CA"RGO, _s._ the lading of a ship
CARNI"VOROUS, _a._ flesh-eating
CA"ROB, _s._ a plant bearing a nutritious fruit so called
CA"RRIAGE, _s._ the act of carrying or transporting; vehicle; conduct
CA"RRION, _s._ the carcase of something not proper for food
CA"RRONA"DE, _s._ a short iron cannon
CA"RRY, _v.a._ convey from a place; transport; bring forward; bear
CAR"TILAGE, _s._ a smooth and solid body, softer than a bone, but harder than a ligament
CARTILA"GINOUS, _a._ consisting of cartilages
CA"RTRIDGE, _s._ a case of paper or parchment filled with gunpowder, used for greater expedition in loading
CASCA"DE, _s._ a cataract; a waterfall
CA"STELLATED, _a._ that which is turretted or built in the form of a castle
CATAMARA"N, _s._ a rude species of boat
CA"TARACT, _s._ a waterfall
CATA"STROPHE, _s._ a final event
CATHE"DRAL, _s._ the head church of a diocese
CA"VALRY, _s._ horse soldiery
CA"VERN, _s._ a hollow place in the ground
CA"VIL, _s._ a false or frivolous objection
CA"VITY, _s._ a hole; a hollow place
CE"DAR, _s._ a kind of tree; it is evergreen, and produces flowers
CE"LEBRATE, _v.a._ praise; commend; mention in a set or solemn manner
CELE"BRITY, _s._ transaction publicly splendid
CELE"RITY, _s._ quickness
CELE"STIAL, _a._ heavenly
CE"METERY, _s._ a place where the dead are deposited
CE"NTRE, _s._ the middle
CE"NTURY, _s._ a hundred years
CEREMO"NIOUS, _a._ full of ceremony
CE"REMONY, _s._ form in religion; form of civility
CE"RTAIN, _a._ sure; unquestionable; regular; particular kind
CHAO"TIC, _a._ confused
CHA"PTER, _s._ a division of a book; the place in which a.s.semblies of the clergy are held
CHARACTERI"SE, _v.a._ to give a character of the particular quality of any man
CHARACTERI"STIC, _s._ that which const.i.tutes the character
CHARACTERI"STICALLY, _ad._ const.i.tuting the character
CHA"RITY, _s._ kindness; love; good-will; relief given to the poor
CHA"TEAU, _s._ (p.r.o.nounced _shat-oh_) a castle
CHA"TTER, _v.a._ make a noise by collision of the teeth; talk idly or carelessly
CHE"RUB, _s._ a celestial spirit, next in order to the seraphim
CHRI"STENDOM, _s._ the collective body of Christianity
CHRI"STIAN, _s._ a professor of the religion of Christ
CHRO"NICLE, _s._ a register of events in order of time; a history
CHRO"NICLER, _s._ a writer of chronicles; a historian
CHRONO"METER, _s._ an instrument for the exact measuring of time
CI"PHER, _s._ a figure, as 1, 2
CI"RCUIT, _s._ a circular band
CI"RCUIT, _s._ ring; round; stated journey repeated at intervals
CIRCU"MFERENCE, _s._ the s.p.a.ce enclosed in a circle
CIRc.u.mSCRI"BE, _v.a._ enclose in certain lines or boundaries; bound; Limit