When he entered the second floor of his home, he was met with Athena holding on to the hand of the really excited gothic loli, Hela. But that wasn"t the first thing he noticed, in Hela"s other hand, she held a giant black and red war ax, she reminded him of a certain demi-G.o.d gothic Lolita from a certain anime he had once seen.

"I"m home" Acheron called,

"Welcome home, Darling (Daddy)" Athena and Hela answered,

"Darling, Hela, has been really excited for you to come home, she says you need her for something?" Athena said,

Acheron nodded and smiled at Hela; who"s eyes seemed to be glimmering with excitement.

"I won"t have Hela personally act…" Acheron said, causing the light to dim a little in the loli"s eyes.

"But I"ll have her build some weapons that I"ll use on Thursday"

"Weapons?!?!" the light in Hela"s eyes burned brighter than before,

"What kind of weapons?!" Hela"s smile had turned both cute and terrifying, it seems she loved weapons.

Acheron kneeled on the ground and motioned Hela over as if he were going to tell her a secret. Hela rushed to his side and leaned her ear in to hear Acheron.

Rose had already arrived from parking the car and had caught the last couple of sentences from their conversation. As she stood next to Acheron, she strained her ears and was able to catch some of the whispers.

"Have you seen…. Just like the one from this scene….. also, bullets… laced with... Myriad races... monsters…"

Hela"s face turned from one of excitement to one of complete fanaticism and bloodthirst. Her eyes even turned completely black as she listened to Acheron"s whispers.

When Acheron finished, he turned to look at the face of his cute little bundle of nightmares and death.

"So, you think you can do it?" Acheron asked,

"Dad, those weapons… they are really deadly and vile…. Of course, I"ll do it!!" Hela said with an evil smile.

Acheron matched her vile and evil smile.

"Good" Acheron praised,

"Kukukukuku…" Rose watched as both Acheron and Hela laughed evilly with each other.

Athena just stood there taking pictures of this sweet father and daughter moment, for the family alb.u.m of course.

"Any other preparations Acheron-sama?" asked Rose,

"Nope, that"s all for now," Acheron said as he stood up,

"I"ll be in the game room tonight, I want to have a go at this… Minecraft, that"s been having a comeback or so I hear"

"You never heard of Minecraft Acheron-sama?" Rose asked,

"No, I have, but you know I"m more into shooters and RPGs," Acheron said,

Acheron then walked away with Athena following as always, and Rose headed for the kitchen to get stuff ready for tonight"s dinner.

The next morning, Acheron arrived at school at the same time Akeno, Sakura and Sora did. Seeing Acheron, they headed towards him wanting to walk together to cla.s.s.

"Good morning Acheron" Akeno and Sakura greeted, while Sora just gave a nod.

"Morning" Acheron answered,

"I"m guessing you guys want to walk to cla.s.s?"

Akeno nodded and they went on their way towards their cla.s.sroom.

When Acheron got to his desk he noticed something sticking out from his desk. He grabbed it and pulled it out.

Sakura and Akeno noticed this.

"What"s that? A letter of challenge?" asked Sakura,

Acheron shook his head,

"It"s a love letter," Acheron simply stated,

The cla.s.sroom turned silent as everyone turned around and looked in their direction with a horrified look on their face as if they had seen a ghost.

"a l-l-l-love letter?! How do you know?!" Asked Akeno, clearly she was freaking out about the current situation.

Acheron flipped the letter over, showing the other side of the envelope. On the envelope there was a great pink heart with an arrow going through it.

The rest of the cla.s.s seeing this, started to murmur to each other.

"Are you serious?! Another girl?! Is he not satisfied?!"

"I"m not surprised, did you not see his body during his fights a month ago?"

"He"s a monster though…"

"I wonder who the girl is?..."

"What a man!"

Sakura seeing Akeno staring into s.p.a.ce absentmindedly, she once again took it upon herself to help her friend out.

"So, what are you going to do? Are you going to respond?" Sakura asked,

"Of course, I am, that"s the polite thing to do, it takes guts to confess your feeling for someone," Acheron said,

Acheron then opened the envelope and read the letter.

"She says she wants to meet by the "Old Sakura Tree", where is that at?" Acheron asked,

"That spot is famous for girls to confess their love to guys they like, is located near the back of the premises" Akeno answered listlessly.

"Oh okay, I"ll meet her there after school then," Acheron said,

"Do you know what you are going to say? Are you going to accept or deny?" Sakura asked,

Acheron chuckled as he put the letter away.

"Of course, I"m going to decline, I"m not interested in kids," Acheron said,

"So, what are you going to say?" Akeno asked,

Acheron smiled and put his hand over his face in a dramatic manner. His smile then turned full of mockery and turned up his chin as if looking down at them.

"Know your place, you 3D girl!"

Several students fell out of their chairs, including Akeno and Sakura, a look of disbelief on their faces.

"You are going to traumatize the poor girl!"


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