The Immortal Mutant Teen

Chapter 64 (btw)

Queen Berenib had no idea about what just happened in the temple. Her body could still feel the aftereffects of her first huge o.r.g.a.s.m. She could still feel her body craving the man she just met.

She hurried back her sedan chair with the bodyguards the Pharaoh had given her standing by. She dashed inside and pulled the curtains down, without giving her guards a chance to greet her properly.

"To the Palace!" she said,

"Yes, My Queen" they responded with a bow, before picking up her sedan chair.

During her ride back to the palace, scenes from the temple kept replaying in her head. Her anger and embarra.s.sment only grew, as well a small feeling of longing for that man.

She sighed, she knew that was the only time she will ever see that man, as the queen, hardly any chance stood of them meeting again.

When she arrived, she was met with Pharaoh Narmer, sometimes called Menes, and her Sister Queen Neithotepe. She had allowed a sister wife since she would not let a mortal man touch her body. Thoughts of what the young man did to her back in the temple flashed through her mind, causing a small blush to appear on her face.

"My G.o.ddess," The pharaoh said,

"Are you all right?"

Though Berenib is his Great Wife, there"s no way she has ever seen him in a favorable light, never mind as treat him like her husband. Her red blush on what usually is a stone-cold face alarmed the Pharaoh.

"I am tired, I"ll be going to my room" She said,

"Please rest easy My G.o.ddess, I have a surprise for you once you awake," the Pharaoh said,

Queen Berenib walked away after nodding, leaving everyone behind as they bowed to her, except for the Pharaoh.


Queen Berenib awoke from her much-needed nap, earlier today had been too stimulating and had tired her out. Once they heard movement inside the Queen"s chambers, two chambermaids walked in, ready to serve their G.o.ddess and Queen.

Berenib stood up and watched as her two chambermaids help dress her. She waited as they put her necklace and pa.s.sed her a staff made of gold with rubies and emeralds encrusted in it. This was the symbol of her power, along with her crown. She didn"t like wearing her crown, it signified her status as Queen and the pharaoh"s wife.

Her husband, the Pharaoh, has never touched her. She would never allow a mortal man like him to touch her divine body. She could see behind the adoration and reverence in his eyes, lies eyes full of l.u.s.t and wickedness every time he would lay eyes upon her. She didn"t like that.

Once she was dressed, the chambermaid reminded her that the pharaoh had something to show her. She was interested, hardly anything ever catches the man"s eyes, so whatever it was it, could be entertaining.

As she walked down the hall of her palace, servants stopped and bowed in reverence to her. Though it didn"t matter to her if they did or not, she agreed that it did make her feel good.

As she walked into the throne room, she saw that man being fed grapes by her sister, Neithotepe.

"So, Menes, what is it that you wanted to show me?" said Berenib.

"Ah, My G.o.ddess!" Exclaimed the Pharaoh,

He immediately stood up and rushed towards her.

"Come, come! I found the most interesting person; I believe you would be most interested"

Berenib followed the man and her sister queen to dungeons.

Just ahead she saw a prison cell with 8 guards posted in front of the iron door, each holding a spear and a s.h.i.+eld. She recognized these guards; they were some of the pharaoh"s elite guardsmen. She wonder who they could be guarding that needs all these guards for.

As they neared the door, Berenib started to hear the sound of growling and screaming, the sounds of chains clanking against each other.

"Menes, did you bring me here to see one of those monsters?" Berenib asked, her voice dripping with venom.

"No, no, My G.o.ddess!" the Pharaoh said,

"I"m here to show you a man"

"Hmph! Open the door, let me see!" Berenib ordered.

The guards unsheathed their weapons and moved towards the door, as if ready to fight whoever once inside.

Once the doors were opened, the sounds of chains clanking became even louder, the growls seemed not human, almost demonic.

The doors fully opened revealing a pitch-black room, with no source of light anywhere. Once her eyes got accustomed to the darkness, she noticed 2 glowing purple eyes in the middle of the room, that was the source of the growling and the chains rattling.

The more she stared at those eyes, the longer she felt uncomfortable being there. Those eyes were not human, they glowed with pure rage. Berenib had never seen such rage, rage not only towards them but to everything it laid eyes on.

Those were eyes of pure destruction.

One of the guards grabbed a torch from the hallway and tapped it against a small trench in the wall. The liquid caught fire and spread to every wall through the trench, finally shedding light into the darkroom.

When I saw the man"s face, I was surprised. It was him. The man that just earlier today had touched her body like no one had before.

His swirling purple eyes and arrogant and fearless att.i.tude were gone. All was left was a monster of destruction, even the whites of his eyes were gone, and they glowed a cold violet color.

He was kneeling in the middle of the room, countless shackles were holding him in place, the place without a shackle was his head. The chains extended from the man to walls and floor, holding this one man in place. By the looks of it, the chains were barely holding on.

"Who is this man?" asked Berenib,

"No one knows but he was found wandering the desert, it took dozens of men to capture him before he was turned into a slave but that wasn"t what makes him so interesting…" said the Pharaoh,

"Spit it out already Menes!" Berenib said,

"My G.o.ddess… I think he"s an abandoned demi-G.o.d," The Pharaoh said,

"What makes you say that? The glowing eyes?" Berenib said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

The Pharaoh"s lips twitched hearing Berenib"s sharp tongue.

"He was captured over a hundred summers ago," said the Pharaoh,

This caused a gasp to come from behind them, where the guards and the other queen stood.

"Then he truly must stem from a G.o.d, but which one?" asked Berenib.

They suddenly realized, that the growling and clanking of the chains where gone. They turned to look at the man.

The glowing of his eyes had subsided and only his irises glowed. A demonic laughter escaped from the man"s mouth; a wicked smile formed on his face.

Berenib had never seen such a wicked smile, it caused one"s mind to blank from fear with just a look.

"G̡̗͙̥̜͔̲̣ͅͅͅͅǫ̯̣̩̳͉̦̱̳ͅd̯͚̳̲̭̮͢s͈̦͓̱̙̪̞̖͓͜��?͎̳͎̝̯̠̪̗̯͚͜ Y̢̞̪͈̞̣̫ͅo̢͕̲̝̗̣̱̟͉u̢͉̙̪̝̰͇͕r̢͚̪̪̪̙̞̟̱͓̘ g̖͉͎̱̖̰̣̝͜ǫ͕̩̗̪d̯̭͍͔̮͜s̡̠̘̗̟͎̞̙̗̬̤ ą̟̫̙͍̱͚ŗ̦̭͙̖̪̘̟̦̟ͅę̝̣̝̬͍͎̠ l̨̖͔̣͈o̡̗̘̗̠͔ͅn͖̗͉̦̯̜̥͙̪̣̮̱͢g͍͍̲̱͢ d̖͍͈̜̠͜e̫̭͖̲͓͓̗̤̮̥̩̰͢a̧̠͙̜̬̯̟̝̤ḑ͓̱̯̬̳̞̝̱̯̳!̢̙̲̲͚̤̱"

The man"s laughter echoed in the room ad into the hallway, the other prisons started to panic and scream for freedom.

Berenib was pale along with everyone else. The man"s presence seemed to enlarge a monstrous size that seemed to encompa.s.s them and held them in place.

Was this the man"s real self? What have we gotten ourselves into?

"Maybe I should stop torturing this man from now on" thought the Pharaoh as his knees grew weak from the pressure coming down on his head.

"What do you mean by that?" Berenib was able to squeeze out the question that echoed in her mind.

The pressure upon their heads slowly receded until it was gone. Everyone except Berenib dropped to their knees from exhaustion.

Berenib stared at those cold purple eyes, colder than the desert at night. Those eyes were ancient, they were eyes of someone who had seen everything their world had to offer.

"I saw your puny G.o.ds die and be slaughtered, I fought against some of them… I made them bleed… kukukuku" the man said.

"So high and mighty they thought they were… but it is I who still stands! There was nothing left for them to do but turn to dust… as I will watch all of you turn to dust…. As it has been for countless moons"

The man closed his eyes as if going to sleep.

"Ahhhhhh! Impudence!" The Pharaoh yelled from behind Berenib.


One of the guard"s spears flew through the air, impaling the chained man through his heart. Then the Pharaoh rushed with a sword and cut the man"s head off.

"Let"s leave! What a waste! Speaking such blasphemous words in front of our Queen and G.o.ddess" said the Pharaoh.

Berenib stared at the headless body for a second more before turning around and walking behind everyone else.


Suddenly a sound came from behind them. It sounded like a spear falling on the floor.

They all slowly turned around only to see the man perfectly fine, the spear that was through his chest laid in front of him.

That wicked smile had returned and his glowing eyes staring right into theirs.

"I͕̥͇͇͖͓̟͜ w͔͕̯̪͜i̭̗̥͖͔͚͚̘̲̖̟͇͜l̨̤̗̤̲̠l͖̱̖̯̜͢ w̡̗̰̭̦̙̫͎̙̣̲̬ͅa̧͓͖͓̞͔ţ͕̪̬͚͕̮̬̙ͅͅͅͅc͉͖̘̩͜ḩ̜͔̲̯͇̪̟̱͙͎̩ a̱̞̟̦̩̳̞͔͢s̢̜͔̘̱̣̯̘͖̠̘͇ y̨̰͔͕̥͚̖̩̥͔̝͚o̡̝̪̦͎̖̮u̢͉̘͉͖̜̳͔͎r̡̗͙͔̘ k̨͖̮̣͇̬̗̮̫͔̲̠̗i̖̬̪͚̗̟̗̜̫̖͍͉͢ņ̲̪̥̬͚̫̙̗̥̤̬ͅg̝̱̭̮̩͙͕̮͍͎̭͢d̡̞͚̖͎͕͚̘̝ͅͅǫ͚̣̯̯͇̩̯̩̰m̢̥͙̲͙͓̜̞̬̲̗ f̰̮̦͔̞͚̮̲͕͉͉͜ą̞̠̝͖͎̱̠l̡̗͉͎̰̳͍ļ̯̱͎̤̙͓̰̮̣͉͍s͇̮͖̜̘̜̭̖͜ͅ a̦̜̱͓͜n̫̯̟͜ͅͅd̨̰̥̥̞̪͚̱͇̝ b̧͖̦̮͖̱͈͖̳ͅe̡͖̱̘̠͕ b͖̫̩͔͍̖͢ų̝͖̗̮͚̫̞̬̪r̫̘̯̘̳̰̠͎͔̤͔̗͜i͕̯͎̗̗̰͍̞͚͜ę̜̙͍̭d̨̖̳̬̖̘͕ u̧͖͖̙̝͕̯n̝͕̝̲̤̙͎͢d̡̦̫̟̙͈̙ͅȩ̫̜̘̫͇̖̱̩̖͚͍̦r̡͓͍̪̲̩̭̯͇̜̭ t̨h͉͓̜͔͢ͅe͇̤̖̭̠̮̖͉̰̞̯͢ͅ s̨̜̖̭̜͙͇̣̫̪͈̪a̢͈͔̬̬n̨̞͈̘̝̙͕̲͉͎̩ḍ̢̘̭̣̬͍̝s̨͙̩͎͕͔"

Even Berenib wanted to run, she never wanted to return and see this man again. The man"s laughter haunted them even as they left the dungeon.


Papa Ainz The Bone Daddy"s Announcements:

1) This chapter should have been released long ago but I forgot about it... Oops.

2) Part 1 is Chapter 64 (btw)

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