The Locked System

Chapter 12

The wolf stands up with some difficult, he still had an aggressive look but he didn"t have the intention to attack Hayato, maybe he know that he can"t beat him

" Tell me who are you human ? " the wolf repeats again his question returning Hayato back to the reality, She have the sweet voice of a mature woman and she speaks without moving his mouth

" So this wolf is a female, i didn"t even notice it, when she first speak to me "

" My name is Hayato " Hayato responds in a calm voice

" Tell me what are you doing here, you come here to kill me, like the rest of your kind " The wolf exudes angry and hate with her voice

" No, i was just pa.s.sing by. In the search of some bandits i ended in front of you and you are the one who try to kill me " Hayato speaks in a cold voice " Now what, you are going to try to kill me again "

" So, you mean that you are not here for me " The wolf looks surprise at Hayato

" I don"t going to say it again, but i have to say that you are really amazing wolf " say Hayato with a grin

" I"m not a wolf my name is #$%$# and i"m the divine beast of lightning " The wolf says something incomprehensible

" Your name is what?, and even if you say that, for me you are just a wolf " Hayato makes fun of the wolf

" Grrr " The wolf starts shing in a dark blue light and she transform into a beautiful naked woman who had blue eyes, black long hair, snow white skin, red lips and a very s.e.xy body

" Wow, she is more beautiful that that princess " Hayato surprises at see her naked but he played cool ".....For being the divine beast of lightning, you are weak " Hayato close his eyes and shakes his head

" Grr.. of course im weak i only have 25 years old and my name is something that humans can"t say!, so you didn"t hear wrong!, you can call me Dye! " Dye growls after Hayato called her weak

" So your power doesn"t matured yet, right? " Hayato grins

" Yes im a still a teenager so…... What!? " 9 exact copies of Hayato arrive next to them one have the head of a bald human under his arm. Dye looks very surprise at the arriving clones and then the one who had the head under his arm walks toward Hayato giving him the head

" What exactly is this human, i destroy some of them before, but i can"t see their bodies anywhere near and now more of them arrive " Dye was very surprise what happen next shock her even more *PUFF* All the clones disappear after giving Hayato the head of the bald man, Dye opens her eyes wide and then Hayato leaves, ignoring her completely and then she began to following him

" Why are you following me " Hayato doesn"t turn around to see Dye but he hear her behind him

" I think that you are interesting human, your eyes change and the mark on your forehead disappear, you are human, right? " Dye asks Hayato with doubt

" Something like that " Hayato avoids her question and keep walking without looking her

" Grrr… don"t be so cold or i beat you " Dye growls at hayato but she keeps following him, Hayato turns to see her and he grins mockenly " Grrr " Dye growls with anger in her eyes

" Why do you keep following me, you are not scared that i will kill you in some point " Hayato release some killing intent making Dye shiver a little but then she makes a little smile

" If you really want that, you could kill me before, no? " Dye keeps her smile

" .....*SIGH* you are right, i think i feel pity for you " Hayato turns around again and he keeps walking

" Hehe " Dye keeps following him two or three steps behind him until she speaks again " Do you want to be my partner? " She says with a happy voice

" Your, what? " Hayato stops walking and he turns around

" My partner, i will protect you and you will protect me " Dye smiles brightly and with that she become the third woman in his life that shows him a true smile

" She really want that, well i will become his partner but i don"t gonna lower my guard "

" Okay, we become partners but you have to listen everything i say " Hayato turns around he began to walk

" Okay! " She runs toward Hayato. She embraces and bites him in the neck from behind. Hayato feels the bite and something really big and soft in his back

" ....!!??, What are you doing?! " Hayato is not impressed by the bite, he is impressed by the embrace she gives him. After a couple of seconds she separates from him

" That"s a contract with a divine beast like me, what are you talking about " Dye makes a innocent face

Hayato looks at his shoulder and there the bite changes into three black lines like () " so this is a contract with a beast now i need something important to do with her

" Syt i want to buy the school uniform that Rias Gremory use all the time " Hayato whispers

[ "-2,500 System Points" ]

[ "You still have: 8,900 System Points" ]

A school uniform with white long sleeved b.u.t.ton down shirt, a black ribbon on her shirt collar, worn under a black shoulder cape and a matching b.u.t.ton down corset, a magenta skirt with white accents and brown dress shoes over white crew length socks appears in front of Hayato

" Put this " Hayato throws the uniform to Dye but she doesn"t look happy

" Grrr!... Why i feel more comfortable like this! " She ask in a angry tone

" Just do it " Hayato says in a cold voice but he has a red face

Dye starts to put the clothes reluctantly and when she finish Hayato was very impressive by her looks " She looks like Akeno, just her eyes are different "

" How uncomfortable " Dye starts to move in a really weird way trying to adjust to the clothes

" Well, now let"s go we going back to the city" Hayato turns around and he walks with Dye behind him smiling

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