Time is the most precious thing on earth. Almost every person knows this but still they always take it for granted. But just like always, time betrays everyone without any discrimination based on their cast, religion, rich, poor or anything.

Time is the most impartial ent.i.ty on earth. Its flow is the same for everybody. Everybody gets the same amount of time in a day but what they do with that, defines them.

From the origin of the human race, we have always strived for more time. We are never satisfied with what we are given. We have always tried to control the flow of time; we have tried to make it stop for even a moment but never once succeeded. So we can say that time is also the most powerful phenomenon on earth.

In Vivek and Renu"s life, time played a huge part. They were finally happy after adopting the baby. Now they thought that they didn"t have any problems in the world, but time played a trick on them again.

They had never even thought in their dreams that they would have so little time with their son. If they would"ve known about this earlier, they could"ve doted on him more; they would"ve spoiled him more.

But as we humans like to say "Whatever happens, happen for the best."

Let"s go back to the story as sixteen years have pa.s.sed since the day both of them adopted their son.

"Stop right there."

A teenage boy was shouting and pointing his finger towards a man who was running while holding a bag in his hand.

The boy was wearing a school dress and a backpack on his back. He had a lean and thin figure. He seemed to not have any ounce of extra fat on his body, he looked slim. He had a handsome face which could move thousand maiden"s heart.
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Above all those external features, he had a kind and generous heart inside him.

When he saw an old lady getting robbed on the road by a strange man, he acted at once. He ran towards that mugger without any hesitation. He chased him until they arrived at a tunnel.

There was some construction work going on in the tunnel at that time so the mugger had to stop in his tracks after seeing the blocked roads ahead.

"So how many miles are you going to run more? Go on….. I"ll accompany you." The boy said mockingly. He had a wry smile on his face.

"You little brat...."

After seeing his escape route being blocked, the mugger erupted. He was panting heavily. He was starting to get tired after all that running.

"What was with this boy? Wasn"t he tired after chasing me all this time?"

"It seems I"ll have to scare him off." The mugger thought as he put out a knife with a long and pointy blade.

"Oh so we are playing with knives now. No problem. Bring it on"

There wasn"t even a slice of fear present on the boy"s countenance. He even provoked the mugger with his sarcastic words.

"What a sharp tongued brat." The mugger muttered to himself.

He never expected him to be so fearless in front of a weapon. He had seen many so called brave guys try to catch him before but whenever he took out this long and scary knife, they all ran away with tail between their legs.

But this boy was different. He looked a bit more courageous than them. He had to do something extra to frighten him.

He flicked his hand which held the knife towards the boy. He wanted to scare him senseless but the boy retreated a couple of steps to protect himself from piercing and the next instant he fixed his left leg on to the surface, bend his body a little by the side and flung his right leg in a kicking manner towards the mugger.

It all happened in a mere moment.

His long leg connected to the mugger"s chest and the mugger felt as though he had been kicked with an iron pole. The force from collision made him retreat several steps backward and finally he fell down on the road while grabbing his own chest in pain.

He was in excruciating pain. It felt as though he had broken a couple of ribs. It only took a kick from the boy to handle a weapon wielding person.

"You shouldn"t do these things. If you do it again, the repercussions will be the same as today."

The boy picked up the old lady"s bag and kicked the knife away from the reach of the mugger. He grabbed him by his hand and supported him to stand up and said.

"Now let"s go to the police station." He dragged him towards the direction of the nearest police station.

In The Police Station –

"Sir, I"m telling you that my bag was stolen when I was coming from the bank. Please do something."

An old lady was pleading in front of a police man as he looked at her indifferently. He had seen too many of these kind of cases recently.

Without showing any kind of expression on his visage, he enquired.

"Calm down madam."

"First we have to file an FIR then we"ll take any action. So tell me where you got mugged."

""But he is escaping right now while we are wasting time on filing FIR. You can catch him first then we can file an FIR." The old lady said worriedly.

She was obviously worried about all the money she had put in that bag which she had withdrawn from her bank account for her grandson"s education. It was her entire life"s savings.

"Look madam, we can"t do anything until you"ve filed an FIR." Even now there was no expression visible on his countenance.

After hearing that cold sentence from the police man, the old lady was on the verge of crying. The thought of losing her entire life"s fortune abruptly was enough to bring tears into her eyes.

They"ve missed the golden time to catch the thief now. She thought she will never get back her money again while wasting time like that.

Suddenly she heard some noise coming from the front of the station. The police man, who was talking with her, also looked in that direction curiously. He too wanted to know what was going on.

There was a teenage boy dragging a man by his hand whose face was all pale, towards them. The man was begging the boy to let him go but the boy was determined to bring him into the police custody. He had a bag in his left hand as he arrived beside the old lady and said.

"I think this is yours ma"m."

"You can check the things inside to be sure that nothing is stolen." He brought the bag forward towards the old lady.

The old lady recognized her bag and took it from his hands instantly. She opened it and checked inside right away.

Her face filled with joy as she closed the zip of the bag after looking inside. She nodded happily towards the boy.

The boy turned towards the policeman who was staring at him with a glare in his eyes and pushed the mugger forward.

"Sir, here is the mugger who stole that lady"s bag and was trying to flee." The boy said with a smile on his face.

The policeman ordered his subordinate to bring that mugger inside for interrogation. It was possible that he could know something about all those mugging that was going on recently.

The policeman then turned towards that boy and with a slight angry look in his eyes, he said.

"You little devil!"

"You shouldn"t do these kinds of dangerous things. Did you get injured anywhere?" A tinge of worriedness could be faintly seen on the police man"s face.

"But uncle, if I see anyone in trouble, I can"t stop myself. Please don"t tell my mother about this."

The boy replied while a hint of fear flashed on his face. He was afraid that the police uncle will tell his mother about this in his next visit.

He knew very well of his mother"s nature, she was very protective of him. If she were to know about this incident, she would never let him go outside alone again and in bonus, he will get the scolding of his life.

"Okay okay, I won"t."

"But you have to promise me that if you ever see anyone getting in any trouble, you"ll call me. You"ll never go in yourself." The police man replied.

"I promise, never again." He put his fingers onto his earlobes in a sorry manner and bowed a little towards the policeman.

That policeman was a friend of his family. He was a very good friend of his father. He knew that the police uncle was worried for his safety that"s why he was telling him to not involve himself in any dangerous incidents.

After seeing his bending posture the police man couldn"t stop himself from cracking a smile. This boy was so afraid of his mother finding out. He was right to be afraid, his mother was so loving and caring at every moment but whenever she got angry, she would transform into a frightening demoness.

Even his best friend Vivek would never do anything to make her angry. He looked at the boy"s face and said.

"If you really want to save the people in trouble, you should study and grow up to become a policeman then no one will stop you."

"Uncle, what you said is right but I want to be like my father."

"I want to grow up to be a lawyer and help those who are suffering from injustice in this world." The boy replied with a proud face.

He was so proud of his father. His father always worked for those who have suffered injustice in this world. He wanted to be just like him. His father was his role model.

"Okay, let"s leave that discussion for some other time."

"Are you coming from your school?" The policeman asked.


"Where are those other two troublemakers who always follow you? They are not with you today."

"They are not causing any trouble somewhere, right."

"No uncle."

"They went home after the school ended. They had something to do at their homes." The boy was feeling embarra.s.sed after hearing that last sentence from his uncle.

"What did he take them for? They were no troublemakers. They only liked to help people who were in trouble."

"Okay, now you should go home too. Your mother would be waiting." The police man said.

The boy exited the police station. He saw the old lady whose bag he retrieved from that mugger was standing at some distance from the front door. It seemed as though she was waiting for someone.

He approached her and asked politely.

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