She looked at the sea in front of her, d.a.m.n! Where is this? a lone island in the middle of somewhere? She muttered within. How could she possibly escape without being notice? There are tons of men guarding the coast so she can"t simply sneak on any of the boats out there or else, she will be caught instantly.

How could she escape? Ah, she had already walked around the whole island and saw how heavy the security is. She also witnessed how the other group was killed and buried somewhere around the ground just because they lost her. Ah, poor kittens!

She doesn"t have any armors to defend herself from anyone or any wild animals on the island so she must be vigilant enough.

After a minute, she stared at the motor boat nearing the coast. She stayed to see who would it be but to her surprise, it was her uncle Liam.

"Uncle Liam!?" she exclaimed. "What is he doing here?" she thought.

As soon as he arrived, some of the men escorted him down the boat and one of the men seems to be saying something…about her? hmmm…

"I"m sorry Sir, but we hadn"t found the woman yet?" he reported.

Suddenly, Liam chuckled as if he didn"t care, or was he mocking the men?

"It"s okay… let her play around and enjoy the view for the meantime…" he uttered meaningfully. That gave confusion to the people around. What does he mean?

"She won"t be able to escape the island anyway." he informed them. "She will definitely show up soon." He smirked with a.s.surance.

"I understand sir." Said the man as he kowtowed. After a second, the man signaled his men to escort Liam back to the mansion.

Aisha, who was observing them, creased her brow. So the reason why they can"t find Liam"s location is because Silver was hiding him here? So would that mean that they had planned everything together? Now the woman is even more confuse. Well, since she"s already here, might as well investigate what is Liam"s business here. Did he own the island? or was it Silver"s? she"s not sure but she will definitely find out.

While in deep thought, she heard some footprints somewhere, then voices came next. Aisha immediately hide herself in an elevated slope and after a few minutes, two armed men came into view. The other one looks like a teenager, 18 or 19 years old perhaps? Then the other one seems to be same age with Ethan. They were somewhat arguing about something.

Aisha was supposed to leave them but she halted when she heard the young guy pleaded for his life. she raised her brow as she turned around to see the man pointing out his gun towards the hurt young man.

"I"m sorry, but since you saw everything, I can"t let you live." The man uttered and as he was about to pull the trigger, the young man closed his eyes and shed a tear.

Ah, he was too young to die and he has a family to feed. His mom and dad and three siblings where all depending on him. Ah, what will happen to them now? then he whispered a silent prayer.

Suddenly, he felt someone fell right beside him so he opened up his eyes. to his big surprise, the man who was about to kill him was lying unconsciously with some blood dripping from his head. He jolted in fear and distance himself while s.h.i.+vering in fright.

He grasped his mouth with his palm as soon as he found no pulse from the man.

"H-he"s dead?" he uttered disoriented. No, it wasn"t him. he didn"t do this to him. he was sure. then he suddenly looked in a corner and found a woman checking the pistol in her hand.

"Y-you…" he suddenly remembered their mission. He took his gun with his shaking hand but he can"t even lift it. the man hurt his shoulder earlier so he can"t even move it.

The woman looked at him intently. dang! her eyes were as vicious as a wolf ready to devour her prey. But she was definitely a total chick. Her innocent face appears to be harmless but since she was holding a gun, the young man trembled once again.

"P-please… don"t kill me." he begged for mercy.

"If I wanted to kill you, then why should I have to save you from that guy?" Aisha looked at her with disappointment. Then that moment, realization hit the young man. ah, yeah, that"s right. she actually saved him!

"B-but why did you save me? I am one of your enemy."

"You"re not yet my enemy young man. But once you lift a finger on me then that would be the time I will consider you one. And I"m sure to show no mercy if that happens." She uttered seriously.

The young man gulped.

"Your new isn"t it? what"s your name?"

"Everyone calls me Les. Short for Lesney." He introduced. "And you?"

The man saw how her lip twitched mockingly then once again, he guzzled.

"Me? you don"t know me?" she chuckled. "How could you not know the person you are after?" she glanced blandly at the young man.

That moment, Les felt s.h.i.+ver run down his spine. Aisha! he yelled on his thoughts. But they say she was dangerous and could dispatch twenty men at once without using any weapon. Then his eyes bath her from head to toe. Could a mere woman like her really has the ability do it? wasn"t that news simply a hearsay? He thought.

"Looks like you have heard a lot of information about me since you are looking down on me." she flatly uttered after she placed the gun on her waist.

"E-eh?" he was caught off guard. He was speechless. Then he saw the woman walking to where he was, she knelt with one knee and inspected the young man"s body. he jerked in fear and Aisha sure notice that.

"Calm down. I won"t hurt you young man." she voiced before she ripped off the young man"s s.h.i.+rt. his face reddened at the thought that his bare body was exposed in front of this beauty. It was his first time to experience a woman took off his upper garment. But then he hissed in pain when the woman"s finger touched his wound.

The woman looked around her then went somewhere. After a few minutes, she came back holding a minced leaf of who knows what and where she got it. then she placed it on his wound then used a portion of the man"s ripped cloth to cover it.

"This would at least avoid any further infection. Go back to your base and look for a doctor to tend your wounds." She stood up and was about to go her way but Les stopped her.

"Miss Aisha, wait!" he called out. she paused and spun around to see the man who just got up from the ground.

"Thank you." he kowtowed then stared at her again. "I don"t know why they wanted to get you but if you won"t mind, I would like to help you out." he offered.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Aisha raised a brow then thought for a while. "How exactly would you help me?"

"Anything. If you want to get away from this island, then I may be able to help you. Although there"s a lot of men guarding the coast but I"ll find another route for you. I"m sure you"ll reach my province after two hours using a motor boat."

"I appreciate your kindness Les. But why would you help me? aren"t you supposed to catch me?" she was testing him.

"Yes, I should. But I didn"t sign up for this kind of job though. The man who recommended this job to me said that we will be working in a factory but once I got here, I undergone an intensive training. Then after a month, we were informed about you. I was trained to fight and kill if necessary, but my conscience is getting over me." he explained.

She could sense the sincerity from the young man and so she smiled in relief.

"I definitely need your help…" she finally voiced.

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