REFU"LGENT, _a._ bright; splendid

REGA"LIA, _s._ ensigns of Royalty

REGA"RD, _v.a._ observe; remark; pay attention to

RE"GIMENT, _s._ a body of soldiers under one colonel

RE"GION, _s._ tract of land; country


RE"GULAR, _a._ methodical; orderly

REINFO"RCE, _v.a._ strengthen again

REJE"CT, _v.a._ cast off; refuse; throw aside

RE"LATIVE, _s._ a near friend; a relation; a kinsman

RE"LATIVE, _a._ having relation

RELAXATION, _s._ the act of loosening

RELA"XED, _a._ slackened; loosened; let loose; diverted; eased; refreshed

RELEA"SE, _v.a._ quit; let go; slacken; free from

RELE"NT, _v.n._ slacken; remit; soften; melt

RE"LIC, _s._ that which remains

RELIE"VE, _v.a._ ease pain or sorrow; succour by a.s.sistance; support; a.s.sist

RELI"GION, _s._ a system of divine faith and worship

RELU"CTANT, _a._ unwilling; acting with repugnance

REMAI"N, _v.n._ continue; endure; be left

REMAINDER, _s._ the part left

REMA"RKABLE, _a._ observable; worthy of note

RE"MEDY, _s._ a medicine by which any illness is cured; that which counteracts any evil; reparation

REME"MBER, _v.a._ bear in mind; not to

REMO"NSTRANCE, _s._ strong representation

REMO"RSELESS, _a._ without remorse

RE"NDER, _v.a._ restore; give back; represent; exhibit; give

REPEA"T, _v.a._ use again; do again; speak again

REPO"RT, _s._ rumour; popular fame; sound; loud noise

RE"PRESENT, _v.a._ exhibit; describe; personate; exhibit to show

REPRESENTA"TION, _s._ image; likeness; public exhibition

REPRIE"VE, _s._ respite after sentence of death

REPRI"SAL, _s._ something seized by way of retaliation for robbery or injury

RE"PTILE, _s._ an animal that creeps on many feet

REPU"BLIC, _s._ commonwealth; a government without a King or other hereditary head

REPU"GNANT, _a._ disobedient; contrary; opposite

REPU"LSE, _v.a._ beat back; drive off

REPUTA"TION, _s._ character of good or bad; credit

REPU"TE, _s._ character; reputation

REQUE"ST, _s._ pet.i.tion; entreaty; demand

RE"QUIEM, _s._ a hymn, in which they ask for the dead, requiem or rest

REQUISITE, _a._ necessary

RE"SCUE, _v.a._ set free from any violence, confinement, or danger

RESE"MBLE, _v. a_ to be like; to compare; to represent as like something else

RESE"NTMENT, _s._ anger; deep sense of injury

RE"SERVOIR, _s._ a receiver; a large basin which receives water

RESIDENCE, _s._ dwelling; place of abode

RESOU"RCE, _s._ resort; expedient

RESPECTIVE, _a._ particular; relating to particular persons or things

RESPIRA"TION, _s._ the act of breathing; relief from toil

RESPLENDENT, _a._ bright; shining; having a beautiful l.u.s.tre

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