Thalia turned to look at the True Blood,

"What do you mean "She"s gone"? She was bedridden this whole time!"

"It"s true, My Queen! There are no traces of her anywhere!"

"f.u.c.k!" Thalia cursed, she now realized she had been played with by someone she thought family.

"Find her!" Thalia yelled,

But before the True Bloods could move, Acheron interjected,

"There"s no need, with her condition she wouldn"t have gotten far"

Thalia turned to look at the werewolf, ever since he realized she didn"t get his warning, his hostility towards them almost vanished.

"Why am I getting this sense of familiarity from him now? That look in his eyes... What is it?" Thalia wondered,

"I"ll find her, the smell of death should be easy to find"

Acheron walked around a bit while taking deep sniffs of the air. He stopped and looked up, suddenly Acheron drove his hand through the roof before pulling something out, or in this case, someone.

"Mary, what is the meaning of this?!" Thalia exclaimed,

"haha… cough… haha… if I was going to die, then I felt I should bring everyone else with me… cough… cough"

Mary"s body looked terrible, she was skinny and her skinned had taken a sickly black tint to it, her body reeked of death and decomposition.

The fact she was able to get this far with 80 percent of her body slowly decomposing spoke volumes on the tenacity and will to live of the vampire race.

Only Thalia and Acheron had said a word this whole time, but now Vivian had to intervene and say something to this traitorous vampire,

"How can you do this? Aren"t we all sisters?! Why would you betray us like this?"

"HAHAHA! The only thing I ever wanted was money and immortality! Now that I"m dying, screw all of you!"

Thalia"s heart broke a little with this betrayal, she felt she knew of all her people but now she was beginning to have doubts.

Thalia turned to look at the werewolf,

"Why did you bite her, what was her crime?"

"You haven"t guessed it yet? What"s the only thing that grants death to the True Bloods from you directly?" Answered Acheron,

Thalia"s eyes turned wide before glaring at Mary, who was dying on the floor.

"You sided with those murderous Vamps?!" Thalia exclaimed.

"They paid me whatever I wanted! and why should I care about cattle?! Humans are just food!! Who cares if a couple of teen girls go missing in the night, the world is f.u.c.ked up anyways!"

*Swish* *Thud*

Mary"s head landed on the floor, Thalia had swiftly chopped her head off with a wave of her hand.

"Nice," Acheron commented with a smile, it appears Thalia hasn"t changed much over the centuries.

"So, what do you intend to do? Kill us for revenge of your race, I a.s.sume you"re the Werewolf Prime, am I right?" Thalia looked at Acheron with a look of defeat in her eyes.

"Revenge? My race? Prime?" Acheron tilted his head in confusion,

"Are you not the Originator of the werewolf race?" Thalia asked looking at the werewolf"s confusion,
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"Oh, you mean this body? I guess it was the Originator when I killed it! But it is not me, I"m not even a werewolf, I just transformed to this race because they are the bane of your existence, that"s all" Acheron said,

He walked up to Thalia and as he stared down into her ruby eyes, he lifted his arm in front of her.

The fur on his arm fell off and was replaced by a ghoulish grey arm. Instead of 5 fingers, it was replaced by 4 with claws sharper than the ones before.

Thalia"s eyes widened in shock, she recognized it! How could she not? That was the arm of a Vampire"s ultimate form! How can that be?!

"Is he a werewolf or a vampire? What is he?" Thalia thought but before she could ask him, Acheron"s arm turned back to a werewolf"s.

" I came here to give you a warning, all the Vamps have been killed, let it happen again and I"ll annihilate you along with them... remember your vow" Acheron turned to leave,

"Who are you?!" Questioned Thalia,

Acheron turned to the side to look at her, a wide toothy smile that looked fierce on his face and a loving look in his eyes.

"Someone that just wants to be a regular man"

Thalia froze as those words echoed within her mind, she then had a flashback of when she first met the love of her life.


Transylvania. Almost 600 years ago.

Thalia looked at the young man that had just successfully wooed her underneath the tree she usually spent her time at.

"Sir? Who are you?"

The young man turned his head to glance at her while giving her a smile that made her heart quicken.

"Someone that just wants to be a regular man"


The image of her past lover overlapped with the current werewolf in front of her.

"It can"t be!" she thought as tears threatened to fall from her eyes,

"Is it you?" Thalia whispered,

Acheron froze but didn"t turn around.

"My love? Is that you?" Thalia asked again,

Acheron continued to walk out into the patio, as the feeling of familiarity continued to grow within her.

"It"s him! It is! But why?! Why didn"t he return to me?!?!"

Thalia saw as the werewolf jumped off the ledge before she can confirm her suspicions but in her heart, she knew only one person to have ever given her this feeling.

She ran to the ledge as she screamed into the night the question that she needed an answer to.

"WHY?!?!" Thalia let out a heartbreaking scream as she burst into tears,

"Why didn"t you return to me? Why have you left me alone all these centuries?!" the rest of her questions were said inside her heart. She couldn"t get herself to say those words out loud, fearing the worst possible answer would be given from the darkness.

But she still wished for an answer.

Thalia"s wish was granted when a whisper was carried over to her by the wind,

"Because, I too, was scared of outliving you…"

The wall of ice around her heart was shattered with those words.

"I"ll find you! I"ll follow you until the ends of the earth!" Thalia exclaimed into the wind, unsure if she was heard but now she had hope and she wasn"t going to let slip through her fingers again.

"I"ll find you my love, and we will spend the rest of our lifetimes together" Thalia promised herself inside her heart.

She then saw something on the ground, it was a flash drive with a note.

"Look at this when alone, traitors are still around"

Her face turned serious before a killing intent infused her eyes. A smile quickly flashed across her face before disappearing as she turned to handle the troublesome bunch in her race.



1) Originally I was going to wipe out everyone but a quick change in personality is what makes Acheron who he is, and also this sets it up for Thalia to show up in j.a.pan.

2) I am now leaning more towards a type of demon, maybe combine multiple races into one...

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