Ch4. Miss Daiyu

I couldn’t help but frowned.

If this kind of thing happened to other people, I wouldn’t have had a thought to get myself involved, but I just couldn’t stand by and do nothing when it came to Xiaohui.

However, I remembered when that chilling wind appeared in the afternoon, there was a warm current flowed from my waist. It reminded me that I had inserted the sword hilt into my waist before I went to the cla.s.s. It seemed that this toy really has some strong effect in regard of dealing with evil spirits!


By the night when school ended, I proposed Xiaohui to walk her home, and fortunately she accepted my offer. I pushed my “basket 1258” bicycle and walked together to her house all the way from school. Xiaohui then told me about her past years experiences.

When she was in the third grade, she moved because her parents worked in the city. After transferring school, she remained in the third grade, which made us in the same grade now. Now her family lived in Ming Hu sub-district and rented a house there.

In a short while we had arrived near the house in this remote location, I said: “Xiaohui, stop here!”

While I told her to stop, I took the “basket 1258” bicycle to the roadside, and moved my hands to my crotch. Xiaohoui almost screamed out in alarm: “You…. You…. What do you want?”

I took out the sword hilt and calmly explained: “Don’t misunderstand Xiaohui, but please do me a favor. Keep this thing for a night will you, and give it back to me tomorrow, can you do this?”

Xiaohui took the hilt with a confused face clearly shown from her face. She quickly spoke to me in a slightly surprised tone: “Ah, this thing sends a warm current”

“Maybe it’s because I’ve been carrying it around so it’s become warm”, I smiled lightly. (T/N because it was inserted to the crotch, hahaha)

With Xiaohui delivered me to downstairs, I told her: “Xiaohui, don’t forget to give it back to me tomorrow, you must not lose it”.

“I know, and thanks for sending me home, anyway, you go back home and be safe on your way back”. Xiaohui waved, opened the door and went inside. I stood for a moment in front of her house and heard the sound of the door being locked before I rode my bicycle to leave. However my bicycle tire went flat and I had to push it all the way to my house. It took more than an hour to walk and finally returned back at my house which made me so tired.

Dad was sitting on the sofa, and asked me in a cold tone: “Why do you come late?”

“Flat tire” I was so tired that even my voice was faint and vague, “Lao Li, I have been starved to death, if you want to have words with me, could you wait after I finish eating my meal?”

Dad replied in cursing words: “Little b.a.s.t.a.r.d.”

I corrected him and smiled: “Our teacher said, you must not scold your son and call him little brat or son of a b.i.t.c.h” and strode quickly to kitchen, to find out what delicious meal Mom had been preparing.

They actually had been waiting for me to eat together.

Dad was quite successful now, his annual salary was 180000. In addition, every year we were receiving many gifts from many people. Therefore it could be said that my family living standard was good enough. We could afford to have 3 meals with 3 different dishes of meat and vegetables every day.

Mom had just finished cooking the last stir-fried vegetables dish and immediately served it for dinner. My old man asked whether I was studying hard recently, and I replied rhetorically: “I’m your son Dad, how didn’t you know?”

Dad was a bit choked hearing my reply, then slowly ate a few mouthful of rice, and said: “When you graduated from high school, just enter the army; I have been preparing some money for you to have a placement card to enter the army. And you can have a regular paid job after you return from your service. These days it doesn’t matter if you’re highly educated or not. As long as you were rich, even becoming a teacher for elementary school is easy; but if you don’t have money, even if you were an undergraduate from university, it’s not necessarily easy to find a job that suitable for you”

I immediately replied: “Lao Li, what you said were too far and too much”.

Dad said: “This is how our society works young b.a.s.t.a.r.d, you haven’t understood it yet“.

I couldn’t argue more with my stubborn Dad. I shoved several mouthful of food quickly and returned to my own room, locked the door and prepared to continue my precious study of “Golden Lotus”.

The Ximen high-ranking n.o.ble once said: ‘The more you are reading the more you make yourself richer. I opened the black cloth wrap and putted my hand to take the Golden Lotus inside when suddenly the chilling wind blew toward me. That ghost!

I abruptly stopped my action and discovered a person beside… err…. I should have said that person a ghost, because it’s the female ghost!

I pulled out the Daoist Incantation compilation book from the black backpack and putted a false front that I was trying to study it. After turning several pages, I pretended that I had just found out her presence. I lightly smiled at her and talked in a low voice: “Lady, you have come.”

The female ghost quickly asked: “Where is the Shadowbane Sword?”

“You mean that hilt?”

“Shadowbane blade is invisible, although you can only see its hilt, its blade is actually intact but you could only see it under the shadow by sunlight. That Shadowbane Sword was one of the 10 most famous swords since ancient times, it’s priceless! And it’s a peerless sword that can deter ghosts and exorcise evil spirits! Where did you put that sword? I can sense that the sword isn’t in this room!”

“Wait, wait lady! Did you say that Shadowbane Sword is priceless? If I sold that sword then wouldn’t it be enough to pay that 1450000 RMB debt?”, I laughed roguishly and played the fool.

“Shut up, you’re really a piece of good-for-nothing! Well, since you are not willing to accept your legacy. I won’t make things difficult for you. Just return that sword hilt to me and I will not come to look for you again, even you don’t have to pay that debt anymore”

I was so tempted to comply at once, but that hilt was now in Xiaohui hand since Xiaohui was  in trouble. Moreover I know that the so-called ghosts did really exist in this world and one of it now troubling Xiaohui. It’s perhaps better to learn the way of exorcising evil spirits. Therefore I quickly replied in deep tone: “Hold it lady, please don’t be mad, I’m now ready to learn Daoist art, come and teach me some Daoist techniques!”

“Really?”, asked the female ghost.

“Yes, I just realized that originally master had lots of similarity with me, besides he had chosen me, which means that we have been predestined by fate. I will try hard to learn Daoist art! And I’ll give my full efforts to pay that debt as soon as possible, but it’s certainly that I will need your help!”

“That is natural”, said the female ghost. “And first, I will introduce myself, my name is Murong Daiyu”

“Murong Daiyu? It’s a beautiful name! Later I will call her Miss Daiyu!”, I thought to myself.

Murong Daiyu continued explaining: “I come from the era of Song Dynasty, and because I had strong grievances and resentments when I died, I became evil spirit on the devil side. But 30 years ago I met master and he helped me and influenced me to change. But I cannot enter the reincarnation cycle and great master said that if I want to get reincarnated, I must find a certain treasure to help me leaving for the Netherworld and enter the reincarnation cycle. Therefore I followed master and traveling all over the world, helping him exorcised evils and in the meanwhile seeking that treasure”

I asked curiously: “What kind of treasure?”

Miss Daiyu only replied in short words that I didn’t have the qualifications to know it now.

After knowing that Miss Daiyu wouldn’t harm me, most of my fear was gone and with the boosted courage I asked her: “Miss Daiyu, I would like to ask, if there was any ghosts or evil spirits approaching or close to a living person, would that person felt cold and gloomy?”.

Miss Daiyu patiently explained: “It could be said so, however high-leveled ghosts can conceal their Evil Qi and if they were approaching and close with a human, that certain human would not necessarily feel cold and shivered. Before in our first meeting I was seriously injured and couldn’t conceal my Yin Qi, therefore you feel cold and shivered!”

I nodded and said, “Miss Daiyu, if I were to comprehend your words, it seems that you cannot go in action in a short time. So I want to ask another question, how can I be able to see the ghost?”

Miss Daiyu replied: “Your eyes now are still mortal eyes, you cannot see any ghosts. The reason you see me now is because I deliberately let you able to see me intentionally. When your cultivation have reached a certain level and successfully practiced the G.o.d-eye then you can see all spirit’s beings at will, even you can instantly exorcise the ghost who possessed living human. As for your present’s stage, you can coat your eyes with cattle tears and it will enable your eyes to see ghosts and evil spirits, but the cattle tears effectiveness would only last for an hour”.

“Why can we see ghosts by coating our eyes with cattle tears?” I asked her in doubts.

“I have asked the same question to master once”, continued Miss Daiyu: “Cattle have latent psychic potential, before they were killed, they knew that death is coming for them, so it will shed tears, therefore the tears will have spiritual effects”.

I really didn’t expect that Miss Daiyu knew so much about spiritual knowledge. I lightly smiled and said: “And now for the second problem, I had seen a person in the street today, he has black dot and gloom between his eyebrows and there was a cold aura coming from him, giving off cold and chilling sensation, what’s all this about?” I didn’t say that the person was Xiaohui.

“The location between 2 eyebrows is called the Glabella Cave, which is also an upper part Dantian for Daoist. In the other field of study this is also an acupuncture point and the most important part for fortune reading in physiognomy. I don’t know much about this part. However if there was a black dot and gloom Qi around it, there are 2 possibilities; First that person is practicing an Evil Cultivation Technique which made his Evil Qi concentrated in the upper Dantian which is this glabella, and Second, that person has been snarled by ghost and had been entangled for a long time. That ghost doesn’t want to kill that person. However if the ghost and living person are being together for a long time, that certain person will become weak and to sickness. It could be seen from Evil Qi or Yin Qi that concentrated in his glabella which formed a black gloom and if this situation continues then it will put that person in danger”

This Miss Daiyu really knew many things, she also understood about fortune reading unexpectedly! If I were not being pressed by time, I would have had her to tell my fortunes. But after listening to her explanations, Xiaohui present situation was dangerous, so I continued asking to make it sure: “Miss I’m now a Niu School head, if I were to encounter situation like this, what should I do?”

“You are of course must act at once, because that ghost has threatened people’s life”.

I continued asking Miss Daiyu: “Miss, you are also a ghost, but why do you help human?”

Miss Daiyu answer was very simple: “Because I used to be a human.”

“And now, if I met the ghost now, how should I solve it?”, I asked again.

She said: “Your present state now couldn’t even handle the weakest resentful baby ghost, not to mention the more powerful ghosts. Your main task now is practicing Daoist technique. And it starts from physical strength exercise. Firstly, starting tomorrow you must get up at 4:00 AM, walk downstairs, and you are going to run to build up your physical endurance and strength. I’ll take two sandbags for you to use.”

“Why do I have to run? What if I didn’t get up and practice?” I asked with a long face.

“Relax, I will call you tomorrow morning, if I were you, I would absolutely got out of bed immediately”, Miss Daiyu quickly replied and her silhouette form started to disappear and vanished from sight in a flash.

Threat!… This was absolutely a blatant threat! Meow…. This dreadful demoness would come to wake me up. What the… I would have been frightened and scared to death! And who would dare to lazily get out from the bed now? However she unexpectedly despised me and said that I couldn’t subdue the weakest ghost now. But I don’t believe that I couldn’t help Xiaohui! I must help her!

While thinking about it, I took the Daoist Incantation compilation book and started to study it so hard. However my eyes denied me as 3 minutes later, my mind was blurred; this “things” effect was much better than sleeping pill.

____________________________ end of ch. 4

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