"Haaaa~" Leon exhaled,

That was Leon"s third tequila shot in the 20 minutes they had been in the club. He was feeling depressed as he looked at the person seating next to him, his father, Acheron.

15 women had walked up to them, 15 beautiful women, ranging from their girls in their late teens to hot MILFs, all looking to hook up for the night.

That wasn"t the reason for Leon"s depression though, he should feel happy and honored these beauties had come up to them. No, the problem was that, they all wanted to talk to Acheron and not him, they all just ignored him.

"What is happening?!?!" Leon screamed in his head,

"Aren"t I better looking than him?! Why is he getting all the girls?!?!"

No matter how Leon saw it, there should be no reason why they would prefer Acheron over him. They both wore expensive suits, they were both good looking, Leon even more so than Acheron, so why?

"Is it the hair?" Leon thought, "Are women into long hair now? Should I grow my hair out?... Nah! I don"t think they Viking look is for me.."

As more and more women asked to speak to Acheron and ignored him, the more depressed and angrier he became. He was angry at his master for lying to him, his master taught him the art of how-to pick-up women and now he is beginning to think it was all just a scam.

Then, Leon remembered a something his master said from when he was younger,

"Listen Leon, I can teach to pick up any woman you want, but never, I mean never, try to pick up women around our Father, Lord Acheron… You will just end up depressed and angry…"

Finally, Leon could finally make sense of why his master had said that, as expected, Acheron is unbeatable in everything.

Women kept coming up to Acheron and were always politely declined by him. Leon had stopped looking at him like he killed his dog and started to have a look of admiration in his eyes as he looked at Acheron.

Noticing this, Acheron couldn"t help but chuckle to himself, he had seen this scene before but with Leon"s master a long time ago.

"Are you paying attention to their hearts?! Or I am just wasting my time with you here?!" Acheron said loudly, the blasting hip hop music was making it impossible to talk normally,

"Sorry, I got distracted!" Leon yelled back,

Leon scanned the women that had walked up to them, all of them seemed normal.

"All normal except for one!" yelled Leon,

"One of them seems to have a heart disease!"

Acheron smacked the back of Leon"s head.

"Don"t get my hopes up with your jokes, idiota!" Acheron said,

"You know what we are looking for!"

Rubbing the back of his head,

"I got it! I"ll let you know if I see anything strange!" Leon said,

Acheron nodded and went back to his drink, of course Acheron may look underage, but his ID"s are the real deal, with his connections and power, what can"t he get?

He looked at the barkeeper before saying,

"Ey drug! Dayte mne khoroshuyu vodku, ne tak li?" (Hey friend! Give me the good vodka, won"t you?) Acheron said in Russian,

The bartender obviously understood what he said, he stared at Acheron"s smiling face before smiling back.

The man laughed as he went to grab something from underneath the bar.

From underneath came a bottle of Beluga n.o.ble Russian Vodka, Acheron smiled as he saw the bottle.

The bartender poured two gla.s.ses, one for Acheron and one for himself.

"Prochnost"!" (Strength!) They both said as they toasted to one another,

Acheron started to undo his suit jacket and the part of his s.h.i.+rt; he then pulled his s.h.i.+rt out of the way presenting a tattoo to the bartender.

The bartender looked at the tattoo on Acheron"s body, he was shocked to see a tattoo similar to the ones Bratva captains have, but Acheron"s had something right in the middle of it.

The bartender squinted to get a better view and once he realized what it was, the color on his face quickly disappeared, he turned as white as sheet.

You couldn"t hear what the bartender said but if you could read lips, you would be able to see him mouth the words,

"Baba Yaga"

"I want to see your boss" Acheron said in English,

The man only nodded his head in horror as he quickly ran towards the back of the building towards the VIP section.

Acheron kept his s.h.i.+rt undone; he knew they would likely want to get a better view to prove its legitimacy.

The bartender quickly came back and politely motioned for Acheron to follow him. Acheron nodded before giving Leon a quick glance.

The moment Acheron left; it was as if the women had finally realized other men were amongst them.

This whole time, Acheron had every woman"s undivided attention, they didn"t know why, but there was something primal and wild about Acheron.

Their womanly instincts told them that they would have the best night of their lives if they were able to hook up with Acheron.

They weren"t wrong either, as the ancient, immortal monster that Acheron is, there"s no one more experienced in the art of pleasure than him. It also helps to have an unparalleled mighty dragon in between his legs.

Back in the VIP section, Acheron had met with another old acquaintance.

"If it isn"t little Anatoly hha… last time I saw you, you were still working under Boris, look at you now! A captain!" Acheron said,

Anatoly couldn"t believe his eyes, he had only seen a Baba Yaga once before, back when he first joined the brotherhood that is the Bratva, around 35 years ago in Samara, Russia.

The one standing in front of him was the same one he met all those years ago with his back then captain, Boris.

There was no need to proof his ident.i.ty, he himself can attest to the authenticity of his ident.i.ty.

The Baba Yaga, a secret rank within the Bratva, a myth to those outside the brotherhood but a living nightmare to those inside.

The Baba Yaga answer to no one, not even their leader, their job is to protect the Bratva from enemies if there is reason to believe the Bratva"s existence is in peril.

They are like ghosts, only fellow Baba Yagas know each other"s ident.i.ties, they each choose their own successor from either within the Bratva or from outside of it.

But that"s not the reason for being everyone"s nightmare in the Bratva. The Baba Yaga"s main job is to act as an internal police force for the Bratva, should a Baba Yaga suspect betrayal or broken rules, you would experience the worst of h.e.l.ls in their hands.

No trial, no evidence is needed, as long as they suspect or witness it, it would be endless torture until the day you die or are executed.

There are rumors that a traitor from 7 years ago is still being tortured somewhere in Russia to this day.
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Acheron"s appearance here could not mean anything good for those currently present.

Acheron chuckled as he looked upon everyone"s face covered in fear, he couldn"t help but chuckle,

"Relax, I"m not here for any of you, I"m just here to give you some heads up" Acheron said,

Anatoly breathed a sigh of relief; Acheron"s mere presence was sending his heart into levels of fear he hadn"t felt in a long time.

"What kind of, uh, "heads up" are you here for?" Anatoly said in English with a thick Russian accent,

"I"m looking for someone, not sure who yet… I"ll know when I see them, but it may bring damages to your establishment… Ill pay for any damages that might occur, okay?" Acheron said,

Anatoly just nodded his head; he didn"t really know what to say to that. Acheron walked up to the table that was in front of him, grabbed the bottle of vodka and poured himself a little.

He turned to look at them as he raised the gla.s.s in his hand,

"Prochnost"!" (Strength!) Acheron toasted to them before drinking all of it in one shot.

Acheron then walked out of the VIP section and into the loud dance area where Leon was waiting for him at the bar.

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