"Student: Acheron Belau, Difficulty: …. "Welcome to h.e.l.l""

Acheron had chosen the highest mode of difficulty. The crowd couldn"t believe it, no one dares to choose that mode, not unless they want to embarra.s.s themselves in front of everyone.

Even the highest score is a measly 80 points, and that was done by an instructor, not a student.

It is not named "Welcome to h.e.l.l" mode for nothing, your target movements and appearances increase over time, not to mention the wind also picks up speed as time pa.s.ses, by the end of the hour your arrow can hardly make it past a meter in front of you because of the winds.

Amazoness had made it just in time to see Acheron start, she walked all the way to the front as the crowd parted like the Red Sea to make way for her, no one here wanted to mess with her.

Amazoness wanted to see how good the next "G.o.d of Archery" is.

Acheron was ready to start, he slowly grabbed the hood of his cloak and put over his head. In that moment, the room temperature dropped to a chilling degree, it was a chill that they could feel with their very soul.

Amazoness"s eyes contracted at the change, her instincts warned her of danger as long as she kept her eyes on him.

Acheron"s presence was gone but that just made the crowd breakout in cold sweat, they could see him, but it was as if he didn"t exist… as if they were looking at a ghost.

They saw his hand slowly and methodically reach for the green b.u.t.ton before pressing it. The buzzer rang and Acheron"s hand became a blur, in the blink of an eye, he had hit a target already.

"So f.u.c.king fast!" everyone in the crowd thought.

As time pa.s.sed, the chill down everyone"s spine only got worse, every time Acheron hit a target, they imagined that arrow hitting them right between the eyes or through the heart.

Their hearts palpitated as the wind started to effect Acheron"s arrows, but it seemed it didn"t really do anything, no matter how much they curved the arrows still made it to a target.

In which in turn, made the illusions in their mind even worse. Before, it was as if they were non moving targets that just waited for death but now, it was as if they were prey running from a hunter, no matter how much they ran away or try to dodge the arrows, the arrows always found themselves embedded through their heads and hearts.

As the wind picked up more speed and messed with more of his arrows flight path, Acheron had begun to slow down, he still never missed a target, but it took longer for him to fire at one.

Amazoness"s eyes had never left Acheron, she just stood there and watched him with her full attention. Even when she saw that he started to slow down, the pressure he gave off just increased even more, it threatens to crush her under all that pressure he gave off.

What no one noticed about Amazoness was that along with the fear in her eyes, there was another emotion right along side it, a feeling she had been looking for all this time.

Acheron was down to its last minute, an hour had pa.s.sed in the blink of an eye. Unlike Acheron, the crowd was looking extremely tired, barely on their feet, the pressure and the threat of death Acheron gave off did a number on their mental energy.

They wanted to leave a long time ago, but Acheron unintentionally held them in place against their will with his pressure alone.

It was down to the last ten seconds, Acheron stood there with an arrow ready to fly, he has stood in that position for the last 5 minutes, waiting for an opportunity.

Suddenly, Acheron pulled the bow even more before twisting his wrist wrapping the string around the end of the arrow.

*crackle* *crackle*

The bow had begun to make creaking sounds! it was threatening to snap in half!

But before it did, Acheron let go…

That arrow flew with such spin it looked like it wanted to drill right through the wall of wind that was standing in its way before reaching the target.

It reached the wall, the arrow moved from side to side before breaking through but there wasn"t any target where it was heading.

The on looking crowd started to feel a little disappointed, he never missed but now he was going to for the first time.

Just as the arrow was going to reach the ground, suddenly a target moved right in to the path of the arrow.

No one could believe, it was a miracle! How was that arrow able to hit a target, when there wasn"t one there in the first place? Did he calculate the trajectory of the target, just like that?

The buzzer rang, indicating that time was up.

The unbelievable pressure coming from Acheron slowly started to recede until only a chill was left when looking upon him.

Amazoness gathered up her courage, the hour of her imagining arrows killing over and over had already left her mentally tired, but she wanted to ask how he had hit that last target, she need to know.

She walked right up to him and asked "Hey! How did you hit that last target?"

When Acheron turned around to face her, she unexpectedly caught sight of his eyes. Those eyes bore a hole straight into her soul, she would never forget the look in his eyes for the rest of her life.

His eyes glowed with a purple light, and they were so cold, colder than the coldest tundra.

Those weren"t the eyes of a human, they were of a cold, unfeeling killing machine, the indifference to life that permeated those eyes froze her very soul and she could do nothing but fall on her b.u.t.t in fear.

"I"m going to die! He is going to kill me!"

Those were the only thought that ran through Amazoness"s mind, those are the only acceptable thoughts that should run through the mind of anyone in the face of unquestionable and unparalleled power.

Acheron removed the hood and with it, the chill in the air was also gone.

Acheron looked at the girl in sitting in front of him and was confused,

"What happened to her?... No matter, let"s leave, I"m done here" he thought

Acheron put the bow down, and began to leave, he needed to meet up with Kotone.

Acheron had already left when Amazoness was finally able to recover from the mind-numbing fear.

She realized that the crowd hadn"t dispersed and were staring at her, she angrily glared at,

"The f.u.c.k you looking at?! If you don"t leave in the next 5 seconds, Ill cut your d.i.c.ks off and put them up on display in front of the school"s entrance!" She growled

All the male students watching, felt a cold s.h.i.+ver in between their legs and bolted to the door.
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She was finally left alone, she slowly got up and began to take some steps when she remembered those cold eyes of Acheron, she felt weak in the knees so she leaned over with her hands on her knees and began to pant loudly.

"Mnn" she moaned, it wasn"t fear that she was feeling anymore, but l.u.s.t.

"I finally found the one…Mnnn… those cold eyes that looked at me as insignificant are making me so weeett… mmnnn" she said in between moans.

That"s right, Amazoness was nothing but a huge M pervert.

The reason why she challenged men and gave them such a hard time was not because of misandry, but because she wanted someone to dominate her in both body and soul.

"There"s only another test to prove that he is the one fit for me to give my body and soul to…. But before that, I need to go change my panties…" she said as she walked out the training room with wobbly legs.

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