Rose and Violet laid on the ground exhausted in a puddle of their sweat. They could hardly breathe as they brink the edge of unconsciousness.

Acheron stood above them, a huge smile on his face and bell right behind him. Their punishment was to ring the bell at all costs, they will either collapse from exhaustion or they won"t be able to leave the room. Of course, it doesn"t sound much of a challenge other than the fact that they had to get through Acheron to get to the bell.

Acheron didn"t even break a sweat, he was cheating since he still had a limiter off, but the girls hadn"t realized it and Acheron wouldn"t tell them either.

Athena appeared behind him, rejoicing at the girls" misfortune.

"Wipe that grin off your face Athena, your s.a.d.i.s.tic side is showing again," Acheron said,

Athena covered her mouth and giggled,

"Darling, whatever do you mean?"

Acheron turned around and faced her,

"Don"t play dumb Athena, nothing gets past your eyes in our home, them getting so drunk and you not stopping it was definitely on purpose"

Athena pouted at his words,

"You make me sound like an evil woman than enjoys the suffering of those that want to steal you from me. That doesn"t sound like me at all~"

The girls had finally caught a little bit of their breath when they heard Athena"s shameless statement and couldn"t help but curse at her within their minds.

They all rolled their eyes at her.

"It sounds exactly like you!" They all thought.

While the girls recovered their bodily functions on the ground, Athena asked,

"Darling? Are you planning on going to fight the rest of the vampires tonight, those True Bloods?"

Acheron walked towards the cleaning closet and grabbed some supplies, the area around the bell was covered in sweat.

"Not right now, although a werewolf bite is deadly towards Vampires, it"s still a slow death, I want them to squirm and dread over my upcoming appearance. That True Blood I took a bite out of won"t dissolve till next week, so maybe I"ll get to see how desperate they will get.."

Athena giggled,

"Aren"t you the s.a.d.i.s.tic one, Darling?"

Acheron stopped cleaning and held his chin in contemplation.

"Am I? I just think broken promises should be punished"

"What are you going to do about Thalia Dracul, The Night Queen? Will you kill her?" Athena asked,

Rose and Violet perked up their ears when Acheron"s ex-fiancée was mentioned.

Acheron didn"t say anything for a while and just continued to wipe the floor.



"Nothing," Acheron answered.

"Nothing?" Athena asked,

"I won"t be doing anything to her…" Acheron said,

A slightly disappointing look appeared in the eyes of both Rose and Athena, they kinda figured Acheron still had some feelings for her. Violet on the other hand, still hadn"t figured out what they were talking about.

They mentioned the Night Queen, but what did the enemy of the royal house have to do with Acheron? She didn"t know.

"So, what are your plans, for now, Darling?" Asked Athena,

"Set up a meeting for next week with Charles and be sure to leak it to MI0, I want to talk to them too. Till then, I"ll take you all out to have fun in the meantime."

Both Rose and Violet raised like the dead with eyes s.h.i.+ning full of excitement. While Athena flickered in and out of existence with a smile on her face. Athena has no access to the internet at any time, her core programing is only allowed access to family servers, she is trapped in the box called "The Belau Network". The information she gets is either already in her servers or allowed quick access to the internet to answer questions.

The destruction she can cause just by being in Acheron"s phone is off the charts unless Acheron gives permission or its already in her programming, she hardly ever sees the real world. The danger she can bring to the world keeps her confined to the house.

"Stay in my phone only, Athena, and don"t cause any trouble, if you hack into anything without permission, I won"t let you out for a long time, don"t ruin it"

"Don"t worry Darling! I"ll be on my best behavior!" Athena said,

Acheron walked up the girls that were struggling to keep their upper bodies off the ground.

"I"ll take you guys to get a wash okay?"

The girls nodded; it"s going to take a little bit more time before they get feeling back in their legs.

Acheron bent down and picked up Violet in a princess carry, causing a yelp to come out of her mouth while her body turned red from embarra.s.sment.

Rose glared at Violet for being first to be carried but lost herself to her fantasies as Acheron took Violet to the bath upstairs and came down to pick her up.

Athena looked at Rose and smirked,

"Getting so happy just for being carried, you aren"t a little girl anymore you know?"

Rose glared at her before cursing at her with some difficulty.

"Screw…. You…. At least… I…. can be…. Touched…. Jealous A.I…."

Athena"s face turned unsightly as her eyes glowed red, but just as she was going to say something, Acheron walked out from the elevator.

"Anything happened while I was gone?"

Rose shook her head as Athena answered him,

"Nothing Darling, just having a conversation with little Rose"

"Good," Acheron said as he picked up Rose into another princess carry.

Rose turned to look at Athena as they walked away and stuck her tongue out.

Athena"s face twitched before getting an evil smile on her face and disappearing. She reappeared in the grand bathroom with the evil smile still on her face.

"Let"s see how she likes it when I turn the hot water to tundra cold temperatures"

In another part of the country.


"Has he done anything?" She answered with a question,

"There are times when we lose track of him, but this just came in"

The agent hands a report to the director.

"What is it?" she asks while looking over the report.
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"We got a tip about Acheron Belau appearing in this café next week," the agent says

She read the report before looking at her agent.

"Is it trustworthy?"

"I don"t know madam, but it"s from the one that gave us the tip about the Vamps" hideout and their annihilation"

The Director looked at the report before looking at the file with Acheron"s portrait on it

"Book a flight to London, I"ll be going personally this time"

"Are you sure Director? He is supposed to be pretty dangerous" the agent said.

"I"m sure." the director said,

"You can say that we are old friends.."


1) Thanks to DragonSlayer-706 for the $1 pledge. Thank you for supporting the House of Nazarick.

2) As I said before, another 3 chapters next week for the lack of chapters last week. They will probably include Acheron"s meeting with the True Bloods, his last meeting with Charles and a meeting with MI0.

3) Do comment below on ideas about races that you will like to see with Acheron be. Halloween is coming up in the story and I want Acheron to keep horrifying his family with his "costume".

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