Acheron drove his claws into the side of the building to slow down his descent. As he neared the ground he kicked off the wall and somersaulted into a nearby roof and dashed off into the distance like a bolt of white lightning.

Rose and Violet were waiting for Acheron on a rooftop just a kilometer away.

"Do you think Big Bro will be okay?" Asked Violet,

Rose nodded,

"When have you ever seen Lord Acheron not be okay?"

Violet tapped her chin and pursed her lips in thought,

"Is true I"ve never seen him hurt or anything, his handsome smile perpetually on his face, but didn"t he say he was immortal? Nothing can hurt him in the first place right?"

Rose smirked,

"Just because he can"t die doesn"t mean he can"t feel the pain you know?"

"But aren"t vampire strong? The royal family has been trying to get rid of them for centuries with no success…" said Violet with a pout.


Out of nowhere, something huge landed in front of them.

"Instead the werewolves were eradicated…" Said Acheron, his ma.s.sive size towering over the girls.

The girls looked at the 4-meter-tall werewolf in front of them with stars in their eyes, especially Violet, her excitement was palpable.

"What do you mean by that Lord Acheron?" Asked Rose, a little confused about that statement.

Acheron"s body twisted, cracked and shrank as he returned to his regular form.

"Oh, you don"t know?" Acheron asked.

"Know what?" Asked Rose,

"The royal family of Britain is the werewolf clan, or at least it was, all that"s left are regular humans and some mutants like Little Vee here" answered Acheron while pointing with his chin towards Violet.

Rose turned to look at Violet,

"Is that true?"

Violet nodded in confirmation,

"Though we can"t turn into werewolves anymore since the bloodline is so watered down, mutations are still common, it skips a generation at this point."

Rose"s eyes lit up in surprise,

"Wow! so not only are you "corpse breath" but are part b.i.t.c.h too! No wonder you seem to be always in heat!"

Violet blinked her eyes rapidly as she processed what Rose said, before gnas.h.i.+ng her teeth in anger.

"What did you say?! I"ll kill you!"

Violet lunged at Rose and engaged in combat, punches, kicks and even concealed knives were thrown towards one another.

Acheron paid no mind to the girls as he bent down to grab some clothes out of a bag and put them on.

He raised his head as he realized something,
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"Where"s Leon by the way?"

Then a familiar voice came from out of nowhere to his right,

"I"m right here Papa," Leon said,

"Oh, when did you return?" Asked Acheron,

Leon didn"t know if he felt like crying or laughing,

"I never even left! I"ve been with you guys ever since the first day! I have just been completely forgotten and ignored…. Just like I planned!" Leon thought with a snicker.

If the girls were to look back on their memories they would realize that Leon had always been hanging out with them. they would even realize that Leon was even tied up in a corner by them when Acheron returned home after killing the Vamps.

His very existence was being ignored by them.

"Just did Papa" Leon responded listlessly but feeling a sense of relief and joy on the inside.

Acheron nodded,

"Did you get everything ready at the company? Remember that when I leave someone will come to pick you up and take you and your siblings to "The Hole""

Leon paled, he had been wis.h.i.+ng that Acheron forgot about the punishment, just as easy as he was forgotten by the girls.

"Did you think I forgot just because you"ve been hiding your presence from everyone this whole time? Do you even know who I am?" Acheron said as he tossed an evil smile at Leon.

Acheron"s whole demeanor had changed just then. As his eyes s.h.i.+ned with a playful look as he looked a Leon.

Leon"s eyes widened in surprise,

"Tch!" Leon sucked his teeth,

It was then he realized that Acheron had been playing with him the whole time. As a master thief, hiding his presence and blending with the background was his bread and b.u.t.ter, he had been hoping to fool Acheron or at least, have Acheron forget about his punishment.

It seemed that his plan was for naught, he wanted to use his already lack presence within the family to try to get Acheron to forget him, but he hoped for too much, how could anything escape his father"s eyes.

Acheron laughed as he looked like his son"s reaction as he realized everything. He then turned to look at the girls who had stopped fighting and were now out of breath but still staring daggers at each other.

"Okay girls!" Acheron clapped his hands to get their attention,

"Stop fighting and be more civilized, like the ladies that you are. I have a meeting with some old friends today, I"m looking forward to it"

The girls straightened their backs as they answered him,

"Yes, Lord Acheron (Big Bro)"

Then Violet whispered to Rose,

"Eat s.h.i.+t b.i.t.c.h!"

"Screw you!" Rose whispered back.


Later that day, around lunchtime.

Charles sat in the café fidgeting around in his seat as he wiped the sweat off his forehead due to how nervous he was to meet his old friend, he found that his friend"s ageless face both terrifying and fascinating at the same time.

He thought he was a vampire but Acheron himself had already denied it back in the office.

He had some contacts with MI0 when they had informed him on the total annihilation of the Vamps he couldn"t help but think about his old friend and how he came looking for information on the Vamps".

He had spent almost all his life looking for these so-called "Myths". It was 50 years ago in the jungles of Costa Rica he had met Acheron and it was that meeting that started his life"s work. He was younger at that time, a young man in his twenties looking for adventure and fancy hopes of finding proof of the mythical beast "The Chupacabra".

Due to a sudden attack from a jaguar, he had gotten lost, since he had lost his compa.s.s as he ran for his life. Hours later, when he had almost given up hope, he walked into a small clearance in the forest only to find Acheron sitting around a fire roasting some kind of snake meat.

He was both relieved and impressed that someone so young was able to traverse the jungle with minimal equipment, he noticed just a basic survival kit and a spear.

He had approached him slowly so as not to startle the teen but only to be called out and asked to join him in his meal. Now that he looks back, he wonders how he knew where he was, the teen never even turned around.

Thinking that the teen was a local, Charles introduced himself as an aspiring adventurer and professor in broken Spanish, only for the teen to answer in English, much to his surprise.

The teen had introduced himself as Acheron Belau, a hunter. When Charles asked what he was hunting his only answer was "monsters". Charles asked if he knew of the Chupacabra only to have a camera tossed at him with a wide grin. The camera held a video inside, an unbelievable video of Acheron battling a monster the size of a cow that appeared to be a mix between a lizard and porcupine.

Charles saw as the Chupacabra shot spikes at Acheron nailing him to the ground before running away. Finally, Charles had found proof of what he had searched for but found something else, a thirst to uncover more of these "myths".

How many of these "myths" and "legends" are real? He had thought to himself then and so, he had spent the next 50 years studying and searching for them in his free time.

Once he graduated and became a professor he lectured here in London, he was a real-life Indiana Jones, but except instead of looking for artifacts, he searched for different races and monsters.

He searched for those forgotten by time, hidden from the common populace for hundreds of years, kept a secret all this time.

As he reminisced someone approached him.



1) In all honesty, I got lazy this week, I just wanted to sleep in all-day. Tee-hee ;P

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