The warm golden rays of sunlight were starting to penetrate the gla.s.s windows of Ved"s room. The sun started showing his red-form as it marked the start of the dawn. The sky was covered with crimson-colored clouds as if they were welcoming the red sun to come out and light up the world.

When their work was done, the crimson clouds started to disappear rapidly, and the usual silvery clouds took its place.

An alluring aroma, which could soothe a person"s soul, started spreading around with the help of the wandering air. Moreover, this aroma seemed to be a mixture of the fragrance of different kinds of flowers like jasmine, rose, marigold, Juhi, etc. which Ved and Vivek had planted in their garden.

There were different kinds of birds chirping in there as well, and they seemed to be flying around in search of food. Ved slowly opened his eyes and looked towards them through the gla.s.s window of his room.

"So, all of that was a dream." Ved sighed heavily. His hand involuntarily went towards his chest as he rubbed it lightly.

"But it felt so real, that pain felt so real." A chill went down his spines as he tried to remember the pressure, that mysterious force, which made him unconscious in his dream.

"I thought my head would burst apart under that pressure. That was too vivid to be called a dream.

He got up from his bed and stared at the reflection of himself in the mirror in front.

"It was a dream Ved, just let it go." He smiled after seeing his anxious face. It was as if he was trying hard to make himself forget the suffering that he had to endure last night. He turned himself around and went out of his room.

"Mom, I am going to be late for my cla.s.s at this rate." Ved was getting ready for his school as he called out to his mother. He was in a hurry. The other two musketeers must be waiting for him, and he shouldn"t let them wait for long. He put all his notebooks in his school bag and made a little sprint towards the main door.

"Your lunchbox…" When Renu saw him running toward the door, she yelled.

Ved halted his footsteps after hearing his mother and turned around to look. He saw that his mother was walking towards him with fast approaching legs. In her right hand, she held a fat lunchbox as she put it in his school bag. After that, he immediately took off.

"Hey, guys!" Ved was running towards two thin and slim boys whose looks were as handsome as his. They were his childhood friends with whom he was closer than anyone. You can guess the trust level between them by knowing that they knew all about him. Consequently, there were no secrets between them.

They experimented with his monster-like strength and exceptional healing ability to find the limit of his powers. His powers would always surprise them; however, they never exploited his powers for selfish reasons.

They a.s.sured him that he was not an abnormal child. Instead, he was a gifted child who had a specific purpose in life, and if he could manage to find that purpose, only then he could do justice with all these abilities which were bestowed upon him.

They were very supportive of him helping people as they stood beside him at all times.

"Dude, you are late; we were waiting for you for at least fifteen minutes or so." A lean and thin figured boy, whose height was similar to Ved said with a slight frown on his face. His name was Aditya.

Aditya was Ved"s oldest friend. He doesn"t even remember the day when they supposedly first met.

As far as he could remember, Ved had always been his friend, and because of their father"s close friendship, their families had a great relationship as well. His father was that police officer which Ved had met earlier in that police station.

"Okay, now you have arrived, so let"s go." The other boy who was the shortest of the three, said. His facial features were so feminine that even girls would burn with envy. Wherever he used to go, he would always seem to get public attention for his entrancingly beautiful facial features. They always seemed to think that how could a boy be that beautiful, it was simply not possible.

Because of his feminine facial features, he always got bullied in his school. One day, towards the end of fifth grade, his father saw him getting bullied and decided to change the school. Therefore, they moved to a new city, where he was left alone, once again.

Old school or new, the behavior of a few children would never seem to change.

The bullying started once again with him being the victims of extreme insults and bodily harms, but then one day in the backyard of the school, where he was on his knees in front of those bullies, he saw that two boys with whom he never had any contact, were b.u.t.ting in his matter and stood up to those bullies for him.

He had promised himself that he would never cry again after the death of his mother, but that day, the drops of tears started flowing automatically through the corners of his eyes. This was the first time that someone else had stood up for him. For the first time in a while, he didn"t feel alone.

After a brief time of fighting and running, they all stood up on the school stairs and laughed their hearts out. From that moment on, they were friends, and he promised himself that he will always be their friend, be it thick or thin.

After that day the Dynamic Duo became the Three Musketeers. Aditya, Siddharth, and Vedansh became friends for life. From then on, they were the topic to talk about around the school area. People would swear to their friendship. It was obvious that the three of them would never hesitate to even sacrifice their lives for each other.

After walking for a few minutes, they were at the bridge. After crossing the bridge, they would reach their school in no time. They were walking on the footpath made on that bridge. The traffic on the bridge was heavy as usual at this time.

Not too far away, there was a family of three walking casually on that footpath. They looked happy as a big smile could be seen on all of their faces. The father was carrying bags in his hand, which they had bought after shopping around for an hour. The mother was smiling as she talked with him continuously.

The child, who couldn"t have been a day older than five, grabbed his mother"s fingers in his left hand while his right hand held a rubber ball which his father had bought for him from the toy shop.

A smile automatically formed on the face of Siddharth. He was happy as well as envious to see them. He too would"ve had a moment like this if he hadn"t lost his mother at his young age.

He was very young when his mother died from being severely ill, but he remembered it like yesterday, that pale face of his deceased mother, that pain-filled visage of his father who still grabbed her hands tightly in his as if he didn"t want her to go.

He just stood there crying, for his mother to wake up, but this time she couldn"t. His mother loved him dearly, he was the apple of her eyes, but it seemed as if the jealousy-ridden G.o.d showed his cruelty and robbed him the love of his mother by calling her over to the heavens.

After the death of her mother, his father never remarried. He stuffed himself with work as he became a workaholic. He always moved places to places with his father because of his job.

His father was a government official, so he was transferred a lot from city to city, and it had an adverse effect on him. He would always be alone every time they move. That"s why he never had friends.

Now this time when he moved to this new city he thought that everything would be the same as before, but his mind-set changed after meeting with Ved and Adi. He now had friends in which he could confide and who could stand beside him in every aspect of his life. He"d always spend all his time with his two friends. His two friends were the dearest to him.

They were walking on that footpath nonchalantly when Sid noticed something strange transpiring on the road. The boy that he saw earlier was picking his rubber ball up in his hand while standing in the middle of the busy road, and moreover, a school bus was arriving at full speed from behind that boy. It appeared as if the collision was inescapable.

The bus driver seemed wise as he thought that if he presses the brakes now, the collision will become inevitable. He looked intent on saving that kid as he started steering the wheel in the opposite direction. But he made an error in his judgment as he didn"t calculate the speed of the bus and the distance between the road and the railing on the bridge.

The bridge appeared to have been created way back in time, and going by the looks of it, it looked feeble and worn-out. Its potency was not to the extent as it used to be back in those times.

The bus collided with the fence while going in full speed and the railing of that bridge broke apart.

Everyone present, felt appalled when they witnessed the school bus, which was filled with young kids, collided headfirst with the surface of the water. Everyone"s mouths turned agape in horror as they looked at the falling bus.

No one moved even an inch from their spots. It felt as if everyone"s legs froze after watching the horrifying scene unfolded before their eyes. They stood like a rock for a moment whereas, in the next, dashed towards the bridge with all their might.

It appeared as if someone had robbed them of their ability to move at the same moment and returned it in the next.

The boy, who was picking up the ball from the road earlier, started crying loudly after hearing the loud noise from the collision. He looked scared. His mother felt as if her heart would stop beating after watching her son getting in front of that bus. So she ran towards her baby as soon as she could, and pulled him into her embrace.

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She started crying herself too. The thought of losing her child in that terrifying collision made the tears flow from her eyes involuntarily.

"The little boy seems to be safe, but what would happen to those pitiful children sitting on that bus now?"

"Was that driver not in his sane mind? Why did he risk all those boy"s lives only to rescue one?"

"What are you saying? What do you mean by "only to rescue one"; do you think that one life should be sacrificed to save more?" The chattering started while everyone tried to look down below in the water.

Everyone had a sad frown plastered on their faces, but not even one person tried anything to save them. But what could they have done, they were not insane enough to jump from that bridge into the water. They looked at the sinking bus with helplessness on their visages, which was slowly descending to the bottom of the river.

Ved was watching everything happening in front of his eyes with an expressionless face. His friends went there to look as well whereas; he was standing at his spot like a dead tree, with no emotions in his eyes. It was as if this incident had made him remember something else.

All of a sudden, he started running towards the broken bridge. With his rapid speed, he arrived there in a flash, but his footsteps didn"t halt there as he leaped from the bridge into the river.

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