Acheron pa.s.sed the days taking all the girls out of the house until Athena hacked a car and almost killed some women that were trying to flirt with Acheron. She is under house arrest once again until further notice.

On the other hand, the True Bloods, along with their Queen, were losing their minds with worry. They had set up checkpoints around the hotel with all of them taking turns being a lookout for an enemy they had yet to see.

What made it worse, was that they also took turns taking care of Mary, the one that was bitten, and as they saw her body slowly decomposing in front of their eyes, their tightened nerves shot through the roof.

Finally, the day had come.

Thalia opened her eyes; a dangerous red glow seems to infuse her eyes. She looked at Vivian and the rest of the guards currently in her living room.

"Today is the day, I can feel it! Prepare yourselves!" Thalia commanded.

The already tired and worn out vampires regained new life as they heard their Queen"s order.

"Yes, My Queen!" they all answered.

Thalia got up from her sofa and walked to the gla.s.s window overlooking the city of London. She looked at setting sun and knew that once it was nightfall one of the most dangerous nights of her life would be upon her.

As the sun finally set, like a prophecy coming true, a True Blood came on the radio informing them something was moving their way.

"My Queen! We just heard a wolf-like howl coming from the south! It"s moving fast on the rooftops!.... It"s here! Oh, G.o.d! It"s enormous! Hel- *BAM*…..-static- "

"Come In! Can you hear me?!? Is anyone there?!?!" Vivian yelled into the radio.

-static- *Click*

"h.e.l.lo?! Identify yourself!" Vivian stated as she looked at her Queen.

A deep growling voice came over the radio, all the True Bloods with a radio heard this voice. This voice was primal, ancient, it sent s.h.i.+vers down the spine of these pseudo-immortals. That was the voice of death.

"h.e.l.lo, rubbish vampires…. I"m coming for you~"

*CRACK* -static-

The radio appeared to have been destroyed after the monster spoke.

Thalia quickly grabbed the radio from Vivian"s hands and spoke,

"Return quickly, everyone, report to my floor…NOW!"

After 15 minutes 75 True Bloods flooded in their Queen"s home. The penthouse was big enough to hold all of them in the living room with plenty of s.p.a.ce to fight.
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They all stood still, ready to fight as they stared at the door. They had evacuated the whole building just days before, so there was no one in the building except for the True Bloods.

Thalia stood behind her people, also awaiting the arrival of their enemy.

*Rumble*…. *Rumble*

Thalia looked at the gla.s.s of water on the table in front of her, it rippled from the vibrations as if the monster was breaking through every floor beneath them trying to reach her.


Something moved behind her, just outside the window. She turned around and looked through the gla.s.s into her patio.

She couldn"t see anything at all. When she thought she imagined it, it appeared.

*BAM! *

The floor trembled from the impact as the giant werewolf landed just on the other side of the gla.s.s door. Thalia jumped back out of pure reflex. The werewolf didn"t move letting the True Bloods get a good look at the monster hunting them.

Thalia thought the werewolf was beautiful, a fur so white it could be compared to snow and streaks of purple running through his body it almost looked like lightning. Sky blue eyes comparable to a summer"s sky and nails so sharp it glistened in the moonlight. As she a.n.a.lyzed the werewolf in front of her, so too it appeared that he was doing the same.

Acheron looked upon his beloved, how long has it been since he has last laid eyes upon her?

To Acheron, Thalia has gotten even more beautiful, her platinum-colored hair and ruby-colored eyes matched the necklace around her pearly white neck.

Acheron couldn"t help but flash a tender look as he laid eyes on the necklace he himself had forged for her. It was a statement of his love for her and as an apology on his behalf for all his lies.

Acheron walked up to the gla.s.s door before taping several panes of gla.s.s with his claw, they shattered with his light touch. he needed to do this since he needed the s.p.a.ce so he could walk in.

A True Blood took it as an attack and lunged at Acheron only to be grabbed by the neck out of the air like a chicken.

"Excuse me girly, but I just needed to get inside, no need to attack yet you know?" Acheron said,

"Put her down!" Thalia exclaimed

Acheron smiled at Thalia; it wasn"t a bloodthirsty smile like you would expect but a teasing smile. At least it was supposed to be, it hard to differentiate facial expression with a wolf-like head.

"Say "please"" Acheron said,

"As a Queen, you should show basic courtesy towards guests you know? After all, I hold her life in my hand."

Acheron squeezed a little harder on the woman"s neck, causing her to struggle harder.

Thalia panicked seeing this,

"Let her go… please!" Thalia said,

Acheron opened his hand letting her crash into the floor before kicking her into the crowd.

Acheron started to pace around Thalia like a wolf circling his prey. The True Bloods tried to help their trapped queen only to be scared off with a glance from the werewolf.

Thalia kept a cool look on her face as she was circled by her enemy, she was trying to think of a way to keep her people safe, even if she had to sacrifice herself to do it.

"You should have gotten my warning, yes? You should know why I"m here?" Acheron said,

"Warning?" Thalia asked incredulously,

"You didn"t get my warning?" Asked Acheron,

"Didn"t the traitorous girl that I bit not tell you?"

"Traitor? Do you mean Mary? she was found unconscious and has been like that ever since then" Thalia said,

Acheron laughed like it was the funniest joke in the world,

"You"ve been played! Werewolf poison does the opposite, it keeps you conscious no matter what! so you could suffer the most pain until you turn into a puddle of goo"

Thalia"s face turned serious with anger flas.h.i.+ng through her eyes as they turned red.

"Someone grab her and bring her here!" Thalia ordered,

"Yes, My Queen" someone answered,

They waited for a minute before someone came running in panic,

"My Queen! Mary!... She"s gone!"



1) I still haven"t chosen a race for Halloween, I"m still looking over your suggestions and researching them but I"m leaning towards Arachne, due to arachnophobia (fear of spiders) being a fear that"s fairly common. But what I"m looking for is a race that"s scary but I"m still able to make them look cool as Acheron will be back in school by then.

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