The Locked System

Chapter 11

Hayato arrive to the kingdom gates after a couple of minutes

" Well, the instructions say that i need to ask the gate knights about the mission "

Hayato approaches to the gate knights they are standing near the entrance, some of them are chatting with each other and the rest of them are focusing their attention to the outside of the kingdom

Hayato speaks with some knights that are chatting with each other " h.e.l.lo, i want to ask you something "

The knights turns to see Hayato and one of them looks surprise " Sir Hayato, what are you doing here " the knight speaks with a surprise voice

" Oh, you are the knight that was in charge of protect me " Hayato makes a happy grin

" Haha, yes my name is Wade, i"m in charge of protecting the entrance for today, so for what are you here today " Wade says in a curious tone

" I want more information about the mission of killing the bandit leader " Hayato gives the mission request to Wade and he starts to reading it

" Hmm… well you have to go in side the forest, just follow the sun, their hideout must be near a rock formation hidden by the forest " Wade start pointing to the outside

" Ok, thank you " Hayato leaves the entrance and he enters the forest, when he walks for a couple of kilometers, he starts to think that he was lost

" Were the f*ck are they, i been here for hours and i can"t see even one f them, i will use this it would help me a lot " Hayato makes some hand seals and then

"" Kage Bunshin No Jutsu (Shadow Clone Jutsu) "" *PUFF**PUFF**PUFF* 10 clones appear in front of Hayato " Let"s disperse, when some one of you find the bandits dispeal the jutsu, that way the others we know the location, now go! " "Alright! "x10

Hayato and the clones began to run in different directions. Hayato keep running in the same direction for some time. In his way he encounter a huge strange wolf

" That wolf looks great, but i don"t really think that he is a wolf " the wolf had spiky black hair, blue eyes and very long teeth, that making him look majestic and aggressive

The wolf turns to look Hayato and starts to growl at him, showing him his long teeth covered with saliva

" You want to attack me, well then, come! " Hayato takes out his katana and he activates his Sharingan

The wolf began to run in a great speed toward Hayato, when the wolf is a few meters near Hayato he makes a jump forward with his mouth wide open ready to bite the head of Hayato

Hayato jumps and he makes the same move that Minato does against Tobi, he tries to stab the wolf"s back with his katana and *CLANK* the katana didn"t penetrate the skin of the wolf. Hayato land and the wolf turn to see him again

" This wolf has the skin like steel, but i still can cut him " Hayato activates his Demoniac transformation and " Chidori " He covers his katana with his Chidori and then some memories come to Hayato"s mind

" Hmm!, they find the bandits, but i need to concentrate in this wolf "

The wolf growls again and does something that makes Hayato surprise . " That"s amazing "

The wolf starts covering his body with a black and blue lightning, his eyes began to shine and then he start to attack again "* WOOF! *" The wolf send a thunderbolt with a bark.

Hayato jumps to his left side *BOOM* some trees explodes by the thunderbolt, Hayato makes a grin " This wolf is really impressive, he can do this kind of damage, but i"m not over yet " Hayato does hand seals " Kage Bunshin No Jutsu (Shadow Clone Jutsu) " *PUFF* 2 clones appear in each side of Hayato

Hayato jumps a little bit forward and the clones to the sides of the wolf " Get ready!, Chidori Senbon! " Hayato aims to the eyes of the wolf and hundreds of lightning needles goes to him

*TING**TING* the lightning needles bounce before they reach the eyes of the wolf but " I know that that isn"t going to work, but at least i will distract his vision for a few seconds "

Hayato keep attacking the wolf with his Chidori Senbon, when the clones finish making hand seals " Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu! ( Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu )x2 "" Two ma.s.sive fire spheres attack the wolf for both sides *BOOM* a huge fire covers the area where the wolf was.

When the fire and smoke dissipates the wolf is still there growling at Hayato but the lightning that covers him looks weaker than before " It seems that this wolf is more powerful than i think, i just need to wait some time until the clones finish the bandits "


The bandits have their camp base near a cave, around the cave are some bandits and various tents

" Well, i find the bandits, now is time to disappear " *PUFF* the clone disappear and in a few minutes, 9 clones arrive

" Where is the original " One of the clones ask the others

" He still doesn"t arrive, let"s start without him, the bandits are quite weak, so we don"t have to worry " One clone makes a serious expression

" let"s divide, use all the power you had to kill them, when the bandit leader arrives let"s kill him together " The clones activates their Sharingan and Demoniac transformation, they jump in different directions surrounding the camp base of the bandits

The clones began their attack and the first that die where the bandits in the edge of the camp

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

" We are under attack!!, call the boss!! " One ugly bandit yells as loud as he could making the other bandits alert but is already late " Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu! ( Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu )x6 ""

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

" Chidori Senbon x3 "

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

The bandits keep dying like ants and a few seconds of screams, someone yells with a lot of fury " WHO THE F*CK DARES TO ATTACK MY BROTHERS!!!! "

A tall bulky man with a scar in his face comes out of the cave, he had bald head and a great axe in his right hand

One clone approaches the bulky man and with a mockenly grin he says " What"s wrong old b.a.s.t.a.r.d do you never see someone stepping on some ants "

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

" And with that you are the only one left " other clone appear from the left side of the bulky man. the bulky man looks surprise when more of them arrive, until he was surrounded

" b.a.s.t.a.r.ds who the h.e.l.l are you " the bulky man makes a angry and helpless expression

" You can say that we are adventurers " All the clones say at the same time the bulky man looks very angry and then he raises his axe " Great Speed Boost!, Slayer Slash! " the bulky man jumps to the clone infront of him *BAM* the axe destroys the grund by the impact and he hit the clone

" I don"t gonna die without killing one of two of you " the bulky man makes a cold grin

"Oh, really? " the clone who was in the ground say in sarcasm and *PUFF* he disappear leaving smoke in his place

" What?!....Ha! " the bulky man surprise and jump evading one of the clones that was trying to stab him but at mid air the other 6 clones stab him in every part of his body and finally he falls on the ground, almost dead

" " one of the clones approaches him " Don"t take this personally " and he chops his head off

[ "Bing!, You receive 1000 System Points" ]

" Well, they where as the same as the other bandits, now let"s retrieve the head of this bald to the original and then... " All the bodies of the clones shock in surprise " What"s with that wolf, is so powerful "

" Don"t worry with the points we made the original can beat him, now let"s retrieve the head "


Memories arrive in an instant to hayato"s mind but when he was about to speak with Syt the wolf began to attack

The wolf raises his hairs in every direction *WOOF* thousands of lightning needles fly in all directions the two clones that were near the wolf vanished with the attack

Hayato evades almost every needle, but he has superficial cuts in his face and arms his clothes are intact

The wolf opens his mouth wide and a sphere of lightning began to form

" Syt quickly!, i want to buy the Full Counter of Meliodas! " The body of Hayato shines for a second

[ "-20,000 System Points" ]

[ "Ting !, congratulations, you unlocked: Full Counter, Meliodas version" ]

[ "You still have: 11,400 System Points" ]

The wolf shots the lightning sphere to Hayato destroying everything in his path

" Full Counter!! " Hayato screams and waves his katana against the lightning sphere making the sphere come back where it came from, the wolf didn"t have time to react and *BOOM!!*

After some minutes, Hayato realizes that something wasn"t good " Why i didn"t receive System Points, at least!! " Hayato runs to the crater he make with the Full Counter and the wolf is still there weak but alive

" Who the h.e.l.l are you, human " The wolf began to speak leaving Hayato speechless

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