CI"Rc.u.mSTANCE, _s._ something relative to a fact; incident; event

CI"STERN, _s._ a receptacle of water for domestic uses; reservoir

CI"STUS, _s._ rock-rose

CI"TADEL, _s._ a fortress; a place of defence

CI"TIZEN, _s._ a freeman of a city; townsman

CI"TY, _s._ a corporate town that hath a bishop

CI"VIL, _a._ political; not foreign; gentle; well bred; polite

CIVI"LITY, _s._ politeness; complaisance

CI"VILIZA"TION, _s._ civilising manners

CI"VILIZE, _v.a._ reclaim from savageness and brutality

CLA"MOUR, _s._ noise; tumult; disturbance

CLA"RION, _s._ a trumpet

CLI"MATE, _s._ a region, or tract of land, differing from another by the temperature of the air

CLU"STER, _s._ a bunch

CO"GNIZANCE, _s._ trial; a badge by which one is known

COLLE"CT, _v.a._ gather together; bring into one place; gain from observation

COLLO"QUIAL, _a._ that relates to common conversation

COLO"NIAL, _a._ that which relates to a colony

CO"LONIST, _s._ one that colonises; one that dwells in a colony

COLO"SSAL, _a._ of enormous magnitude; large

CO"LOUR, _s._ the appearance of bodies to the eye only; hue; appearance

CO"LUMN, _s._ a round pillar; a long file or row of troops; half a page, when divided into two equal parts by a line pa.s.sing down the middle

COLU"MNAR, _a._ formed in columns

COMBINA"TION, _s._ a union; a joining together

CO"MFORTABLE, _a._ admitting comfort; dispensing comfort

COMMA"NDER, _s._ a general; chief; leader

COMMEMORA"TION, _s._ an act of public celebration

COMME"NCE, _v.a._ to begin

CO"MMERCE, _s._ intercourse; exchange of one thing for another; trade

COMME"RCIAL, _a._ that which relates to commerce

CO"MMINUTE, _v.a._ to grind; to pulverise

COMMO"DITY, _s._ wares; merchandise

COMMONWE"ALTH, _s._ a polity; an established form of civilized life; public; republic

COMMU"NICATE, _v.a._ impart knowledge; reveal

COMMU"NITY, _s._ the commonwealth; the body politic; common possession

COMPA"NION, _s._ a partner; an a.s.sociate

CO"MPANY, _s._ persons a.s.sembled together; a band; a subdivision of a regiment of foot

CO"MPARABLE, _a._ capable of being compared; of equal regard

COMPA"RE, _v.n._ make one thing the measure of another; find a likeness of one thing with another

COMPA"RISON, _s._ the act of comparing; state of being compared; comparative estimate

COMPE"TE, _v.a._ to vie; to contend; to strive; to endeavour to outstrip

COMPLA"INT, _s._ representation of pains or injuries; malady; remonstrance against

COMPLAI"SANCE, _s._ civility; desire of pleasing

COMPLE"TION, _s._ accomplishment; act of fulfilling

COMPLI"ANCE, _s._ the act of yielding to any design or demand

CO"MPLICATE, _v.a._ to render difficult and incomprehendable; to join one with another

COMPOSI"TION, _s._ a ma.s.s formed by mingling different ingredients; written work

COMPREHE"ND, _v.a._ comprise; include; conceive; understand

CONCE"AL, _v.a._ hide; keep secret; cover

CONCE"IT, _s._ vain pride

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