The Locked System

Chapter 13

Hayato keeps walking through the forest, with a decapitated head under his left arm and Dye walking in his right side. Hayato knowns that for some time Dye was watching him, until she speaks again

" So, Hayato you are some kind of Demon a Human or something else? " Dye start questioning Hayato again, she seems very interested in Hayato origins

" I am a Human ..... for now " Hayato responds her, a little bit serious this time

" What do you mean, for now? " Dye makes a surprise face

Hayato grins " You will know later. But for now tell me, have you seen demons before " now he began to questioning her

" Grr..that"s not an answer!, and yes i see demons before maybe two or three of them " Dye was angry for some seconds, but she put a happy expression the next moment

" And they are powerful? " Hayato starts to grin with expectation

" I don"t remember, hehe " Dye scratches her head and loughs

" *SIGH* forget it, now let"s return to the city " Hayato ignores her and keeps walking

Hayato and Dye keep walking for some kilometers till Dye stops suddenly

" Hmm… Hayato there is three people in front of us " Dye says with a careless expression, it seems that the three people are weak

" Let"s ignore them " Hayato didn"t even stop and Dye began to following him, when they encounter the people face to face Hayato grins coldly

" I know it, this guy is really a fool, even after i beat him so bad he comes to get his revenge " the guy isn"t other that Bennett, he looks completely fine, like he never was beaten before, but his face has pure hate when he sees Hayato

Bennett was with two men that have the same facial features than him, but their ages are different, one looks around 25 and the other about 30

" Uncles, he is the one who beat me! " Bennett points at Hayato and he yells then the two men move forward and they put out their swords

" Kid, you are going to pay with your life for humiliate the great house of Brywood " One of the men say with a ruthless face, but the three of them froze in the spot after seeing Dye they almost start to drool

" Kid hand over that woman and we let you live " The man around 30 years say in a l.u.s.tful face

" But uncle he... " Bennett seems desperate to get his revenge but the man around 25 interrupts him

" Shut up, now stay back " He makes an angry face to Bennett. Bennett retreats back reluctantly

" Grr.. stupid humans! " Dye was disgusted with the way they look at her

" Hehehe, i like you woman now come here and... " The man around 30 years old lough l.u.s.tfully, but just before he finish speak, the three of them feel a great killing intent concentrating on them, even Dye was surprise

" It seems that you are forgetting something, don"t you think " Hayato activates his Sharingan and Demoniac transformation, the three members of the Brywood family looks at him with fear and surprise

Bennett was walking backwards shaking with fear, he even p.i.s.sed his pants. His uncles, on the other hand began to turn serious

" d.a.m.n you!, what the h.e.l.l are you kid! " The man of 25 years ald was the first to move " Great Speed Boost!!, Consecutive Slayer Slash!!, i am a Intermediate Super Warrior a member of the great Brywood family!, i"m not gonna retreat for just a strange kid with red eyes! he jumps with his sword shining directly toward Hayato in a try to stab him

" Chidori " Hayato raises his katana and *TING* both swords collide the other man arrives swinging his sword but Hayato jumps evading the sword, he rolls in mid air cut the man of 25 years in half from up to down, then he kicks the stomach of the other man sending him back a few meters

[ "Bing!, You receive 1000 System Points" ]

" You b.a.s.t.a.r.d!!!, you kill my brother!!! " the man have so much hatred in his eyes

" Uncle let"s go back with father, maybe he can do something " Bennett was very scared and he wanted to run, but now that one of his uncles die, he knows that is a matter of time before the other dies

" Hehehe, what a pathetic humans " Dye loughs mockenly of Bennett and his uncle

" SHUT UP, YOU F*CKING WOMAN!!!! " The man yells with anger

"Uncle don"t do it you will die! " Bennett yells in panic, but his voice doesn"t arrive his uncle

" Argh!.. Blazing Warrior!! " The veins of the body of the man start to shine in a red light, his muscles began to grow and his body began to change in size

" Hayato, that is a technique that multiplies the strength, but if the body is not strong enough they will die, it seems that this man wanted to kill you at any cost " Dye says carelessly

"Umm, i see, maybe he will become a great match, well now, Kage Bunshin No Jutsu (Shadow Clone Jutsu) " *PUFF**PUFF* 6 clones appear on both sides Bennett and his uncle lok at Hayato with surprise but Dye seems to understand something

" DIIIIIEEEEEE!!!! " The man jumps to one of the clones crushing it with his sword and *PUFF* the clone disappeared

" You want some help Hayato, hehe " Dye makes fun of Hayato

" I can do it, just watch for the coward behind this man " Hayato was a little angry with Dye, but he began to make hand seals and then, " Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu! ( Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu ) " the fire sphere engulfed the man, after a couple of seconds, the man was revealed and he had serious burns in his body but he still wanted to attack him

" YOU WILL DIE KID! " the man jumps toward Hayato again

Hayato jumps backwards before the man reaches him, the other clones attack him for both sides " Chidori Senbon x5 " they turn him into a hedgehog, but he keeps moving sending sword slashes and punches to Hayato but no one of them hit him

" Just give up old man you can hit me " Hayato makes fun of him " This man have the same strength as the princess right now, so is impossible to him to even touch me " The man keeps attacking Hayato for a couple of minutes and then his body become normal and he falls in his knees breathing with difficult

" Haa...haa….haa……." Hayato approaches the man before he dies from the exhaustion and he stabs the heart of the man with his katana

[ "Bing!, You receive 1000 System Points" ]

" The same system points like the other one, why Syt " Hayato was confused this man was stronger than the other one, but he receive the same quant.i.ty of system points

[ "Well he use a technique to increase his power, but his base power was the same as the other one, that means he worth the same" ]

" I see, now is his turn " Hayato turns to see Bennett who was in denied, but when he feels the eyes of Hayato on him, he turns around to run as fastest as he can

When Bennett turns around a beautiful woman was smiling at him, but for Bennett was a smile of a devil. The beautiful woman was Dye she put her hand over the head of Bennett and she covers his entire body with a blue lightning, Bennett didn"t have the time to scream

When he become a carbonized body she release him and turn to see Hayato she put her index finger in her mouth and she ask him

" Can i eat them " Dye says with a little hope but

" ..... No " Hayato narrows his eyes and responds her in a cold voice " I almost forget that she isn"t human "

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