She carefully opened the secret drawer and peeked inside. It doesn"t only contain the blue envelope but there are a few files more, plus a small USB. What does it contain? She thought.

Sherry noticed Silver woke up at three in the morning. After a few minutes, she peered through the window just to see Liam and Silver drove off to who knows where. So he decided to open the secret drawer while his away.

She creased her brow. What is this? a lone island? Silver owned an island? But she didn"t know about its existence! Something is fishy about it so Sherry memorized its location. then she took the USB and inserted it on a player. To her surprise, it was more than what she"s looking for.

Evidence! She widened her eyes. "Silver, you"re doomed!" she smiled triumphantly.

However, how will she be able to take them with her without Silver detecting it? she"s still under his heavy surveillance so she can"t just run away from him.

Meanwhile in the North, Aisha packed her stuffs as soon as she heard Ethan. She has to hurry. Also that they had a heavy argument about Ethan keeping the matter to her.

"Aisha, why are you in a rush?" Caleb asked when he saw Aisha stuffing her things in the navy blue suitcase.

"I"m sorry Caleb but I have to leave the remaining plans to you for the time being. I need to rush to the Central State."

"But why?"

"My sister Stacy, she was confine in the hospital. s-she"s terminally ill!" she cried. Caleb was surprised. Stacy? Since when did they find her?

"Ethan called me earlier, he said Johnny contacted him the other day." She stood up to face Caleb with a teary eye. "Would it be okay to leave everything to you?"

"You shouldn"t be asking me that in the first place." He smiled. "Just tell me when you"re done so I could send you to the airport."

"Caleb, thank you!" she hugged him tight.

"Don"t worry, We"ll come back as soon as we finish everything here." He caresses her hair.

After a few minutes, Caleb and Aisha was already at the airport. They didn"t drop by to visit Hunter and Sophie anymore since she was rus.h.i.+ng. But it should be okay since Caleb a.s.sured her that he will explain her reasons to them. Bet they"ll understand.

"I already informed Lisa about your flight. Don"t forget to call her once you arrived." Caleb told her.

"Ehm, I will. Thank you Caleb." she hugged him before she left.

It took her three hours before reaching the Central State. Ah! So refres.h.i.+ng. She thought for a moment before she remembers Stacy. Then she looks around to find Lisa among the crowd.

There! she"s waving happily at her.

"Lisa!" Aisha hurried to hug her.

"Aisha! I missed you so much! It"s been how many weeks now or should I say it"s almost a month?" Lisa chuckled.

Aisha smiled guiltily. She didn"t even bid farewell to this woman when she left.

"So how was your mission?" Lisa asked.

"Everything is fine now. Sorry that Caleb has to stay there for the time being." Aisha answered. Although they were able to arrest the culprits—except her uncle Liam, they still need to do a few things to stabilize the organization.

"It"s okay, I totally understand. But didn"t you inform Ethan about your arrival?" Lisa was curious then she saw how Aisha frowned.

"Did you two fight?" Lisa continued.

Aisha averted her gaze, she was guilty. Yes, she argued with him. she yelled at him for not telling her about Stacy timely. Although Ethan explained his side, Aisha was still upset. She doesn"t want to talk to him either.

"Aisha, I know I don"t have the right to meddle but I believe whatever Ethan did, he has his reasons—valid reasons." Lisa uttered.

"I know that Lisa, it"s just that I don"t know. I get easily upset these past few days." She sighed. "I don"t even understand myself sometimes." She chuckled sorely.

"I know I hurt him Lisa. I yelled at him and uttered bad things against him and now I don"t know how to face him."

"It will be okay. I know he understands you too." She comforted her.

"I hope." Aisha smiled before seating at the pa.s.senger seat. It took them a few minutes to reach Stuarts hospital, however, they were notified that patient Stacy Hertiz was transferred to Saphiro Gentz Hospital since they are more advanced not just with their machines but they have excellent doctors as well. Of course they already know who initiated the transfer but Aisha was more than thankful to Ethan for his kindness.

Now the staffs where looking at Aisha not just twice but more than. They seemed perplexed, puzzled and full of questions. All they know was that Stacy, Ethan"s wife was brought to the hospital just this morning. But who is this person whose appearance looks like her?

Rumors started to spread. Aisha and Lisa can sense the confusion among the people inside the hospital but they chose to ignore them. Stacy"s life is on the line and she doesn"t care if the news broke out that they"re twins as long as Ethan and the people around them already knew about it. Aisha doesn"t have anything to protect anymore aside from Stacy-her twin sister.

Though she is hoping that it wouldn"t ruin Ethan"s reputation.

Unknown to Aisha, some paparazzi has been taking her pictures since she entered the hospital. the reporter also had some information about Stacy therefore he was laughing victoriously. What a sudden turn of events. It will definitely create the most intriguing news of the century.

"The great CEO"s wives or should we say who is the real wife?" He chuckled sarcastically then he dialed his manager"s number.

"h.e.l.lo Sir, I have good news for you." he sneered as he discussed the things that he discovered to his old man.

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