Jenkins had done with it, and so I did. It"s very low and black. But, oh, Mrs. Hodgson! let me run for the doctor--I cannot abear to hear him, it"s so like little brother."

Through her streaming tears Mary motioned her to go; and trembling, sinking, sick at heart, she laid her boy in his cradle, and ran to fill her kettle.

Mrs. Jenkins, having cooked her husband"s snug little dinner, to which he came home; having told him her story of p.u.s.s.y"s beating, at which he was justly and dignifiedly indignant, saying it was all of a piece with that abusive _Examiner_; having received the sausages, and turkey, and mince pies, which her husband had ordered; and cleaned up the room, and prepared everything for tea, and coaxed and duly bemoaned her cat (who had pretty nearly forgotten his beating, but very much enjoyed the petting), having done all these and many other things, Mrs. Jenkins sate down to get up the real lace cap. Every thread was pulled out separately, and carefully stretched: when, what was that? Outside, in the street, a chorus of piping children"s voices sang the old carol she had heard a hundred times in the days of her youth:--

"As Joseph was a walking he heard an angel sing, "This night shall be born our heavenly King.

He neither shall be born in housen nor in hall, Nor in the place of Paradise, but in an ox"s stall.

He neither shall be clothed in purple nor in pall, But all in fair linen, as were babies all: He neither shall be rocked in silver nor in gold, But in a wooden cradle that rocks on the mould,"" &c.

She got up and went to the window. There, below, stood the group of grey black little figures, relieved against the snow, which now enveloped everything. "For old sake"s sake," as she phrased it, she counted out a halfpenny apiece for the singers, out of the copper bag, and threw them down below.

The room had become chilly while she had been counting out and throwing down her money, so she stirred her already glowing fire, and sat down right before it--but not to stretch her lace; like Mary Hodgson, she began to think over long-past days, on softening remembrances of the dead and gone, on words long forgotten, on holy stories heard at her mother"s knee.

"I cannot think what"s come over me to-night," said she, half aloud, recovering herself by the sound of her own voice from her train of thought--"My head goes wandering on them old times. I"m sure more texts have come into my head with thinking on my mother within this last half hour, than I"ve thought on for years and years. I hope I"m not going to die. Folks say, thinking too much on the dead betokens we"re going to join "em; I should be loth to go just yet--such a fine turkey as we"ve got for dinner to-morrow, too!"

Knock, knock, knock, at the door, as fast as knuckles could go. And then, as if the comer could not wait, the door was opened, and Mary Hodgson stood there as white as death.

"Mrs. Jenkins!--oh, your kettle is boiling, thank G.o.d! Let me have the water for my baby, for the love of G.o.d! He"s got croup, and is dying!"

Mrs. Jenkins turned on her chair with a wooden inflexible look on her face, that (between ourselves) her husband knew and dreaded for all his pompous dignity.

"I"m sorry I can"t oblige you, ma"am; my kettle is wanted for my husband"s tea. Don"t be afeared, Tommy, Mrs. Hodgson won"t venture to intrude herself where she"s not desired. You"d better send for the doctor, ma"am, instead of wasting your time in wringing your hands, ma"am--my kettle is engaged."

Mary clasped her hands together with pa.s.sionate force, but spoke no word of entreaty to that wooden face--that sharp, determined voice; but, as she turned away, she prayed for strength to bear the coming trial, and strength to forgive Mrs. Jenkins.

Mrs. Jenkins watched her go away meekly, as one who has no hope, and then she turned upon herself as sharply as she ever did on any one else.

"What a brute I am, Lord forgive me! What"s my husband"s tea to a baby"s life? In croup, too, where time is everything. You crabbed old vixen, you!--any one may know you never had a child!"

She was down stairs (kettle in hand) before she had finished her self-upbraiding; and when in Mrs. Hodgson"s room, she rejected all thanks (Mary had not the voice for many words), saying, stiffly, "I do it for the poor babby"s sake, ma"am, hoping he may live to have mercy to poor dumb beasts, if he does forget to lock his cupboards."

But she did everything, and more than Mary, with her young inexperience, could have thought of. She prepared the warm bath, and tried it with her husband"s own thermometer (Mr. Jenkins was as punctual as clockwork in noting down the temperature of every day). She let his mother place her baby in the tub, still preserving the same rigid, affronted aspect, and then she went upstairs without a word. Mary longed to ask her to stay, but dared not; though, when she left the room, the tears chased each other down her cheeks faster than ever. Poor young mother! how she counted the minutes till the doctor should come. But, before he came, down again stalked Mrs. Jenkins, with something in her hand.

"I"ve seen many of these croup-fits, which, I take it, you"ve not, ma"am.

Mustard plaisters is very sovereign, put on the throat; I"ve been up and made one, ma"am, and, by your leave, I"ll put it on the poor little fellow."

Mary could not speak, but she signed her grateful a.s.sent.

It began to smart while they still kept silence; and he looked up to his mother as if seeking courage from her looks to bear the stinging pain; but she was softly crying, to see him suffer, and her want of courage reacted upon him, and he began to sob aloud. Instantly Mrs. Jenkins"s ap.r.o.n was up, hiding her face: "Peep-bo, baby," said she, as merrily as she could. His little face brightened, and his mother having once got the cue, the two women kept the little fellow amused, until his plaister had taken effect.

"He"s better,--oh, Mrs. Jenkins, look at his eyes! how different! And he breathes quite softly----"

As Mary spoke thus, the doctor entered. He examined his patient. Baby was really better.

"It has been a sharp attack, but the remedies you have applied have been worth all the Pharmacopoeia an hour later.--I shall send a powder," &c.


Mrs. Jenkins stayed to hear this opinion; and (her heart wonderfully more easy) was going to leave the room, when Mary seized her hand and kissed it; she could not speak her grat.i.tude.

Mrs. Jenkins looked affronted and awkward, and as if she must go upstairs and wash her hand directly.

But, in spite of these sour looks, she came softly down an hour or so afterwards to see how baby was.

The little gentleman slept well after the fright he had given his friends; and on Christmas morning, when Mary awoke and looked at the sweet little pale face lying on her arm, she could hardly realize the danger he had been in.

When she came down (later than usual), she found the household in a commotion. What do you think had happened? Why, p.u.s.s.y had been a traitor to his best friend, and eaten up some of Mr. Jenkins"s own especial sausages; and gnawed and tumbled the rest so, that they were not fit to be eaten! There were no bounds to that cat"s appet.i.te! he would have eaten his own father if he had been tender enough. And now Mrs. Jenkins stormed and cried--"Hang the cat!"

Christmas Day, too! and all the shops shut! "What was turkey without sausages?" gruffly asked Mr. Jenkins.

"Oh, Jem!" whispered Mary, "hearken what a piece of work he"s making about sausages,--I should like to take Mrs. Jenkins up some of mother"s; they"re twice as good as bought sausages."

"I see no objection, my dear. Sausages do not involve intimacies, else his politics are what I can no ways respect."

"But, oh, Jem, if you had seen her last night about baby! I"m sure she may scold me for ever, and I"ll not answer. I"d even make her cat welcome to the sausages." The tears gathered to Mary"s eyes as she kissed her boy.

"Better take "em upstairs, my dear, and give them to the cat"s mistress." And Jem chuckled at his saying.

Mary put them on a plate, but still she loitered.

"What must I say, Jem? I never know."

"Say--I hope you"ll accept of these sausages, as my mother--no, that"s not grammar;--say what comes uppermost, Mary, it will be sure to be right."

So Mary carried them upstairs and knocked at the door; and when told to "come in," she looked very red, but went up to Mrs. Jenkins, saying, "Please take these. Mother made them." And was away before an answer could be given.

Just as Hodgson was ready to go to church, Mrs. Jenkins came downstairs, and called f.a.n.n.y. In a minute, the latter entered the Hodgsons" room, and delivered Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins"s compliments, and they would be particular glad if Mr. and Mrs. Hodgson would eat their dinner with them.

"And carry baby upstairs in a shawl, be sure," added Mrs. Jenkins"s voice in the pa.s.sage, close to the door, whither she had followed her messenger. There was no discussing the matter, with the certainty of every word being overheard.

Mary looked anxiously at her husband. She remembered his saying he did not approve of Mr. Jenkins"s politics.

"Do you think it would do for baby?" asked he.

"Oh, yes," answered she, eagerly; "I would wrap him up so warm."

"And I"ve got our room up to sixty-five already, for all it"s so frosty," added the voice outside.

Now, how do you think they settled the matter? The very best way in the world. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins came down into the Hodgsons" room, and dined there. Turkey at the top, roast beef at the bottom, sausages at one side, potatoes at the other. Second course, plum-pudding at the top, and mince pies at the bottom.

And after dinner, Mrs. Jenkins would have baby on her knee; and he seemed quite to take to her; she declared he was admiring the real lace on her cap, but Mary thought (though she did not say so) that he was pleased by her kind looks and coaxing words. Then he was wrapped up and carried carefully upstairs to tea, in Mrs. Jenkins"s room. And after tea, Mrs. Jenkins, and Mary, and her husband, found out each other"s mutual liking for music, and sat singing old glees and catches, till I don"t know what o"clock, without one word of politics or newspapers.

Before they parted, Mary had coaxed p.u.s.s.y on to her knee; for Mrs.

Jenkins would not part with baby, who was sleeping on her lap.

"When you"re busy, bring him to me. Do, now, it will be a real favour. I know you must have a deal to do, with another coming; let him come up to me. I"ll take the greatest of cares of him; pretty darling, how sweet he looks when he"s asleep!"

When the couples were once more alone, the husbands unburdened their minds to their wives.

Mr. Jenkins said to his--"Do you know, Burgess tried to make me believe Hodgson was such a fool as to put paragraphs into the _Examiner_ now and then; but I see he knows his place, and has got too much sense to do any such thing."

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