The Locked System

Chapter 14

Dye have an angry expression and she make a pout

" Why not, they are already dead, so it doesn"t matter if i eat them! " Dye narrows her eyes and she shows her teeth to Hayato

" It will be disgusting to see a human been eaten by a beautiful woman " Hayato and the clones put the dead bodies together, he doesn"t turn to see her

" Grr.. I don"t gonna eat them like this, i will transform into a Divine Beast! " She keeps getting angry

" Enough, i will buy you something to eat when we arrive to the kingdom " Hayato turns to see her and he smile at her

" Really!, yay! " She smile brightly, like she was never angry

" She have a really unstable personality. Now i will destroy their bodies " Hayato starts to make hand seals at the same time as the clones "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu! ( Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu )x6 " Hayato and his clones Make the dead bodies ashes and then *PUFF* all the clones disappear

" let"s go back now, if someone ask you, you was a prisoner of the bandits " Hayto beside Dye and she follows him

" Ok " Dye just smile

Hayato and Dye are almost out of the forest, when Hayato notices that he never seen a monster or something like that in his way in and his way out

" Hey Dye, way there isn"t any monsters in this forest? " Hayato turns to see her

" Well that"s my fault, i don"t want to live in the same forest as orcs and goblins, so i exterminate them, hehe " Dye smile at him happily

" Aha, is good to know " Hayato say with sarcasm and shakes his head " I really like to see some monsters "

Hayato and Dye arrive to the kingdom gates where Wade and other two knights receive them

" Sir Hayato you finish your mission so quickly and i see you have the head of the bandit leader " Wade takes the head of the bandit leader and he starts to scan him "Yep, is him i see him a few times before" Wade returns the head to Hayato and he notices that the other knights are seeing a beautiful woman beside Hayato

" And who is this lady Sir Hayato " Wade was curious about the woman but for some reason he doesn"t seem attracted to her

" Oh, she was in the bandit camp so i rescue her and she say that she want to be my partner " Hayato says nonchalantly

" Mmm, well that"s ok, now let"s go to the Adventurers Guild, i will confirm the ident.i.ty of the bandit leader for you " Wade have a expression of doubt but he ignore that

Hayato, Wade and Dye began to walk to the Adventurers Guild, in the way Dye was attracting all the eyes of the males and Hayato all of the females, Wade only laughs awkwardly about that.When they arrive the same situation repeats inside the Adventurers Guild

Hayato and Wade approaches to one of the female receptionist and he began to speak to her

" I finish my mission i want to receive my reward " Hayto speak with a emotionless face, but the receptionist was in daze she was kinda cute but not like Dye

"*Cough**Cough*, Lady, im here to confirm the ident.i.ty of the bandit leader, so could you…" Wade return her to reality and he speaks

" Ah, y-yes can you give me your adventurer card and the proof of your mission " the receptionist surprises and she extended her hands to Hayato ignoring Wade

Hayato gives his purple card and he puts the head of the bandit leader in front of her, causing her turn blue from the shock

" Kyaaaa!!!! " The receptionist falls in her b.u.t.t and everyone in the Adventurers Guild turn to see what caused the commotion

" What happen lady, go quickly and bring the guild master " Say Wade seeing that she is afraid, he prefers to deal with the Guild Master

" Y-y-y-yes! " She get up and runs for the Guild Master, after some minutes the Guild Master arrive

" Haha, good to see you kid, Wade " The Guild Master loughs happily after seeing Hayato

" h.e.l.lo, you know Wade " Hayato looks surprised to both men

" Yes, i train him when he was a little kid haha " The Guild Master lough proudly

" I see, i"m here for the reward " Hayato doesn"t surprise

" You finish so fast, i think that will take you a couple of days to finish your mission " The Guild Master was in shock

" It wouldn"t take long, if i don"t waste my time finding the bandit camp " Hayato says in exasperation to the Guild Master

"Haha you really are something, now lets see what you got " The Guild Master tries to take the head of the bald man but Wade take it first

" I already check the ident.i.ty of the bandit leader, so you can give him the reward " Wade throws the head to the Guild Master

" Oh, ok this is the reward kid, go buy something to eat for that lady behind you " The Guild Master takes the head and he puts out a Gold Coin of his pocket and he points at Dye with a smile

Dye was watching the Adventurers eating and drinking, so she was drooling all the time

" *SIGH*, yes thank you, Wade, Guild Master if you excuse me i will leave now, let"s go Dye " Hayato only sighs and say goodbye to both men, he takes Dye by the hand and he starts to leave

" Ok! " Dye smiles at him and both leave the adventurers guild.

Behind Hayato and Dye. Wade and the Guild Master began to talk

" That kid is cold, but he is a good person " The Guild Master smiles

" Yes, he is, but is shame that he attract the attention of that f*cking princess " The voice of Wade sounds happy but when she mentions the princess hate starts to sound

" Watch your mouth wade, she is ur princess " The Guild Master reprimands Wade in a serious voice

" Humph, you don"t know her true face, so you can"t say nothing to defend her " Wade turns to see the Guild Master with anger in his eyes

" *SIGH*, i know how you feel about the n.o.bles after what happened to Veronica, but remember revenge isn"t going to revive her. The best thing you can do is live your live happy " The Guild Masters puts his hand in the shoulder of Wade

" Do you think i gonna stay quiet after that, no no no, i gonna kill that old b.a.s.t.a.r.d of the Brywood family and his f*cking wife " Wade clenches his fist so hard, that the armor he is wearing began to make crack sounds

" Wade you know i think of you as a son and.... " The Guild Master put a sad expression, but he didn"t finish speak

" Enough, i have things to do, so, goodbye " Wade says with anger and he leaves the Adventurers Guild

" *SIGH* please don"t make something stupid wade " The Guild Master shakes his head with sadness, after seeing the back of Wade

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