Publishedat 13th of September 2019 03:03:46 PMChapter 256

He was immensely hurt; physically, emotionally and mentally .

He had an amazing moment with Aisha as Alex earlier . That hot, wild kiss . . . he can say it was their heart"s way of expressing each other how they missed to be together .

Originally, he was teasing the woman . Though he was able to sense the woman"s desire but he wanted her to feel the need . The need of that intimate touch . He doesn"t want to make the first move for now because he wanted her to realize what her heart really wants .

But he was so surprise when the woman pulled him close to meet her lips . That burning, steamy pa.s.sionate kiss… they seemed so hungry for more, more of each other . If only that guy didn"t show up then probably, they had another round . And maybe they could try sorting out the situation between them . He was actually planning to tell her everything . But his plan was compromised when that guy, named Clement showed up and punched him immediately . fresh blood trickled from the edge of his lips .

Fudge! Now he wants revenge! Did this man have a death wish? He scoffed .

He can say Clement was a good-looking young man . A doctor by profession; he guessed based on his uniform . Usually, Ethan won"t hold himself back once he"s provoked . He was supposed to beat the c.r.a.p out of that guy, however, Alex interrupted . It appears that she instinctively knew what his going to do next .

She was actually on his side and Ethan was so happy about it .

"What are you doing?" Alex yelled at the man who just attacked Ethan .

"He was taking advantage of you, Alex, can"t you see that?" The man shouted like a mad man .

"Shut up, Clement!" She was trying to control her emotions . Her fist was all curled up as if wanting to hit someone .

Advertis.e.m.e.nt"How dare you hurt my superior?" She scowled .

"Superior? A rotten spoilt superior? Hha!" Clement laughed frantically .

"Do you really want me to believe that?" He inched closer at Alex . His eyes were hinting a dangerous gaze . "I"m not blind, Alex . " He howled .

"Clement, we"re in front of my boss right now . Can we talk about this tomorrow?"" she tried asking nicely .

""No, we should settle this now . I want him to listen so he"ll know not to mess with someone else"s woman . "" He guzzled at Ethan .

Alex jerked as well as Ethan . Wait . Did he just hear him say something? Ethan irked . Someone else"s woman? Does that mean . . . Ethan suddenly stared at the embarra.s.sed woman .

"" Clement! Stop it!"" The woman yapped . ""If you don"t stop your madness, I will make sure you will regret this day . "" She threatened .

Clement suddenly stopped . He was so surprise when he saw the woman"s stern gaze . He can"t explain it but looks like he is staring at a very different person right now . Gone is the calm, kind and humble Alex he once knew . What he was seeing at right now was a fierce bold and dangerous woman who could burst out anytime soon when further provoked . The h.e.l.l, what did he do to aggravate this woman . Now his thinking .

"" I"m sorry . . . "" he looked down defeated .

"" Mr . Williams, please go back to the City without me . "" Alex voiced without hesitation, her back facing the man .

Ah, his Aisha . . . she resurfaced again . Ethan leered within him . Looks like you can never change who you truly are . However, he doesn"t want to leave the woman in the hands of who knows who this person is . He is less interested with him, but then considering how he admonishes her, he"s someone who plays a big role at the woman"s life . Is he possibly . . . no! Ethan raised his brow in annoyance .

"" Unfortunately, I can"t . "" Ethan replied and that made Alex stupefy . "" I was the one who brought you here and it is my responsibility to get you back home . . . safe . "" he spoke with finality .

"" Ethan . . . "" Alex muttered but somehow, her heart skipped a bit . She beamed within but she also made her resolved . She and Clement must talk . Therefore, she spun around to meet Ethan"s eyes .

"" Sir, I know you"re just taking the responsibility to bring me back home safe, and I appreciate that a lot . but there are things I need to do as well . My role as your secretary and PA ended this morning so I hope you understand that I need to settle my personal affairs as well . ""

Ethan was stupefied . She"s indeed his Aisha . That kind of att.i.tude, the way she approaches any situation that comes her way, on her own resolve . . . he can"t deny it . He wanted to cry and embrace the woman in front of him . Her smiles, it has always been breath-taking and he missed her a lot . He wanted to caress her, hug her, kiss her and keep her . . . forever .

Ah, his heart, it"s aching again . He doesn"t want to let go of her right now . He wanted to keep her by his side, always and forever . d.a.m.n, his heartache, it"s killing him . He wanted to protest but it might aggravate the situation further so he decided to heed the woman"s request .

"" Alright . Your call . "" The man uneasily replied . Then he stood up and went back to the hotel . But before he went on his way, he glanced at the woman one more time . Is he really going to leave her? What if the man does something to her? What if he"ll hurt her? What if . . . Ethan"s thoughts were running wild .

But guess he needs to trust the Aisha within Alex . The kiss they have relentlessly delight in together few minutes ago . . . he"ll trust that for now .


Ethan laid his tired back at his soft king size bed . He"s already back at Estrella city but his mind is still at the valley of dreams . His distressed mind made him drink a gla.s.s of wine, hoping it will ease him temporarily . Is she home already? How is she? What did the man do to her? What did they talk about?

Ah! Ethan shrugged his thoughts . He himself needs to rest for now . He still has a lot of things to do tomorrow . He was supposed to sleep off his exhausted body when his phone beeped . He immediately glanced on it then a slight curve suddenly formed on his face . The photographer had already sent their pictures on his email, therefore, he quickly opened it .

As he flipped through the pictures, he can see the woman smiling without any reservations . After a few seconds, Ethan decided to send Alex a message .

"" Are you home right now?"" He was not actually expecting the woman to response but after a minute or two, his phone light up . And just like an in love teenager, Ethan tossed on the bedside just to check the message . It"s her!

"" Yes . And I"m sorry about what happen earlier . "" She replied .

"" It"s okay, I should be the one to apologize . "" He sent a reply .

"" I"m sorry . How"s your wounds? Have you put some ointment on it?""

"" still bleeding? Could you do that for me?""

""Hha . Too late, Can"t go out now . You should ask some of the hotel staffs to bring you some medicine instead . ""

"" Am not comfortable with other people touching me . ""

"" how about going to the doctor instead?""

"" guess I am at her doorstep right now . ""

"" that"s good then . ""

"" I"m at your doorstep ^_^ ""

As soon as Alex read his response, she accidentally dropped her phone on the floor . Wait, what? He"s at my doorstep? She thought . Then she walked near her small window and peeked through the blue curtain . Wait, his not kidding! That"s his car!Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

"" Can I come in?"" Her phone light up again . Meanwhile, Alex was rendered speechless and had been pacing back and forth while biting her nails . She"s perplexed at the moment . Will she open the door? What if . . . ? Ah! She"s actually embarra.s.sed about what she did earlier . It was her who made the first move and that"s just . . . ah! She messed her hair in annoyance . Why did she even do that?

She was busy scolding herself when she saw another text from the man . Ah! Come what may! She heaved a sigh before she went to open the door .

She opened the door in hope to see a man standing outside the door . However, it was the opposite . Ethan was sitting on the floor, leaning his head on the wall with his eyes closed . Dang! Did he fall asleep? How much time did it pa.s.s before she totally opened the door for this poor man? Now, guilt is eating her .

She walked to his location and stoop down . She was about to wake the man when she accidentally glanced at the man"s lips . Then her mind voluntarily recall how they shared a pa.s.sionate kiss under the beautiful sunset . Then she smiled at the thought of it . How did she end up wanting this stranger? It"s so weird .

Ah, her pervert thought, it"s coming back again . She swallowed deeply and was thinking to steal a quick kiss . Ah, guess it won"t wake him up if it"ll just be a quick one . She s.h.i.+es away but her body was pulling her closer to him . Oh no . . .

She was slowly inching closer, then closer . . . then a little bit closer . . . now there was only a very small gap between their lips . Ah, her heart was beating so fast . She could feel the man"s breath . . . looks like he drunk a little . She was about to kiss him when she halted . Ah no, this isn"t right . She thought . So she was about to break away when she suddenly felt a hand that grab her neck lightly .

Then instantly, she felt a soft wet thing on her lips . Ethan! He was kissing her half open mouth . Ah, his becoming wild than before . Oh man! The woman was definitely caught off guard . She wanted to stop the man"s advances but then the fire of his desire started to arouse her own . Fudge! Why is her body responding naturally to his touch?

Dang! What"s happening to her?! Ah, come what may! Then a minute later, she responded to the man"s advances .

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