RESPONSIBLE, _a._ answerable; accountable
RESTRAINT, _s._ abridgment of liberty; prohibition; restriction
RETALIATION, _s._ requital; return of like for like
RETA"RD, _v.a._ hinder; delay
RE"TINUE, _s._ a number attending upon a person; train
RETROSPECTION, _s._ act or faculty of looking backward
RETU"RN, _s._ the act of coming back to the same place; act of restoring or giving back
REVELA"TION, _s._ discovery; communication; apocalypse; the prophecy of St. John, revealing future things
REVE"NUE, _s._ income; annual profits received from lands or other funds
RE"VERENCE, _s._ veneration; respect; t.i.tle of the clergy
REVE"RSE, _v.a._ turn upside down; overturn
RHINO"CERUS, _s._ a large animal with a horn on its nose
RHODODE"NDRON, _s._ the rose-bay
RI"BALDRY, _s._ mean, lewd, brutal language
RI"DICULE, _s._ contemptive mockery
RI"VET, _v.a._ fasten strongly
RI"VULET, _s_ a small river; streamlet; brook
ROMA"NTIC, _a._ wild; fanciful
ROO"KERY, _s._ a nursery of rooks
ROYA"LIST, _s._ adherent to a King
RU"BY, _s._ a precious stone of a red colour
RU"DIMEMT, _s._ the first principle
RU"GGED, _a._ rough; uneven; rude
RU"STIC, _a._ rough; rude; pertaining to the country
RUSTI"CITY, _s._ rural appearance; simplicity
SA"CRAMENT, _s._ an oath; an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace
SA"CRED, _a._ immediately relating to G.o.d; holy
SA"CRIFICE, _v.a._ offer to heaven; destroy or give up for the sake of something else; destroy; kill
SAGA"CITY, _a._ quickness of scent; acuteness of discovery
SA"LINE, _a._ consisting of salt; const.i.tuting bait
SA"NCt.i.tY, _s._ holiness; goodness; purity
SA"NGUINARY, _a._ cruel; b.l.o.o.d.y; murderous
SA"PPHIRE, _s._ a precious stone, of a blue colour
SAU"RIAN, _s._ a reptile belonging to the order of Sauris or lizards
SAVA"NNAH, _s._ an open meadow without wood
SCABBARD, _s._ the sheath of a sword or dagger
SCE"NERY, _s._ the appearances of places or things; the background of the scenes of a play
SCE"PTRE, _s._ the ensign of royalty borne in the hand
SCI"ENCE, _s._ knowledge; certainty grounded, on demonstration
SCIENTIFIC, _a._ producing demonstrative knowledge
SCREECH, _s._ cry of horror and anguish; harsh cry
SCRI"PTURE, _s._ sacred writing; the Bible
SCU"RRY, _a._ mean; vile; dirty; worthless
SCU"LPTURE, _s._ carved work
SE"AMAN, _s._ a sailor
SE"ASON, _s._ one of the four parts of the year; a fit time
SE"CRET, _s._ something studiously hidden; privacy; solitude; a thing unknown
SECRE"TE, _v.a._ put aside; hide
SECU"RITY, _s._ protection; safety; certainty