Somewhere in a dark alley 5km away from where Acheron left the girls, 2 people seemed to be arguing back and forth about something.

The man wore a long coat with his hood up, only his hands, that appeared to be tinged purple, were visible as he talked to the female in front of him, rage apparent on her pretty face.

"You want me to get you, 2 female teenagers, for just 5000 euros, all that overindulging must have finally fried your brain, Bloodbath!" the female said,

"That"s all the cash I have for now, I"ll give you the rest later! I"m in a hurry!" said Bloodbath

Bloodbath was indeed in a hurry, he wasn"t supposed to be out on the streets since Boss forbid it, says that he feels danger in the air.

"I don"t believe it! This day and age who can hurt vampires? Anyways, I"m starving and a need a bath" Bloodbath thought,

He looked upon the True Blood that was in front of him, it is treated as treason for a True Blood to do any sort of business with a Vamp, if this exchange was ever found out about, she would die the swiftest since the Night Queen will be the one to hunt her down personally.

"Don"t think you can fool me, Bloodbath! I know you"re hungry, for some reason both True Bloods and Vamps have gone into hiding, but you just want to satisfy your weird perversion! I know how you got your name!"

Bloodbath was just a nickname the rest of the fold called him, his original name was Eustace and this year he would be 97 years old.

Somewhere along the line after converting into the Vamp fold, he started to come back after dinner covered in blood from head to toe. When they asked why he returned that way, he said that he liked to hang people above him and then gut them, taking a bath with their blood and entrails, hence the name he was given, Bloodbath. At least 30 percent of the most gruesome murders that are found in London is done by him.

"Are you going to do it or not?! I"ll go to someone else if you are not!" Roared Bloodbath.

"Alright, alright! I"ll do it, but you owe me money!... let me smoke a little bit before I go get your order" the True Blood said.

She looked down and went into her purse, grabbed a cigarette before putting it in her mouth. When she went to go search for a lighter to turn it on, she couldn"t find it.

"Hey, do you have a lighter…." She said as she looked up, only to be met by a headless body.

The notorious Bloodbath had been killed and she had no idea how her heightened senses hadn"t picked up his death at all.

The body fell to the ground at the same time the cigarette fell out of her mouth, she raised her head only to meet the scariest being she had ever seen.

In front of her stood a 400cm, white and purple, humanoid wolf. She stared at those glowing blue eyes held her frozen in that spot, she didn"t dare move or even breathe too loudly.

The monster in front of her was holding the head of Bloodbath in its jaws.


The Vamp"s head burst like a watermelon, spraying blood and gray matter all over her. But that wasn"t the worst thing that happened, the wolf-like being continued to chew the head into a paste before spitting it out like a piece of flavorless gum.


Then it spoke, his voice deep and feral, a voice full of power that reverberated through her body,

"As always, Vamps taste just how they look… Disgusting!"

Then it looked at her before continuing,

"I got what I came for, but you…. You shall be set as a warning and example for the rest of you traitors"

It finally clicked in the True Blood"s mind, she now remembered what the monster in front of her was, there was only one possibility.

"You are a Werewolf!... But that"s impossible! You are supposed to be extinct!" the True Blood screamed hysterically,

Her fear had finally allowed her to move but was only met with a wall on her back, she had trapped herself meeting here on this desolate alley with only one entrance and exit.

The werewolf laughed before flas.h.i.+ng a grin full of sharp teeth, pieces of bone and brain could still be seen in between his teeth.

"You are right! They are extinct!.... at least, for now, evolution is fickle that way"

Tears fell as she pleaded for her life,

"No! Stay away! Don"t eat me! Please!"
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The werewolf grabbed her shoulders and picked her up, bringing her face to face with him.

"Eat you? No, no, no, I already told you that you were going to be a warning… well actually, more like a death sentence but that matters not"

The True Blood screamed as the werewolf opened his jaws wide and bit into her shoulder before dropping her on the ground.

"AHHHH!" she screamed in pain,

As she looked at the wound from in between her fingers and saw that it wasn"t healing and a sickly black color started to spread from the wound to the rest of her body.

She paled at the sight, it appears the rumors were true, werewolf bites were extremely lethal to vampires.

"Tell your Night Queen I"ll be looking for her after I"m done cleaning up her mess with the Vamps…. she should have kept to her vow or I wouldn"t have to be here!"

The werewolf snarled at her before jumping up and climbing onto the roof, he headed in another direction from the one he came from.

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