The voice was so loud that Ved had to cover-up his ears to make sure that he won"t go deaf. He was startled to hear another person"s voice in this G.o.dforsaken place. It seemed as if there was someone else other than him, wandering in this place.

In the next instant, his shock turned into joy as he shouted as loudly as he could.

"h.e.l.lo, please help me get out of this cottage. I"m stuck in here."

"Oh, so it seems an insect is making all those noises after getting itself entangled in the spider"s web."

"But why, why do I help you, what will I gain from helping you?" The voice replied.

This time the voice sounded in his ears as if it was coming from beside him, which made him startled. He tried spreading his hands around himself in the darkroom, but there was nothing but only the thin air which pa.s.sed through them. There seemed to be no one beside him in this room.

"I don"t know who you are, I don"t even know where you are, but if you help me get out of this place, I promise I will do anything you ask," Ved was desperate as he begged.

"Hahahahaha" The voice started laughing hysterically as if it had heard something comical.

"Okay, I will help you get out of this place, but you will have to promise me one thing, I won"t ask for much, what do you say?" After a brief pause, the voice replied again.

"I"ll do whatever you ask, I promise, just get me out of here." Without even wasting a second, Ved responded instantly.

"Uhm.....okay then, here you go." The voice spoke while pretending to cough a little and consequently, in the next instant, the whole background of the room changed.

The pitch-dark room of that wooden cottage suddenly turned into a bright, amazing landscape of some beautiful scenery.

Because of that sudden bright l.u.s.ter, Ved"s eyes were temporarily blinded therefore, he covered his eyes with his bare hands. After some time, when he gradually opened them and looked at the surroundings, he was appalled. What was going on here, this didn"t make any sense.

After arriving here, the first thing that bothered him was the room which had large holes in the roof, got pitch-dark all of a sudden, even in the noon and now this. He expected that someone would open the door from the outside, but all of a sudden, the whole surrounding changed.

How was this possible, what was going on?

Was this some kind of a fantasy land or he was still in his dream somehow? There were no other possible explanations for it. Ved"s eyes accustomed to the brightness as he looked around the area.

This place seemed much livelier than that green desert. The ground was full of beautiful gra.s.s-coverings and plants with all those pretty vibrant flowers. There were many colorful stones like ruby, sapphire, emerald, etc. scattered everywhere around.

Besides all those plants and trees, there was a blue watered lake not far from him, which seemed unusually deep as if it had been hiding the secrets of the world in its belly for a long time. There was a mountain afar, whose top was covered in snowy clouds and moreover, different kinds of birds could be seen flying around it. It looked entrancing.
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After spotting the lake, Ved ran towards it. He was thirsty for a long time, and a source of clear water situated just in front of him. How could he hope to stop himself from running towards it and chugging the water down his throat?

He entered the lake, put his head inside the water, and started gulping down all the water that he could. After a few moments when he had his fill, he walked out from the lake with a satisfying look on his face. The water was amazing, it tasted heavenly. He never had such kind of water before in his life.

"Oh, I see you drank from my pond, but did you ask for my permission?" The mysterious voice reappeared and echoed once again throughout the s.p.a.ce.

Ved looked around but couldn"t manage to find anyone besides himself. He expected the voice to come out from outside the door, but wherever he looked, no human being entered his vision.

Now, this was starting to make him feel afraid. How could a voice come out without a source? Who was the owner of that mysterious voice?

"Please don"t misunderstand me, sir. That was not my intent to drink from your pond without your permission. I was just thirsty, and I couldn"t control myself after seeing the clear watered pond. I"m sorry if that offended you." After keeping his composure in-check, Ved replied

"So you"re one of those smooth-talkers, good for you boy but you should know that only talking won"t make amends for what you did. You should offer me something as valuable as a mouthful of water from that pond." The voice retorted.

"Okay fine, tell me the price, and I promise I will try my best to pay it back," Ved said.

"Pay it back?? I am just an old man who has lived alone in this world for far too long. I don"t want anything extravagant."

"You look just the age of my grandson. Watching you is making me miss him so much more. I wish to meet him once more in this lifetime." The voice stated as if it was reliving the moments of its past. It even became slightly emotional but then suddenly.

"I just want you to stay here with me in this hidden realm, nothing else, what do you say?" The tone of the voice changed suddenly from getting emotional to a sharp wiliness.

Ved was startled by that last sentence. He didn"t expect him to ask him to stay here. How could he stay here with him, while his parents were searching for him all over the places? He just had to reject him and tell him to ask for something else..

"I"m sorry, elder but I can"t fulfill that request of yours." Ved bowed a little and said as politely as he could, because however cunning, this old man saved his life, and it seemed he knew a great deal about this place. If he ever wanted to get out of this G.o.d-forsaken location, it could only happen with his help.

"But why not?" The voice seemed disappointed as it asked.

"Because just like how you miss your grandson so much and wish to meet him, I have my own family too. Just like you, my father and mother must be missing me and would be searching everywhere for me. I need to get back to them as soon as possible. I miss them too." Ved answered while a drop of tear rolled down on his cheeks.

"Okay, okay, okay, don"t start crying now, You don"t have to stay here." The voice panicked.

A slight curve could be faintly seen on the edge of the lips of Ved as he tried to hide that. It seemed as if he succeeded in fl.u.s.tering the wily old man. His goal seemed in his grasp now.

"You don"t have to stay here in this hidden realm with me anymore, and I can even personally deliver you to your home too...…but on one condition." The voice slyly declared.

This time it was Ved who fl.u.s.tered. This old man was one crafty fellow; even now, he didn"t give up on the idea of tormenting him.

"Okay, tell me, what"s your condition?" Ved asked.

"You just have to stand an attack from me, that"s it, one strike. You surely look like someone who can take a punch, what do you say?" The voice asked.

Ved was comfortable with this condition. He had confidence in himself that he could endure a punch from anybody, thanks to his enhanced healing abilities. If this old man was someone extrordinary, then his body couldn"t be underestimated too.

"And if I took your strike and still survive, then you will send me home, right!" Ved asked eagerly.

"Yeah sure, if you manage to survive it then why not." The voice started laughing.

"Okay then, here I go." The voice said excitedly, and suddenly an overbearing aura spread on to the whole s.p.a.ce. It was as if an unknown power started working with gravity and started pulling everything towards the ground. Even the plants and trees around him started collapsing towards the ground.

Ved felt as if he was going to be crushed under this mysterious force. This was beyond his comprehension. He thought the old man would strike him physically but this was something else.

His knees fell to the ground with a loud bang, and his whole body was starting to sweat profusely. He could feel his veins popping out and stretching to its limits. His eyes had turned red as if he was some bloodthirsty monster. He started to resemble a demon.

He felt as if someone was pressing his head between their hands, and it felt as if it was on the verge of bursting apart. He was at his limits and starting to lose consciousness, but suddenly a strange light gleamed from his chest and the mysterious pressure which was making him lose his mind, disappeared into the thin air.

Ved lost his consciousness as he started to fall back on his head when suddenly an aged silhouette appeared towards his back at the last moment and caught his head into his lap. He smiled while looking at his visage; he felt a sense of excitement igniting his old soul as he laughed loudly.

"Good, very good, this is the stone talisman indeed, but it seems infused within this child"s body."

"No problem. With the help of this child, I will make sure to pay everything back to those old b.a.s.t.a.r.ds for what they have done to me and my people." A hint of uncontrolled rage could be seen fluttering in the eyes of that aged person. He looked towards the sky and spoke with confidence.

"It seems G.o.d has not abandoned me yet. All hope is not lost."

He turned his gaze towards the Ved"s sleeping figure in his arms again and said. "Little friend, you are the last hope for me to take everything back what was once my own. Nothing should happen to you."

He put his right hand on Ved"s back and started infusing his internal energy to the stone talisman. After some time, the aged man"s silhouette got thinner and thinner. It was as if he was becoming transparent. He started panting heavily.

"This is all I can do for you at this moment, my little friend. Don"t let anything happen to you."

"Until the next time we meet…"

The old man flicked his hand, and in the next instant, Ved"s conscious came back to his real body, which was lying on his comfy bed in his cozy room.

"The stone talisman infused itself completely with his body, how strange."

"I sensed a seal placed on it, which seemed to be preventing anyone from getting his location. That must have made his life in less danger until now, but it is starting to break, and I think soon enough all of those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds will come looking for this boy."

"That boy has one of the most powerful items of those three great realms in his body, which almost everybody coveted. If they ever heard even a rumor of it being in this child"s body, there"ll only going to be one kind of future waiting for him, "death"."

"I have awakened a little part of this stone talisman, now even in the most extreme situations it will save the boy from getting killed, but it took almost all of my internal energy. I should go slumber for a while and collect some internal energy as fast as I can, so I can protect him if they ever manage to find him."

"I promise you, little guy, as long as this demon king is alive, n.o.body in all the three great realms will be able to get their hands on you." The aged man murmured to himself as he disappeared into thin air once again.

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