit of Liam and his men.

Meanwhile, Liam run towards the secret underground pa.s.sage along with his men, the others stayed to distract Mio"s men but after a few minutes, the shootings stopped. What happened? He a.s.sumed that his men were either killed or captured. But he needs to escape.

After a few minutes, they heard footsteps following them behind so his men stayed to stop them. Liam was able to exit the place and took his car and drove off although the shooting continued underground.

Liam was able to get away but Mio"s men still tried to go after him.

"d.a.m.n! He escaped!" Caleb cursed.

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