There is an English word of more than two letters, of which la is the middle, is the beginning, and is the end, though there is but one "a"

and one "l" in the word. What is it? Island, of which "la" is the middle, "is" the beginning, "and" is the end.

What word is there of five letters, that, by taking two away, leaves but one? Stone.

What word of one syllable, if you take two letters from it, remains a word of two syllables? Plague; ague.

Why is the letter E a gloomy and discontented vowel? Because, though never out of health and pocket, it never appears in spirits.

Why are the fourteenth and fifteenth letters of the alphabet of more importance than the others? Because we cannot get ON well without them.

Why is the letter D like a squalling child? Because it makes ma mad.

What river is ever without a beginning and ending? S-ever-n.

Which is the coldest river? The Ice is (Isis).

What word of ten letters can be spelled with five? XPDNC (expediency).

What word of four syllables represents Sin riding on a little animal?

Synonymous (Sin on a mouse).

Why is an island like the letter T? Because it is in the midst of water (wa-t-er).

Like what four letters of the alphabet is a honey-producing insect when in small health? Like A B C D (a bee seedy).

Why is the letter S like a sewing-machine? Because it makes needles needless.

Why is an uncomfortable seat like comfort? Because it is devoid of e"s (ease).

What two letters do boys delight in to the annoyance of their elders?

Two t"s (to tease).

What single word would you put down for $40 borrowed from you? XL lent (excellent).

What letter is the pleasantest to a deaf woman? A, because it makes her hear.

What word is it, which, by changing a single letter, becomes its own opposite? United, untied.

Why should the male s.e.x avoid the letter A? Because it makes men mean.

Why is a schoolmistress like the letter C? Because she forms into

Why is the letter W like a maid of honor? Because it is always in waiting.

Spell an interrogation with one letter. Y (why?).

Why is the letter T like an amphibious animal? Because it lives both in earth and water.

Why is the nose on your face like the v in civility? Because it"s between two eyes (i"s).

Take away one letter from me, and like Macbeth I murder; take away two, and I probably shall die, if my whole does not save me.


There is a word of three syllables, from which if you take away five letters a male will remain; if you take away four, a female will be conspicuous; if you take away three, a great man will appear; and the whole word shows what Joan of Arc was? He, her, hero, heroine.

What letter in the Dutch alphabet will name an English lady of t.i.tle?

A Dutch-S.

Why is the letter D like a hoop of gold? Because we can"t be wed without it.

Why is the letter K like a pig"s tail? Because it is the end of pork.

How do you spell "blind pig" in two letters? P G, pig without an I.

Why is a horse like the letter O? Because Gee makes it Go.

Why is the figure 9 like a peac.o.c.k? It is nothing without its tail.

When is the letter L like a piece of unparalleled generosity? When it enables a lady to make over a lover.

Why is the letter F like a cow"s tail? It is the end of beef.

Describe a suit of old clothes in two letters? C D (seedy).

Make five less by adding to it. V, IV.

Why is the letter S like a pert repartee? Because it begins and ends in sauciness.

What small animal is turned into a larger one by beheading it?


Why are sidewalks in winter like music? If you don"t C sharp, you will B flat.

Why is a pensive widow like the letter X? Because she"s never inconsolable.

What two letters express the most agreeable people in the world? U and I.

How does the letter Y work an impossibility? It makes a lad into a lady.

Tie a cross to a monkey and the animal will be transposed into a point. Add X to ape, and you obtain apex.

Why is the letter N like a pig? Because it makes a sty nasty.

Why is it that I cannot spell Cupid? When I get to C U (see you) I forget everything else.

Why is the letter B like a fire? Because it makes oil boil.

Why is the letter R a profitable letter? Because it makes ice into rice.

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